Information for Realtidsystem, 7.5HP. Sept. - Nov. 2008
Real-Time Systems, 2008 HT
Wang Yi
Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University
You may check the previous exams here:
; but please don't count on that we will have the "same" problems for the coming exam on Monday.
Please return the LegoBox before the end of October; the next RT course needs them.
I have updated my lecture notes (slightly) on scheduling of periodic tasks.
Final Exam, October 20, 9.00-14.00, Gimogatan 4, Sal 1
My ppt-slides can be downloaded now (check the schedule below). //Wang, Sept 4.
You may have a look at
an example exam (ps-file) from 2003.
- START, Sept 2, 2008, 10.15-12, room 1211, Polacksbacken
The aim of the course is to introduce a special class of
time-sensitive computer systems known as real-time systems whose
behaviour must satisfy timing-constraints (i.e. deadlines). They are
often embedded in safety-critical applications such as modern
vehicles, process control, and traffic control etc, and therefore they
are also known as embedded systems.
The course covers topics:
- Real-Time Operating Systems
- Real Time Programming Languages
- Scheduling Theory and Resource Management
- Worst-Case Execution Time and Response Time Analysis
- Real-Time Communication and Distributed Systems
- Design and Validation (Modeling, Verification and Testing)
- Fault Tolerance and Recovery
Wang Yi
room: 1235, email:
Pavel Krcal
room: 1217, email:
Simon Tschirner
room: 1218, email:
Real-Time Systems and Programming Languages,
Alan Burns and Andy Wellings, Addison Wesley, 2001.
Hard Real Time Computing Systems - Predictable Scheduling Algorithms and
Applications, Giorgio Buttazzo, Springer, 2005.
Real Time Systems,
Jane W.S. Liu, Prentice Hall, 2000.
Notes (pdf) by Hanssoon and Tindell
Lecture Notes by Wang (available during the course)
Reading Instructions
- The text book by Giorgio C Buttazzo:
- Chap 1 - 5, 7.1-7.4
- Chap 9.1-9.6
- Chap 11
- The text book by Jane W. S. Liu:
- Chap 1 read through
- Chap 2 read all sections
- Chap 3 read 3.1-3.4 and read through 3.5-3.9
- Chap 4 read all sections except 4.8
- Chap 5 read all sections
- Chap 6 read all sections
- Chap 7 read through all sections except 7.4, 7.8 and 7.9
- Chap 8 read all sections except 8.9 and 8.10
- Chap 9 read all sections except 9.7
- Chap 12 read 12.1-12.3
- The text book by Burns and Wellings:
(software packages for course assignments)
Ada (RT programming language)
LegOS (RT Operating System)
(Schedulability analysis)
UPPAAL (Modelling and Verification)
- Week 36
- Week 37
- Week 38
- Week 39
- Week 40
- Mon 29 Sep 08:15-10:00 Pol_1211, Lab Introduction (FpsCal)
- Thu 2 Oct 10:15-12:00 Pol_1211,
Virtualized Embedded System Development
Industrial Guest Lecture, Dr. Jakob Engblom, Virtutech AB
You may also check
Jokob Engblom's slides
if you are interested in
multicores and embedded systems,
Industrial Seminar, Oct 2, 13:15-14:00 Pol_1213,
by Dr. Jakob Engblom, Virtutech AB
- Fri 3 Oct 08:15-12:00 Pol_1515D, Lab 3, Response time analysis
- Week 41
- Mon 6 Oct 13:15-15:00 Pol_1211, Context switch, jitters, resource sharing, and also
periodic servers
- Tue 7 Oct 10:15-12:00 Pol_1211,
- Wed 8 Oct 08:15-10:00 Pol_1211, Lab introduction: UPPAAL
- Thu 9 Oct 08:15-12:00 Pol_1515D, Lab 4, Modeling and analysis with UPPAAL
- Week 42
- Week 43
- Final Exam, October 20, 9.00-14.00, Gimogatan 4, Sal 1
Wang Yi
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