Compiler Design I (Kompilatorteknik I)

Course in IT4, KandDv3, MastersIn1 (code: 1DL321)

Note: If you spot any errors or problems in this page, please send me an e-mail as soon as possible. Thanks!

News Course Information Schedule Assignments Examinations


11/1/2013 The exams have been corrected and the results are on a page announced in a mail sent from studentportalen. They will be available at the Kansliet starting Wednesday 16/1/2013.
19/12/2012 The first examination of the course is scheduled for January 11th, 2013 between 8:00 and 13:00 and will take place in BMC A3:2. Please note that it is not in Polacksbacken!
18/12/2012 All assignments submitted within the early deadline have been corrected and distributed back to students, often in class. The remaining ones can be collected from the orange dossier on the shelves opposite room 1357. Information about the results appears in studentportalen.
1/12/2012 The third assignment is out. Early deadline is 14/12/2012, before 17:00. (Late deadline is the date of the first exam: 11/1/2013.)
12/11/2011 The second assignment is out. Early deadline is 30/11/2012, before 17:00. (Late deadline is the early deadline of the third assignment.)
9/11/2012 Added link to assignment 1 of last year and example solutions.
1/11/2011 The first assignment is out. Early deadline is 16/11/2012, before 17:00. (Late deadline is the early deadline of the second assignment.)
31/10/2012 Course home page created.

Course Information

Schedule by Date, Reading Suggestions and Lecture Slides

Day Time Room Type Topics Covered Reading Suggestions Slides
Mon Oct 29 13–15 1111 lecture 1 Introduction to compilation D: 1.1–1.6 pdf pdf
Wed Oct 31 13–15 1211 lecture 2 Introduction to lexical analysis D: 2.6, 3.1, 3.3 pdf pdf
Thu Nov 1 10–12 1111 lecture 3 Implementation of lexical analysis D: 3.6–3.8 pdf pdf
Tue Nov 6 15–17 1111 lesson 1 Exercises on lexical analysis Assignment 1 of 2011
Thu Nov 8 10–12 1111 lecture 4 Introduction to parsing D: 4.1–4.3 pdf pdf
Fri Nov 9 13–15 1111 lecture 5 Abstract syntax trees & Top-down parsing D: 4.4 pdf pdf
Tue Nov 13 10–12 1111 lecture 6 Bottom-up parsing D: 4.5 pdf pdf
Wed Nov 14 13–15 1311 lesson 2 Exercises on grammars and top-down parsing Assignment 2 of 2011
Thu Nov 15 13–15 1111 lecture 7 LR-parsing See lecture 6
Fri Nov 16 13–15 1111 lecture 8 Construction of LR parsers & LALR parser generators D: 4.7, 4.8 pdf pdf
Mon Nov 19 10–12 1111 lecture 9 Introduction to semantic analysis pdf pdf
Wed Nov 21 13–15 1311 lecture 10 Symbol tables & scope checking pdf pdf
Thu Nov 22 10–12 1111
Fri Nov 23 13–15 1111 lesson 3 Exercises on bottom-up parsing Assignment 2 of 2011
Mon Nov 26 10–12 1111 lecture 11 Type checking pdf pdf
Tue Nov 27 10–12 1111 lecture 12 Runtime enviroments pdf pdf
Thu Nov 29 13–15 1311 lecture 13 Code generation pdf pdf
Fri Nov 30 8–10 1111
Mon Dec 3 13–15 1311 lecture 14 Code generation & Parameter passing pdf pdf
Wed Dec 5 13–15 1111 lecture 15 Intermediate code & Local optimizations D: 9.4, 9.9, 10.1-10.3 pdf pdf
Thu Dec 6 13–15 1111
Fri Dec 7 10–12 1311 lesson 4 Exercises on runtime organization and code generation Assignment 3 of 2011
Tue Dec 11 15–17 1111 lecture 16 Global optimization D: 9.1.1–9.1.6, 9.2, 9.4 pdf pdf
Wed Dec 12 10–12 1111 lecture 17 Global register allocation D: 8.8 pdf pdf
Thu Dec 13 13–15 1111 lesson 5 Exercises on global optimization and register allocation Assignment 3 of 2011
Fri Jan 11 8–13 Hus 5 Examination



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