Bibliography of Christer Oscar Kiselman
Christer Oscar
The bibliography is also available as a
pdf file.
1. Theses
- 64-1. Existens och approximation av holomorfa
lösningar till randproblem i konvexa områden.
[Existence and approximation of holomorphic solutions to boundary
problems in convex domains. In Swedish.] Thesis for the Degree
of Filosofie licentiat, submitted to Stockholm University.
[Approved on 1964 March 21. Part of the results were published in 65-1.]
- 66-1. Studies in Analytic Functionals and Functions of
Exponential Type. Summary of Doctoral Dissertation, submitted to
Stockholm University, 1966. [Defended on 1966 December 03. The
thesis consists of a short summary and the publications 65-1, 65-2 and
2. Mathematics
2.1. Mathematical publications
- 65-1. Existence and approximation theorems for solutions of complex
analogues of boundary problems. Arkiv för matematik 6
(1967), 193–207 (1965, 1966).
- 65-2. On unique supports of analytic functionals. Arkiv för
matematik 6 (1967), 307–318 (1965, 1966).
- 67-1. On entire functions of exponential type and indicators of analytic
functionals. Acta Mathematica 117 (1967), 1–35.
- 68-1. Functionals on the space of solutions to a differential equation
with constant coefficients. The Fourier and Borel transformations.
Mathematica Scandinavica 23 (1968), 27–53.
- 68-2. Existence of entire functions of one variable with
prescribed indicator. Arkiv för matematik 7 (1969),
505–508 (1968).
- 68-3. Compacts d'unicité pour les fonctionnelles analytiques en
une variable. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences (Paris),
Série A, 266 (1968), 661–663.
- 68-4. Supports des fonctionnelles sur un espace de solutions
d'une équation aux dérivées partielles à
coefficients constants. In: Séminaire Pierre Lelong
(Analyse) Année 1967-68, pp. 118–126.
Lecture Notes in Mathematics 71. Springer-Verlag, 1968.
- 69-1. Prolongement des solutions d'une équation aux
dérivées partielles à coefficients constants.
Bulletin de la Société mathématique de
France 97 (1969), 329–356.
- 70-1. Cegrell, U[rban]; Kiselman, C[hrister] O. Några
anmärkningar om summabiliter [Some remarks on summability
methods]. Nordisk Matematisk Tidskrift 18 (1970),
- 72-1. Gruman, Lawrence; Kiselman, Christer O. Le problème
de Levi dans les espaces de Banach à base. Comptes Rendus
de l'Académie des Sciences (Paris), Série A,
274 (1972), 1296–1299.
- 76-1. On the radius of convergence of an entire function in a normed
space. Annales Polonici Mathematici 33 (1976), 39–55.
- 77-1. Geometric aspects of the theory of bounds for entire
functions in normed spaces. In: Infinite Dimensional Holomorphy and
Applications (M. C. Matos, Ed.), pp. 249–275. North-Holland
Mathematics Studies 12, 1977.
- 77-2. Fonctions delta-convexes, delta-sousharmoniques et
delta-plurisousharmoniques. In: Séminaire Pierre
Lelong (Analyse) Année 1975/76, pp. 93–107. Lecture
Notes in Mathematics 578. Springer-Verlag, 1977.
- 77-3. Construction de fonctions entières à rayon de
convergence donné. In: Séminaire Pierre
Lelong (Analyse) Année 1975/76, pp. 246–253. Lecture
Notes in Mathematics 578. Springer-Verlag, 1977.
- 77-4. Supports des profonctionnelles analytiques.
Équations aux dérivées partielles en dimension
infinie; Séminaire Paul Krée, 1975/76, No. 9; 7
pp. Paris, 1977.
- 77-5. Att åskådligöra komplexa avbildningar [How to visualize complex
mappings]. Elementa 60 (1977), 175–180.
- 77-6. La transformation de Legendre partielle pour les fonctions
plurisousharmoniques. Colloque d'Analyse Harmonique et
Complexe, Université Aix-Marseille I, Marseille, 1977. 5 pp.
- 78-1. The partial Legendre transformation for plurisubharmonic functions.
Inventiones Mathematicae 49 (1978), 137–148.
- 78-2. Sur la convexité linéelle. Anais da
Academia Brasileira de Ciências 50(4) (1978),
- 79-1. Plurisubharmonic functions and plurisubharmonic
topologies. Advances in Holomorphy (J. A. Barroso,
Ed.). North-Holland Mathematics Studies 34, 1979,
pp. 431–449.
- 79-2. Densité des fonctions plurisousharmoniques. Bulletin de
la Société Mathématique de France 107 (1979), 295–304.
- 80-1. The growth of restrictions of plurisubharmonic functions.
In: A tribute to Åke Pleijel on his retiring,
December 31, 1979, pp. 155–160. Uppsala: Uppsala
University, 219 pp.
- 81-1. How to recognize supports from the growth of functional
transforms in real and complex analysis. In: Functional Analysis,
Holomorphy, and Approximation Theory (S. Machado, Ed.),
pp. 366–372. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 843.
Springer-Verlag, 1981.
- 81-2. The growth of restrictions of plurisubharmonic
functions. Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Essays
dedicated to Laurent Schwartz (L. Nachbin, Ed.). Advances in
Mathematics Supplementary Studies, vol.
7B, pp. 435–454. Academic Press, 1981.
- 82-1. Stabilité du nombre de Lelong par restriction à une
sous-variété. In: Séminaire Pierre Lelong – Henri Skoda
(Analyse) Années 1980/81 et Colloque de Wimereux, Mai 1981,
pp. 324–336. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 919.
Springer-Verlag, 1982.
- 83-1. The use of conjugate convex functions in complex analysis.
Complex Analysis. J. Lawrynowicz & J. Siciak, Eds. Banach Center
Publications, vol. 11, pp. 131–142. PWN, Warszawa, 1983.
- 83-2. The growth of compositions of a plurisubharmonic function
with entire mappings. In: Analytic Functions
Błażejewko 1982, pp. 257–263. Lecture Notes in
Mathematics 1039. Springer-Verlag, 1983.
- 84-1. Croissance des fonctions plurisousharmoniques en dimension infinie.
Annales de l'Institut Fourier de l'Université de Grenoble
34 (1984), 155–183.
- 84-2. Sur la définition de l'opérateur de
Monge–Ampère complexe. In: Analyse Complexe;
Proceedings of the Journées Fermat – Journées
SMF, Toulouse 1983, pp. 139–150. Lecture Notes in
Mathematics 1094. Springer-Verlag, 1984.
- 86-1. How smooth is the shadow of a smooth convex body? Journal of
the London Mathematical Society (2) 33 (1986), 101–109.
- 86-2. Dimensioner bortom och mellan de vanliga [Dimensions
beyond and between the usual ones]. Strukturerna bakom mönstren;
NFR:s årsbok 1986, pp. 8, 39–50, 142. Stockholm:
Naturvetenskapliga forskningsrådet, 1986.
- 87-1. Un nombre de Lelong raffiné. Séminaire d'Analyse
Complexe et Géométrie 1985–87, 61–70. Faculté des Sciences de
Tunis & Faculté des Sciences et Techniques de Monastir, 1987.
- 87-2. Smoothness of vector sums of plane convex sets. Mathematica
Scandinavica 60 (1987), 239–252.
- 89-1. La kultura signifo de la matematiko. Tutmondaj Sciencoj
kaj Teknikoj, No. 3/4, October 1989, pp. 44–50 (Esperanto);
pp. 51–55 (Chinese); Ponteto, No. 119, October 1990,
pp. 2–13 (Japanese and Esperanto); Fréttabréf
Íslenzka stærðfræðafélagsins,
June 1994, pp. 35–44 (Icelandic).
PS -
The Chinese translation was made by
Chen Feng-zhi and revised by Zhang Dawei. It was revised again in
2001 by Zhang Dawei and this new version is available here in PDF
- 89-2. Gaussiska primtal [Gaussian primes].
In: Välj specialarbete i matematik: idéer till
specialarbeten i matematik för gymnasister: samlade som en del av
FRN-projektet Information om högskolan i gymnasiet,
pp. 195–202. Djursholm: Institut Mittag-Leffler 1989, viii +
357 pp. ISBN 91-7170-851-0.
- 90-1. Kiselman, Christer; Nordström, Kurt. A mathematical
analysis of the kinetics of duplex formation. The EMBO Journal
9, No. 11 (1990), 3783–3785. [Kurt Nordström
was born on 1935 November 03 and died on 2011 August 13.]
- 91-1. Tangents of plurisubharmonic functions. International
Symposium in Memory of Hua Loo Keng (Gong Sheng, Lu Qi-keng, Wang
Yuan & Yang Lo, Eds.). Vol. II, pp. 157–167. Science Press and
Springer-Verlag, 1991.
PS -
- 91-2. A study of the Bergman projection in certain Hartogs domains.
Several Complex Variables and Complex Geometry (E. Bedford, J. P.
D'Angelo, R. E. Greene & S. G. Krantz, Eds.). Proceedings of Symposia in Pure
Mathematics, vol. 52 (1991), Part 3, pp. 219–231.
PS -
- 92-1. La teoremo de Siu por abstraktaj nombroj de Lelong. In:
Aktoj de Internacia Scienca Akademio Comenius, vol. 1,
pp. 56–65. Beijing, 1992. ISBN 7-5052-0042-9.
PS -
- 92-2. Regularity classes for operations in convexity theory. Kodai
Mathematical Journal 15 (1992), 354–374.
PS -
- 93-1. Order and type as measures of growth for convex or entire
functions. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society (3) 66
(1993), 152–186.
PS -
- 94-1. Attenuating the singularities of plurisubharmonic
functions. Annales Polonici Mathematici 60 (1994),
PS -
- 94-2. Plurisubharmonic functions and their singularities.
Complex Potential Theory (P. M. Gauthier &
G. Sabidussi, Eds.). NATO ASI Series, Series C, Vol. 439,
pp. 273–323. Kluwer Academic Publishers 1994.
PS -
- 96-1. Lineally convex Hartogs domains. Acta Mathematica
Vietnamica 21 (1996), No. 1, 69–94.
PS -
- 96-2. Regularity of distance transformations in image analysis.
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 64 (1996),
No. 3, 390–398.
PS -
- 97-1. Duality of functions defined in lineally convex sets.
Universitatis Iagellonicae Acta Mathematica 35 (1997),
7–36. DVI - PS - PDF.
- 97-2. Matematiken i kulturen och kulturen i matematiken. [In
Swedish.] In: Annales Academiæ Regiæ Scientiarum
Upsaliensis, 1995-1996, 31 (1997), 41–50.
PS -
A translation into English by Magnus Carlehed, entitled The Cultural
Significance of Mathematics, is available:
PS -
- 98-1. A differential inequality characterizing weak lineal
convexity. Mathematische Annalen 311 (1998),
1–10. DVI - PS - PDF.
- 00-1. Ensembles de sous-niveau et images inverses des fonctions
plurisousharmoniques. Bulletin des Sciences mathématiques
124 (2000), 75–92. DVI - PS - PDF.
- 00-2. Plurisubharmonic functions and potential theory in several
complex variables. In: Development of Mathematics
1950–2000, edited by Jean-Paul Pier, pp. 655–714.
Birkhäuser, 2000.
PS -
- 00-3. Digital Jordan curve theorems. In: Discrete
Geometry for Computer Imagery. Gunilla Borgefors, Ingela
Nyström, Gabriella Sanniti di Baja, Eds., 9th International
Conference, DGCI 2000, Uppsala, Sweden, December 13–15, 2000,
pp. 46–55. Lecture Notes in Computer Science
1953. Springer, 2000.
PS -
- 02-1. A semigroup of operators in convexity theory.
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 354
(2002), 2035–2053 (electronically published by the AMS on 2002
January 08; print version published in May 2002).
DVI (154 kB) -
PS (343 kB) -
PDF (221 kB).
- 02-2. Generalized Fourier transformations: the work of Bochner
and Carleman viewed in the light of the theories of Schwartz and Sato.
In: Microlocal Analysis and Complex Fourier Analysis,
pp. 166–185. (Takahiro Kawai, Keiko Fujita, Eds.) Singapore:
World Scientific, 2002.
DVI (76 kB) -
PS (235 kB) -
PDF (231 kB).
- 03-1. La geometrio de la
komputila ekrano. In: Internacia Kongresa Universitato,
pp. 1–12. (Michela Lipari, Ed.) Rotterdam: Universala
Esperanto-Asocio, 2003. 83 pp.
- 03-2. Behnke–Peschl-villkoret är tillräckligt
för svag lineell konvexitet [The Behnke–Peschl
condition is sufficient for weak lineal convexity]. In:
Nordan Ett, p. 6. Abstracts from Nordan 1, held in Trosa
1997 March 14–16, 15 pp. [Stockholm: Stockholm University
- 04-1. Convex functions on discrete
sets. In: Combinatorial Image Analysis. 10th
International Workshop, IWCIA 2004; Auckland, New Zealand, December
1–3, 2004; Proceedings. R. Klette and J. Zunic, Eds.,
pp. 443–457. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3322
- 04-2. Digital Geometry and Mathematical Morphology.
Abstract. In: East African Universities Mathematics
Programme Workshop, Strengthening Inter-Universities Cooperation in
Mathematics in East Africa and Sweden, at the College of Physical and
Biological Sciences, University of Nairobi, 2003 March
18–21. p. 77. Nairobi: University of Nairobi, 2004.
- 05-1. Functions on discrete sets
holomorphic in the sense of Isaacs, or monodiffric functions of the
first kind. Science in China, Series A, Mathematics,
48 Supplement (2005), 86–96.
- 05-2. Subharmonic functions on
discrete structures. In: Harmonic Analysis, Signal
Processing, and Complexity. Festschrift in Honor of the 60th birthday
of Carlos A. Berenstein, pp. 67–80. Progress in Mathematics,
Vol. 238. Irene Sabadini, Daniele C. Struppa, David F. Walnut, Eds.,
2005, xi + 162 pp. ISBN: 0-8176-4358-3. Boston, Basel, Berlin:
- 05-3. Lineell konvexitet, C-konvexitet och konvexitet
[Lineal convexity, C-convexity, and convexity].
In: Nordan Fyra, p. 13. Abstracts from Nordan
4, held in Örnsköldsvik 2000 May 05–07, 18 pp.
[Stockholm: Stockholm University 2005.]
- 07-1. Enkonduko al distribucioj.
Acta Sanmarinensia, Volume VI, No. 4,
pp. 105–132. Academiae Internationalis Scientiarum
(AIS). Göttingen: Leins Verlag, 2007.
- 07-2. Division of mappings
between complete lattices. In: Mathematical Morphology and
its Applications to Signal and Image Processing. Proceedings of the
8th International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology, Rio
de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, October 10–13, 2007,
pp. 27–38. G. J. F. Banon; J. Barrera; U. de Mendonça
Braga-Neto, Eds. São José dos Campos, SP: MCT/INPE.
- 07-3. Urban Cegrells matematik
[Urban Cegrell's Mathematics]. In: Nordan Sju,
p. 10. Abstracts from Nordan 7, held in Visby 2003 May
23–25, 17 pp. [Stockholm: Stockholm University 2007.]
- 08-1. Minima locaux, fonctions
marginales et hyperplans séparants dans l'optimisation discrète.
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences Paris, Sér. I
346, 49–52.
- 08-2. Datorskärmens
geometri [The geometry of the computer screen].
In: Människor och matematik – läsebok
för nyfikna [People and Mathematics—a reading book
for the curious], Ola Helenius and Karin Wallby, Eds.,
pp. 211–229. Göteborg: Nationellt centrum för
matematikutbildning, NCM, 2008. ISBN 978-91-85143-08-5, 390 pp.
- 08-3. Functions on discrete sets
holomorphic in the sense of Ferrand, or monodiffric functions of the
second kind. Science in China, Series A, Mathematics,
April 2008, 51, No. 4, 604–619. The article is
available at Science China and at Springer.
- 08-4. Matematikens två
språk [The two languages of
mathematics]. In: Matematiska språk. Sju essäer
om symbolspråkets roll i matematiken [Mathematical
Languages. Seven Essays on the Role of Symbolic Language in
Mathematics.] Håkan Lennerstad; Christer Bergsten, Eds.,
pp. 19–42. Stockholm: Santérus Förlag 2008.
- 09-1. Vyacheslav Zakharyuta's complex
analysis . In: Functional Analysis and Complex
Analysis: International Conference on Functional Analysis and Complex
Analysis, September 17–21, 2007, Sabancı University,
Istanbul. Aydın Aytuna & al. Eds., pp. 1–15.
Contemporary Mathematics 481. Providence, RI: American
Mathematical Society 2009.
- 09-2. Frozen history: Reconstructing
the climate of the past. In: Alberto Cialdea; Flavia
Lanzara; Paolo Emilio Ricci, Eds., Analysis, Partial Differential
Equations and Applications. The Vladimir Maz'ya Anniversary
Volume, pp. 97–114. Series: Operator Theory, Advances and
Applications, vol. 193. Basel; Boston; Berlin: Birkhäuser.
- 10-1. Characterizing digital
straightness by means of difference operators. In: Cris
Luengo; Milan Gavrilovic, Eds., Proceedings SSBA 2010. Symposium
on Image Analysis, Uppsala, March 11–12, 2010,
pp. 15–18. ISSN 1100-6641.
- 10-2. Inverses and quotients of
mappings between ordered sets. Image and Vision Computing
28 (2010), 1429–1442.
- 10-3. Local minima, marginal functions,
and separating hyperplanes in discrete optimization. In:
Rajendra Bhatia, Ed., Abstracts: Short communications;
Posters. International Congress of Mathematicians, Hyderabad,
August 19–27, 2010, pp. 572–573.
- 10-4. Kiselman, Christer O.; Samieinia, Shiva. Convexity of marginal functions in the discrete
case. In: Shiva Samieinia (2010), Digital Geometry,
Combinatorics, and Discrete Optimization, published on 2010
December 15. PhD Thesis defended at Stockhom University on 2011
January 21.
- 11-1. Characterizing
digital straightness and digital convexity by means of difference
operators. Mathematika 57 (2011), 355–380.
[Paper submitted 2010-02-26; in revised form 2010-11-23. Accepted for
publication 2010-12-21. Published 2011-07-14. The published paper
contains an error, for which I am not responsible: On page 377,
Theorem 10.1, condition (G), the reference should be to [10], or
Kiselman (2004), not to [18].]
- 11-2. Les mathématiques de Nguyen
Thanh Van. Actes du colloque "Analyse Complexe et Applications"
en l'honneur de Nguyen Thanh Van. Annales de la Faculté des
Sciences de Toulouse, Mathématiques, (6), 20, Fascicule
Spécial, 19–32. (Submitted 2011-01-04. Accepted for
publication 2011-03-18. Issue received 2011-09-12.)
- 11-3. Analytic continuation of
fundamental solutions to differential equations with constant
coefficients. Actes du colloque "Analyse Complexe et Applications"
en l'honneur de Nguyen Thanh Van. Annales de la Faculté des
Sciences de Toulouse, Mathématiques, (6), 20, Fascicule
Spécial, 153–182. (Submitted 2010-10-19. Accepted for
publication 2010-12-20. Issue received 2011-09-12.)
- 12-1. Questions inspired by
Mikael Passare's mathematics (final manuscript, 19 pages).
Accepted on 2012 August 20 for publication in Afrika Matematika.
Published online 2012 October 27
(17 pages).
- 13-1. Diskreta kaj reela
optimumado. Prelegaro, Parto II. Internacia Simpozio "Apliko
de Esperanto en la profesia agado", pp. 72–84. Published in
2013; formal year of publication 2012. Karlovo: Akademio Internacia
de la Sciencoj. (Text based on a lecture in Karlovo in June 2009.)
- 14-1. Kiel rekoni rektojn kaj
strekojn inter ĉiuj kurboj kaj aliaj bildoj sur la komputila
ekrano?. Prelegaro, Volume II. Internacia Simpozio "Apliko de
Esperanto en la profesia agado", pp. 72–92. Published in
2014; formal year of publication 2013. Karlovo: Akademio Internacia
de la Sciencoj. (Text based on a lecture in Sopot on 2010 June 12.)
- 14-2. Questions inspired by
Mikael Passare's mathematics. (Print version of 12-1, published
2014 May 17.) Afrika Matematika 25, issue 2 (2014),
- 15-1. Euclid's straight lines.
Nordisk Matematisk Tidskrift (Normat) 60, No. 4
(2012), 145–169. (Received by the Editors on 2013 September 20;
accepted on 2013 October 09; published on 2015 April 02. For its
history before publication, see a
note on my experience.)
- 15-2. Estimates for solutions
to discrete convolution equations. Mathematika 61
(2015), issue 02, pp. 295–308 (published 2015 May 07; online
2015 April 16).
- 16-1. Weak lineal
convexity. In: Białas-Cież, Leokadia; Kosek,
Marta, Eds., Constructive Approximation of Functions. Banach
Center Publications, Polish Academy of Sciences, volume 107,
pp. 159–174. ISBN 978-83-86806-30-0. [Published in March
- 17-1. Kiselman, Christer O.; Uscka-Wehlou, Hania. Bråk
och språk — vad som är förnuftigt och logiskt
[Fractions and languages—what is rational and
logical]. Nämnaren (2017), No. 1, 45–49.
- 17-2. Domains of holomorphy for
Fourier transforms of solutions to discrete convolution
equations. Science China Mathematics 60, No. 6,
1005–1018 (2017 June), doi: 10.1007/s11425-015-9029-0). A
special issue in memory of Professor Qikeng Lu (1927 May 15 —
2015 August 31). (Submitted on 2015 December 31. Accepted on 2017
February 09. Published online by Science China 2017 February 23; by
Springer 2017 March 02.)
- 17-3. How to best fold a triangle. Mathematische
Semesterberichte, published online 2017 May 12 (doi:
10.1007/s00591-017-0192-5). (Submitted on 2016 December 28. Accepted
for publication on 2017 March 03.)
- 17-4. Kiselman, Christer O.; Uscka-Wehlou, Hania. Falska
vänner, vassa vrår och språkliga fällor [False
friends, sharp corners, and language traps].
Nämnaren (2017), No. 2. 43–51.
- 17-5. Kiselman, Christer O.; Samieinia, Shiva. Convexity of marginal functions
in the discrete case. In: Andersson, Mats; Boman,
Jan; Kiselman, Christer; Kurasov, Pavel; Sigurdsson, Ragnar,
Eds. 2017. Analysis Meets Geometry. The Mikael Passare Memorial
Volume, pp. 287–309. Cham: Birkhäuser. ISBN
978-3-319-52469-6. [Accepted for publication on 2015 April 11.]
- 17-6. Discrete convolution operators, the Fourier
transformation, and its tropical counterpart: the Fenchel
transformation. In: Kasozi, Juma; Nannyonga Kivumbi, Betty;
Mirumbe, Geoffrey I., Eds. (2017), Proceedings of the Third EAUMP
Conference: Advances in Mathematics and Its Applications, Makerere
University, Kampala, Uganda, 26th to 28th October 2016,
pp. 7–28. Kampala: Makerere University, xv + 350 pp.
- 18-1. How to best fold a
triangle. Mathematische
Semesterberichte, 65(1), 65–89. (Print version of
- 18-2. Digita geometrio,
matematika morfologio kaj diskreta optimumado. 69
pp. Lecture notes published online 2018 March 05 at, following a course held in Warsaw, 2017
September 10–15 during the 34th University Session of the
International Academy of Sciences San Marino (AIS), and held at
Warszawska Szkoła Zarządzania, Szkoła
- 19-1. Generalized convexity: The
case of lineally convex Hartogs domains. Annales Polonici
Mathematici 123, 319–344. (Submitted 2018
September 29; in revised form 2019 March 18; accepted for
publication 2019 April 03; published online 2019 July 31; print
version published 2019 October 29.)
- 20-1. Lingvoj kaj scienco. In: Komarnicka,
Małgorzata J., Ed., V Międzynarodowe Sympozjum:
Język Esperanto – Rozwijanie osobowości ludzkich na
etapie młodości i trzeciego wieku – systemy
edukacyjne, pp. 100–121. Proceedings of the Fifth
International Symposium held in May 2019 in Wrocław, 138 pp.
Published by Ars Libri Introligatornia, Wydawnictwo s.c. Lublin, under
the auspices of Uniwersytet Wrocławski and Europejskie Centrum
Edukacji Międzykulturowej. ISBN 978-83-954307-1-8.
- 20-2. Języki i nauka. In: Komarnicka,
Małgorzata J., Ed., V Międzynarodowe Sympozjum:
Język Esperanto – Rozwijanie osobowości ludzkich na
etapie młodości i trzeciego wieku – systemy
edukacyjne. Translation into Polish of 20-1, page 11 and pages
33–54. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium held in
May 2019 in Wrocław, 138 pp. Published by Ars Libri
Introligatornia, Wydawnictwo s.c. Lublin, under the auspices of
Uniwersytet Wrocławski and Europejskie Centrum Edukacji
Międzykulturowej. ISBN 978-83-954307-1-8.
- 20-3. Kiselman, Christer Oscar; Melin, Erik. Existence of
continuous right inverses to linear mappings in finite-dimensional
geometry, 14 pp. Mathematische Semesterberichte. Submitted on 2020-05-27.
Accepted for publication on 2020-07-29. Published online 2020-10-19.
- 20-4. Cauchy problems for discrete holomorphic functions, 17 pp. Complex
Analysis and Operator Theory 15, No. 3. Submitted on 2020
April 15. Accepted for publication on 2020 August 12. Published
online on 2020 November 02.
- 21-1. Elementoj de digita geometrio, matematika morfologio kaj
diskreta optimumado. Matematiko translimen 8,
11–94. Published in January 2021. ISBN 978-80-88326-14-4.
- 21-2. Kiel plej bone faldi triangulon. Matematiko
translimen 8, 149–155. Published in January 2021.
ISBN 978-80-88326-14-4.
- 21-3. La rektoj de Eŭklido. Aktoj de Internacia Scienca
Akademio Comenius, Volume 2, 192–210 (2021).
Published on 2021 January 20. ISBN 978-80-88326-15-1.
- 21-4 (print version of 20-3). Kiselman, Christer Oscar; Melin,
Erik. Existence of continuous right inverses to linear mappings in
finite-dimensional geometry, 14 pp. Mathematische
Semesterberichte 68(1), 55–68. Submitted on
2020-05-27. Accepted for publication on 2020-07-29. Published online
2020-10-19. Print version published 2021-03-10.
- 21-5 (print version of 20-4). Cauchy problems for discrete holomorphic functions, 17
pp. Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 15,
No. 3. Submitted on 2020 April 15. Accepted for publication on 2020
August 12. Published online on 2020 November 02. Print version
published on 2021 March 15.
- 22-1 Elements of Digital Geometry,
Mathematical Morphology, and Discrete Optimization, 488 pp.
Published by World Scientific, Singapore, on 2022 January 18. ISBN
978-981-124-829-0. See also a second
announcement for the book.
- 22-2. Generalized elementary
functions, 14 pp. A text on classes of functions which are elementary
in a wider sense than those which are elementary in the sense of
Liouville. Submitted on 2021 March 05. Two referee reports received
in May of 2021. Final version submitted on 2021 May 17. Accepted for
publication in Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations on 2022
January 03 and published online 2022 February 17.
- 22-3. Kiselman, Christer O.; Uscka-Wehlou, Hania. Falska
vänner, vassa vrår och språkliga fällor [False
friends, sharp corners, and language traps]. Nämnarens
artikelsamling, March 2022, 23–31. [Reprint of 17-4.]
2.2. Popularization of science
The items 77-5, 86-2, 89-1, 89-2, 97-2, 03-1, 07-1, 08-2, 08-4, 12-2,
14-1, 17-1, 17-4, 18-2, 21-1, 21-2, and 21-3 listed above, as well as
15-ii below, represent attempts at popularizing mathematics.
2.3. Festschrift edited by Mikael Passare
The proceedings of the Kiselmanfest in May, 2006, is available
The title of the book is Complex Analysis and Digital Geometry.
Proceedings from the Kiselmanfest, 2006. It contains a survey of
my mathematics, written by Mikael Passare.
2.4. Three mathematical papers accepted for
- Complex convexity, 134 pp. A chapter in Handbook of Complex
Analysis, edited by Steven G. Krantz, to be published by Taylor &
Francis. Accepted on 2021 March 06. Final version sent 2021 November 19.
- Duality of convolution operators:
A tool for shape analysis, 19 pp. Submitted on 2019-04-30. Two
referee reports received 2020-07-20. Revised version sent 2020-07-23.
Accepted on 2021-07-14 for publication in the Springer Series
Mathematics and Visualization.
- Which convexity properties are preserved under linear mappings? A
manuscript (13 pp.) on convexity properties of marginal functions
defined on arbitrary subsets of Rn. Submitted on
2021 November 12. Accepted for publication in Journal of Convex
Analysis on 2022 February 02.
2.5. An unpublished manuscript
- Le théorème de Holmgren dans la théorie
des hyperfonctions (deux variables). Manuscript, Stockholm 1969. 6 pp.
3. Linguistics
3.1. Published papers on
- 88-a. La problemo de duarangaj derivaĵoj en
Esperanto. In: Akademiaj Studoj 1987,
65–75. Bailieboro, Canada: Esperanto Press, 1988. ISBN
- 90-a. Nomoj de matematikaj operacioj en
Esperanto. In: Serta Gratvlatoria in Honorem Juan
Régulo, vol. IV, pp. 683–697. La Laguna: Universidad
de La Laguna, 1990.
- 91-a. Vortkreaj procezoj de Esperanto. Scienca Revuo
42 (1991), 95–109. ISSN 0048-9557. In the format of Scienca
Revuo (15 pp.):
PS -
PDF; as an article in A4 format (12 pp.):
PS -
- 92-a. Kial ni hejtas la hejmon sed ŝajnas fajfi pri la fajlado?
Literatura Foiro 138 (1992), 213–216.
PS -
- 92-b. Studo pri la vorto dateno. Matematiko Translimen
7 (1992), 41–45. ISBN 2-904752-00-5.
PS -
- 93-a. Primitiveco de kelkaj adverboj. La Letero de l'Akademio
de Esperanto 25 (1993), p. 8. ISSN 0986-1181. DVI - PS - PDF.
- 95-a. Transitivaj kaj netransitivaj verboj en Esperanto. In:
La Stato kaj Estonteco de la Internacia Lingvo Esperanto
(P. Chrdle, Ed.). Proceedings of the First Symposium of the Academy of
Esperanto, Prague, July, 1994, pp. 24–40. Prague: Kava-Pech,
1995. DVI - PS - PDF. (A
translation into Chinese appeared in La Mondo, 1997:5-6:16-17;
1997:7-8:22–24; 1997:9–10:11–13.)
- 95-b. Vad är ett naturligt tal? Ett exempel på
matematisk språkvård [What is a natural number? An
example of mathematical language planning]. Språk och Stil,
Tidskrift för svensk språkforskning 4 1994
[Actual year of publication 1995], 133–143.
PS -
- 01-a. La sveda faklingvo en tekniko, matematiko kaj
natursciencoj. In: Fiedler, Sabine; Liu Haitao, Eds.:
Studoj pri interlingvistiko. Festlibro omaĝe al la
60-jariĝo de Detlev Blanke. Studien zur Interlingvistik.
Festschrift für Detlev Blanke zum 60. Geburtstag,
pp. 40–56. Dobřichovice: KAVA-PECH, 2001.
DVI (64 kB) -
PS (337 kB) -
PDF (207 kB).
- 01-b. Kreado de matematikaj terminoj. In: Christer
Kiselman; Geraldo Mattos, Eds.: Lingva Planado kaj Leksikologio.
Language Planning and Lexicology, pp. 173–187. Proceedings
of an international symposium held in Zagreb, 2001 July 28–30.
Chapecó-SC: Fonto, 2001, 286 pp.
DVI (41 kB) -
PS (232 kB) -
PDF (143 kB).
- 01-c. Svenskt fackspråk inom teknik, matematik och
naturvetenskap [The situation of the Swedish language in the
fields of technology, mathematics, and the natural sciences].
Libens Merito. Festskrift till Stig Strömholm,
pp. 225–243. Acta Academiæ Regiæ Scientiarum
Upsaliensis 21 (2001).
DVI (92 kB) -
PS (332 kB) -
PDF (194 kB).
- 08-a. Esperanto: its origins and early
history. In: Prace Komisji Spraw Europejskich
PAU. Tom II, pp. 39–56. Andrzej Pelczar, Ed.,
Kraków: Polska Akademia Umiejetnosci, 2008, 79 pp.
- 08-b. Christer Kiselman; Lars Mouwitz. Matematiktermer för skolan [Mathematical
Terms for School Use]. Göteborg: Göteborg University, National
Center for Mathematics Education. 312 pp. (The link goes to the pdf
file of the second printing, May 2009.)
- 08-c. Språkens rikedomar och
terminologins problem [The treasures of the languages and the
problems of terminology]. In: Christer Kiselman; Lars Mouwitz,
Matematiktermer för skolan [Mathematical Terms for School
Use], pp. 287–292. Göteborg: Göteborg University, National
Center for Mathematics Education.
- 11-a. Variantoj de esperanto iniciatitaj de Zamenhof.
Esperantologio /
Esperanto Studies 5, 79–149. Published
electronically 2011-06-24; on paper 2011-07-23. Also published
in Esperanto, komenco, aktualo kaj
estonteco. Aktoj de la 33-a Esperantologia Konferenco en la 95-a
Universala Kongreso de Esperanto, Havano 2010,
pp. 45–107. Rotterdam: Universala Esperanto-Asocio. Published
- 15-a. Kombineblo de vortelementoj en esperanto – rigardoj
malantaŭen kaj antaŭen. Esperantologio / Esperanto
Studies 7, 73–125.
- 15-b. La lingvoj de Zamenhof (1878, 1881,
1887, 1905). Literatura Foiro, N-ro 277, 2015-10,
pp. 260–265.
- 16-a. Lingva riĉo kaj la postuloj de
la terminologio. In: Gobbo, Federico,
Ed. 2016. Lingua, politica, cultura. Serta gratulatoria in
honorem Renato Corsetti, pp. 125–135. New York, NY:
Mondial. ISBN 9781595693259.
- 16-b. La jidogramatiko de Zamenhof
kaj lia Lingvo universala. Mallonga versio. In:
Košecký, Stanislav, Ed., 2016, Prilingve en Nitro:
politike, historie, teorie, instrue. Fakaj prelegoj prezentitaj kadre
de la 101-a Universala Kongreso de Esperanto, pp. 159–175.
Rotterdam: Universala Esperanto-Asocio. ISBN 978-92-9017-130-0.
- 19-a. Language choice in
scientific writing: The case of mathematics at Uppsala University and
a Nordic journal. Normat. Nordisk matematisk
tidskrift 61, No. 2–4, 111–132. Accepted for
publication in 2016. Published in March 2019.
- 19-b. Kion faris Zamenhof antaŭ 1887? La Espero,
2019:2, page 3. Published in June 2019.
- 21-a. La jidogramatiko de Zamenhof kaj lia Lingvo
universala. Aktoj de Internacia Scienca Akademio Comenius. Volume
2, 85–191 (2021). Published on 2021 January 20. ISBN
- 22-a. Zamenhof's Yiddish grammar and His Universal Language:
Two Projects in Ashkenazi Culture, 167 pp. Published in January
2022 by Petr Chrdle, Director of KAVA-PECH, Dobřichovice.
ISBN 978-80-88326-25-0.
4. Other papers
4.1. Publications
- 73-i. Matematikundervisningen [Mathematics education].
Letter to the Editor, Upsala Nya Tidning, 1973-01-16, p. 3.
- 77-i. "Fria" intagningen till högskolan [Unlimited access
to higher education]. Letter to the Editor, Upsala Nya
Tidning, 1977-01-11.
- 81-i. Krymper världen? [Is the world shrinking?] Letter to the
Editor, Upsala Nya Tidning, 1981-11-12.
- 81-ii. Några personliga tankar om esperanto [Some personal
thoughts on Esperanto]. La Espero, No. 6, 1981, p. 101.
- 82-i. Varför behöver vi ett konstgjort språk? [Why do we need an
artificial language?]. Skolvärlden, No. 23, 1982-10-01,
pp. 6–7.
- 82-ii. Kan man umgås (civiliserat) på en planet med tretusen
språk? [Can one associate (in a civilized manner) on a planet with
three thousand languages?]. Universen, No. 8, November 1982.
- 83-i. Fråga: Vad är ett världsspråk? [Question: What is a world
language?]. La Espero, No. 2, 1983, pp. 21–22.
- 85-i. Pli ol sciencpopulariga. Review of: Matematiko,
instruado de matematiko kaj komputotekniko: prelegoj de
Interkomputo, Budapest 1982. Ilona Kouthy, Ed. Budapest:
Esperanto, 1985, October, p. 172.
- 85-ii. Esperanto – världens farligaste språk?
[Esperanto—the most dangerous language of the world?] Upsala
Nya Tidning 1985-12-19. [Ursprunglig titel: Världens
farligaste språk måste bekämpas med alla medel. Original title:
The most dangerous language of the world must be fought by all
available means.]
- 86-i. Språk för internationell kultur [A language
for international culture]. Upsala Nya Tidning
1986-01-02. [Ursprunglig titel: Esperanto för en internationell
kultur! Original title: Esperanto for an international culture!]
- 86-ii. Framtidens språkutbildning finns redan nu i
Bengtsfors [The language education of the future is already there in
Bengtsfors]. Dalslänningen 1986-01-21.
- 86-iii. Review of: Principoj por elekto de matematikaj kaj
stokastikaj terminoj en Esperanto by Olaf Reiersøl (Oslo:
University of Oslo, 1985, 40 pp., ISBN 82 553 0583 1).
Esperanto, 1986, July-August, p. 132.
- 87-i. The preface of 86-A (with comments by Ivo Lapenna).
Horizonto 1987:67, p. 5.
- 89-i. Kulturell mångfald kontra kulturell likriktning
[Cultural diversity versus cultural uniformity]. In:
Debatt om tvåspråkighet [A Discussion on
Bilingualism], pp. 9–12. Aira Kankkunen, Ed.,
Göteborg: Esperanto-Societo de Gotenburgo. 30 pp.
- 89-ii. Kinesiska vetenskapsakademin planerar grunda
internationellt universitet [The Chinese Academy of Sciences is
planning to found an international university].
In: Universen, 1989, No. 2, p. 5.
- 90-i. Review of: The Science of
Fractal Images by Heinz-Otto Peitgen and Dietmar Saupe (New
York: Springer-Verlag, 1988, XIV + 312 pp., ISBN 0-387-96608-0). [In
Swedish.] Elementa 73 (1990), No. 2, p. 104.
- 91-i. Review of: Fractal
Geometry. Mathematical Foundations and Applications by Kenneth
Falconer (Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 1990, xxii + 288 pp., ISBN
0-471-92287-0). [In Swedish.] Elementa 74 (1991),
No. 2, p. 103.
- 92-iv. Review of: Measure, Topology, and
Fractal Geometry by Gerald A. Edgar (New York: Springer-Verlag,
1990, 230 pp., ISBN 0-387-97272-2). [In Swedish.] Elementa
75 (1992), No. 3, p. 156.
- 93-i. Review of: Fractals for the
Classroom: Strategic Activities Volume One by Heinz-Otto Peitgen,
Hartmut Jürgens, Dietmar Saupe, Evan Maletsky, Terry Perciante, Lee
Yunker (New York: Springer-Verlag, 1991, xii + 128 pp., ISBN
0-387-97346-X). [In Swedish.] Elementa 76 (1993),
p. 44.
- 94-i. Review of:
Vetenskapens vackra verktyg – matematiken som arbetsredskap.
Naturvetenskapliga forskningsrådets årsbok 1993. (Naturvetenskapliga
forskningsrådet, 1993, 135 pp., ISBN 91-546-0337-4). [In Swedish.]
Elementa 77 (1994), No. 4, p. 206.
- 95-i. La antaŭiranto de
Esperanto. Review of: Konciza Gramatiko de Volapuko; Gramatik
brefik Volapüka by André Cherpillod (Cougenard
1995, 48 pp.). Monato, September 1995, p. 23.
- 96-i. Ludoj, sed ne tiuj. Review of: Enkonduko en la teorion
de lingvaj ludoj. Ĉu mi lernu esperanton?; Einführung in
die Theorie sprachlicher Spiele. Soll ich Esperanto lernen? by
Reinhard Selten and Jonathan Pool (Berlin and Paderborn, 1995, 148
pp.). Monato, May 1996, p. 20.
- 96-ii. Historio de la volapuka
movado. Review of: Historio de la universala lingvo
Volapuko by Johann Schmidt, translated by Philippe Combot
(Cougenard, 1996, 30 + XXII pp.). Monato, August 1996, p.
- 98-i. Libereco de kreado estu homa
rajto. Esperanto, No. 5, May 1998, p. 85.
- 99-i. Eklipso de la
suno. Kontakto, No. 172 (1999:4), p. 9.
- 99-ii. Akademio en Berlino. La Ondo de
Esperanto, No. 10 (1999), p. 5.
- 99-iii. Akademio sin prezentas ankaŭ prelege. Heroldo de
Esperanto, No. 10-11 (1999), p. 2.
- 99-iv. Suna eklipso 1999 08
11. Fonto 19, No. 227, November 1999,
pp. 30–31.
- 00-i. Internationella matematikåret. [In Swedish.]
Akademinyheter, No. 2, 2000, pp. 4–6.
- 00-ii. Matematikåret: Affischer till svenska skolor! [In
Swedish.] Integralen, Natur och Kulturs tidskrift för lärare i
matematik och naturvetenskap vid gymnasieskolan/Komvux, Ht 2000,
pp. 7–8.
- 00-iii. Snöflingekurva på julpostfrimärke. [In Swedish.]
Akademinyheter, No. 8, 2000, p. 3.
- 01-i. La fondo de Akademio Comenius.
Page 101,
page 102,
page 103,
page 104.
Eseoj memore al Ivo Lapenna, pp. 101–104. Carlo Minnaja,
Ed. Internacia Scienca Instituto Ivo Lapenna. Copenhagen:, 2001. ISBN 87-87089-09-2.
- 01-ii. Simpozio pri lingva planado kaj leksikologio en Zagrebo. La
Ondo de Esperanto, No. 10, 2001, p. 7. Also in:
La Hirundo, No. 024, October 2001, p. 6, and Fonto, No.
251, November 2001, pp. 30–32.
02-i. Akademien och matematiken [The Academy and Mathematics].
Berättelse över Kungl. Vetenskapsakademiens verksamhet
2001 (Documenta No. 75), 2002, pp. 48–50. ISSN 0347-5719.
- 02-ii. El akademiaj babiladoj en la reto [Should have
been: Fundamentaj vortoj en la Akademia Vortaro].
Fonto, No. 260, August 2002, p. 34.
- 02-iii. Normer finns för
datum [There are norms for the writing of dates].
Dagens Nyheter, 2002-11-17. Letter to the Editor.
- 02-iv. Review of: On the
Foundations of Nonlinear Generalized Functions I and II, by
M. Grosser, E. Farkas, M. Kunzinger, R. Steinbauer (Providence, R.I.:
American Mathematical Society, 2001. 95 pp. ISBN 0-8218-2729-4). [In
Swedish.] Elementa
85, No. 4, 2002, p. 221.
- 02-v. Datering och logisk ordning.
[Writing dates, and logical order.] Dagens Nyheter,
2002-12-14. Letter to the Editor.
- 03-i. The toast proposed by Christer
O. Kiselman. [Speech at the occasion of a conference in honor
Józef Siciak, Bielsko-Biała, September, 2001.] Annales
Polonici Mathematici 80 (2003), 19–20.
- 04-i. Sam Svensson
och Ormen Friske. [Sam Svensson and the Ormen Friske.]
An appendix in: Rune Edberg, Vikingaskeppet Ormen Friskes
undergång. Ett drama i det kalla krigets skugga. (The loss of
the Viking Ship Ormen Friske. A Drama in the Shadow of the Cold
War), pp. 273–291. Huddinge: Södertörn Archaeological Studies 2,
2004, 291 pp.
- 04-ii. Vem bär ansvaret för byggfusk?
[Who is responsible for shoddy workmanship?] Universen,
Nr. 6, 2004-05-27, p. 3. [Ursprunglig rubrik: Arbetsmiljön på
Uppsala universitet – eller 40 centimeter från döden.
Original title: The working environment at Uppsala
University—or 16 inches from death.]
- 04-iii. The Swedish
Mathematics Delegation. In: Stockholm Intelligencer,
8–9. Springer-Verlag 2004.
- 04-iv. Opening
address. In: Educating for the Future. Proceedings of an
International Symposium on Mathematics Teacher Education.
Preparation of Mathematics Teachers for the Future, Malmö University,
Sweden, 5–7 May 2003, pp. 7–8. (Eds. Rudolf Strässer, Gerd
Brandell, Barbro Grevholm, Ola Helenius.) Stockholm: The Royal
Swedish Academy of Sciences, 2004.
- 04-v. The Graduate School in Mathematics and Computing in Sweden.
Abstract. In: East African Universities Mathematics
Programme Workshop, Strengthening Inter-Universities Cooperation in
Mathematics in East Africa and Sweden, at the College of Physical and
Biological Sciences, University of Nairobi, 2003 March
18–21, p. 76. Nairobi: University of Nairobi, 2004.
- 04-vi. Preface. In: Graduate School in Mathematics and
Computing, FMB; Graduate School in Mathematics Education, FMD; Open
House, Uppsala 2004 November 15–16, p. 1. Uppsala: Uppsala
- 04-vii. The Graduate School in Mathematics and
Computing. In: Graduate School in Mathematics and
Computing, FMB; Graduate School in Mathematics Education, FMD; Open
House, Uppsala 2004 November 15–16, pp. 11–13.
Uppsala: Uppsala University.
- 04-viii. Irandoust, Said; Kiselman, Christer;
Pramling-Samuelsson, Ingrid. 2004. "Elitistiskt påstå
att det är oviktigt med matematik" ["It is elitist to claim that
mathematics is unimportant"]. Dagens Nyheter 2004 November 09,
p. 7.
- 05-i. Kulturens kraft.
[The force of culture.] In: Det matematiska
kulturarvet Gunnar Berg, Ed, pp. 71–74. Dialoger
71–72, 2005. ISSN 0283-5207, ISBN 91-975060-4-4.
- 05-ii. Christer Kiselman, Sven Halldin, Ulf Danielsson, Karin
Carlson, Amalia Mattsson, and Martin Rutberg. "Svenska språket dör ut på landets
universitet" ["The Swedish language is dying at the
country's universities"]. Dagens Nyheter, 2005 June 17,
p. 6. [Ursprunglig rubrik: Utbildningens internationalisering
och demokratin. Original title:
The internationalization of education, and democracy.]
- 05-iii. Amalia Mattsson, Christer Kiselman, Karin Carlson, Martin
Rutberg, Sven Halldin, and Ulf Danielsson. Utbildningens
internationalisering och demokratin. [The internationalization of
education, and democracy]. Qvartilen, Svenska
statistikersamfundets tidskrift, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 15–16,
September, 2005.
- 08-i. Inledning [Introduction].
In: Människor och matematik – läsebok
för nyfikna [People and Mathematics—reading for the
curious], Eds. Ola Helenius and Karin Wallby, pp. 1–6.
Göteborg: Nationellt centrum för matematikutbildning, NCM,
2008. ISBN 978-91-85143-08-5, 390 pp.
- 08-ii. Ploriga, la prelego plej bela
[Original title: La plej bela prelego]. Heroldo de
Esperanto, No. 10 (2125), 2008 July 13 — August 3, p. 4.
- 09-i. Antaŭparolo. In: Renato Corsetti, Ed.,
Vojoj de interlingvistiko: de Bruno Migliorini al la nuna tempo.
Aktoj de la studtago en la universitato de Florenco 28-a de julio
2006, pp. 7–8. Akademio de Esperanto. Pisa:
Edistudio. Published in 2009; formal year of publication 2008. 127
- 10-i. Hilelismo, homaranismo kaj
neŭtrale-homa religio. In: Detlev Blanke; Ulrich
Lins, La arto labori kune. Festlibro por Humphrey Tonkin,
pp. 401–414. Rotterdam: Universala Esperanto-Asocio 2010.
- 10-ii. La evoluo de la pensado de Zamenhof pri religioj kaj la
rolo de lingvoj. Homarane 1, 41–73, January
2010. ISSN 1663-8484.
- 10-iii. La evoluo de la pensado
de Zamenhof pri religioj kaj la rolo de lingvoj. In:
Christer Kiselman, Ed., Religiaj kaj filozofiaj ideoj de Zamenhof:
kultura kaj socia fono, 32nd Conference on Esperanto Studies in
the 94th World Congress of Esperanto, pp. 41–63. Rotterdam:
Universala Esperanto-Asocio 2010.
- 11-i. Mats Andersson; Bo Berndtsson; Tom Britton; Christer
Kiselman; Ari Laptev. Mikael
Passare [Obituary in Swedish]. Dagens Nyheter, 2011
October 14, Section Culture, p. 39; correction 2011 October 15,
Section Culture, p. 28. (The link goes to the originally submitted
text, which was somewhat shortened by the newspaper.)
- 11-ii. Mats Andersson; Bo Berndtsson; Tom Britton; Christer
Kiselman; Ari Laptev. Mikael
Passare [Obituary in Swedish]. Svenska Dagbladet,
2011 October 16, p. 30. (The link goes to the originally submitted text,
which was published with almost no changes.)
- 11-iii. Mikael Passare
1959–2011. Medlemsutskicket från Svenska
Matematikersamfundet, 2011 October, pp. 17–35. (Obituary
in Swedish, published by the Swedish Mathematical Society 2011-10-25.)
- 11-iv. Pierre Lelong
1912–2011 (without photos). Svenska
Matematikersamfundet, SMS bulletinen, No. 1, 2011 December,
pp. 7–17 (with photos). (Obituary in Swedish, published by the
Swedish Mathematical Society 2011 December 08.)
- 12-i. Mikael Passare
1959–2011. The Newsletter of the European Mathematical
Society, June 2012, Issue 84, 12–15.
- 12-ii. Paul Neergaard: sempatologo kaj
esperantologo. In: Blanke, Detlev (Ed.), Pioniroj de la
Internacia Lingvo. Aktoj de la 34-a Esperantologia Konferenco en la
96-a Universala Kongreso de Esperanto, Kopenhago 2011,
pp. 19–33. Rotterdam: Universala Esperanto-Asocio. ISBN 978 92
9017 117 1.
- 13-i. Lars Hörmander
– några minnen [Lars Hörmander—some
memories]. SMS bulletinen, No. 6, 2013 February, pp.
13–19. (Text in Swedish published by the Swedish Mathematical
- 14-i. Pierre Lelong
1912–2011. Nordisk Matematisk Tidskrift
(Normat) 60, No. 2 (2012), 70–81. [Actual year of
publication 2014.]
- 14-ii. Låt oss
förbättra samfundets ekonomi! [Let us improve the
economy of the Swedish Math Society!] Letter to the Editor of the
Society's Bulletin. SMS-bulletinen 2014 February,
pp. 12–13.
- 14-iii. Stärk Normat genom att
vidga dess bas! Letter to the Editor of the
Society's Bulletin. SMS-bulletinen 2014 February,
p. 13. Translated as: Strengthen Normat by
widening its base!
- 15-i. Kerstin Ekstig; Sten Kaijser; Christer Kiselman;
Lars-Åke Lindahl; Anders Vretblad. Sonja Lyttkens. Upsala
Nya Tidning 2015-01-14, p. B13, and Dagens Nyheter
- 15-ii. Matematiska rum. [In
Swedish. The title could mean `Mathematical spaces' or `Mathematical
rooms'.] In: Almgren, Mats; Birgegård, Ulla; Glimelius,
Kristina (Eds.). Sundelöfs Societet, pp. 25–42.
Uppsala: Kungl. Vetenskaps-Societeten i Uppsala, 2015. ISBN
978-91-506-2449-6. (Contains the proceedings of a conference held on
2014 June 04 and dedicated to Lars-Olof Sundelöf; published on
2015 May 08.)
- 15-iii. Geraldo Mattos (1931–2014). Esperantologio /
Esperanto Studies 7, 126.
- 15-iv. Lars
Hörmander—some early memories.
In: Boman, Jan; Sigurdsson, Ragnar; Lerner, Nicolas; Demailly,
Jean-Pierre; Atiyah, Michael; Treves, François; Helgason,
Sigurdur; Bony, Jean-Michel; Kiselman, Christer O.; Broström,
Sofia, pp. 904–905. Notices of the American Mathematical
Society 62, No. 8, 890–907. Translation into Chinese
published in Mathematical Advances in Translation, 2017, No. 2,
120–121; ISNN 1003-3092.
- 15-v. Nash i
Uppsala. Bulletinen. Svenska matematikersamfundets
medlemsblad, 2015-10-15, pp. 13–15.
- 15-vi. Hur kommer forskningen i
Sverige att påverkas av utvärderingarna? [How will
research in Sweden be influenced by the evaluations?].
Bulletinen. Svenska matematikersamfundets medlemsblad,
2015 October 15, pp. 16–24.
- 16-i. Olle Hanner på Stockholms
högskola. In: Bulletinen. Svenska
matematikersamfundets medlemsblad, 2016 February 15, p. 27.
- 16-ii. Gennadi Henkin (1942–2016).
Some memories. In: The Bulletin of the Swedish
Mathematical Society, 2016 October 15, pp. 37–44. (The paper
here is without photos; if you want the photos, please write me.)
- 16-iii. Matematiktermer för
skolan [Mathematical terms for school use. A presentation of
08-b.] In: Insikt och handling, volume 25
(2016). Tema: Lexikon över lexikon,
pp. 53–54. Editor Bo Hanson. Göteborg: Hans Larsson
Samfundet. ISBN 978-91-639-2657-0, ISSN 0436-8096.
- 17-i. Lars Hörmander—some early memories (Chinese).
Mathematical Advances in Translation, 36, No. 2,
120–121 (2107); ISSN 1003-3092. [A translation of 15-iv.]
- 17-ii. Curriculum Vitae:
Mikael Passare. In: Andersson, Mats; Boman, Jan; Kiselman,
Christer; Kurasov, Pavel; Sigurdsson, Ragnar, Eds. 2017. Analysis
Meets Geometry. The Mikael Passare Memorial Volume,
pp. 3–4. Cham: Birkhäuser. ISBN 978-3-319-52469-6.
- 17-iii. Mikael Passare's
publications. In: Andersson, Mats; Boman, Jan; Kiselman,
Christer; Kurasov, Pavel; Sigurdsson, Ragnar, Eds. 2017. Analysis
Meets Geometry. The Mikael Passare Memorial Volume,
pp. 5–9. Cham: Birkhäuser. ISBN 978-3-319-52469-6.
- 17-iv. Mikael Passare
In: Andersson, Mats; Boman, Jan; Kiselman,
Christer; Kurasov, Pavel; Sigurdsson, Ragnar, Eds. 2017. Analysis
Meets Geometry. The Mikael Passare Memorial Volume,
pp. 35–57. Cham: Birkhäuser. ISBN 978-3-319-52469-6.
- 17-v. Watching solar eclipses
1945–2017. In: The Bulletin of the Swedish
Mathematical Society, October 2017, pp. 17–21.
- 18-i. Enkonduko. In: Kiselman, Christer Oscar; Corsetti,
Renato; Dasgupto, Probal, Eds. Aliroj al esperanto,
pp. 5–8. Dobřichovice: KAVA-PECH, 229 pp. ISBN
- 18-ii. Salutvorto de la redaktoro. Esperantologio /
Esperanto Studies, 8, 3–7.
- 18-iii. A word from the Editor. Esperantologio / Esperanto
Studies, 8, 8–12.
- 19-i. Werner Fenchel, a pioneer in
convexity theory and a migrant scientist. Normat. Nordisk
matematisk tidskrift 61, No. 2–4, 133–152.
Accepted for publication in 2016. Published in March 2019.
- 19-ii. Hans Rådström and how
to define smooth functions on any set.
In: The Bulletin of the Swedish
Mathematical Society, 2019 May 15, pp. 20–23.
- 19-iii. Memore al Ebbe Vilborg. La Espero, 2019:2, page
5. Published in June 2019.
- 19-iv. Memore al Jarlo Martelmonto. La Espero, 2019:2,
page 5. Published in June 2019.
- 20-i. André Martineau:
Some memories. Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 14,
issue 7. Submitted on 2020 July 10. Accepted for publication on 2020
August 03. Published online on 2020 September 14.
- 20-ii. Akademio de Esperanto fronte
al novaj taskoj. Esperantologio / Esperanto Studies. Nova Serio
/ New Series 1 (9), pp. 41–54, edited by Humphrey Tonkin and
Orlando Raola. ISBN 9781595694096, ISSN 1311-3496. The article is
based on a presentation during the Conference on Esperanto Studies in
Buenos Aires on 2014 July 31, organized by Esther H. Schor and
José Antonio Vergara. Accepted for publication in
2015. Published on 2020 November 02.
- 21-i. Salutvorto de la redaktoro.
Matematiko translimen 8, 3–5. Published in
January 2021. ISBN 978-80-88326-14-4.
- 21-ii. Editor's introduction. Aktoj de Internacia Scienca
Akademio Comenius, Volume 2, 3–6 (2021). Published
on 2021 January 20. ISBN 978-80-88326-15-1.
- 21-iii. Persson, Ulf; Schubring, Gert; Ullrich, Peter; Kiselman,
Christer Oscar; Stubhaug, Arild. Letter to the Editor. [About actions
taken by the Director of Institut Mittag-Leffler with support by the
Chairman of this world-famous institute.] Notices of the American
Mathematical Society 68, Number 3, 319–320.
- 21-iv. Carlehed, Magnus, representing twelve former PhD
students; Kiselman, Christer Oscar. Urban Cegrell (1943–2021)
[Obituary of my doctor #2]. Västerbottens-Kuriren
2021 August 17; Svenska Dagbladet 2021 August 24; Dagens
Nyheter 2021 August 25; Sundsvalls Tidning 2021 August 25.
5. Lecture Notes and Reports
- 68-A. Notions de logique. Cours professé à la
Faculté des Sciences de Nice 1967–1968. Nice,
1968. 45 pp.
71-A. (with K.-G. Görsten and T. Waller) Differentialekvationer
[Differential Equations]. Lecture Notes. Uppsala University,
Department of Mathematics, 1971. iii + 160 pp.
- 71-B. Some remarks
on closure operators. Report 1971:24. Uppsala University,
Department of Mathematics, 1971. 7 pp.
- 71-C. On the Garsia–Sawyer
condition for uniform convergence of Fourier series. Report
1971:25. Uppsala University, Department of Mathematics, 1971. 8
- 72-A. Plurisubharmonic functions in vector spaces. Report
1972:39. Uppsala University, Department of Mathematics, 1972. 11
- 72-B. On locally pseudoconvex topological vector
spaces. Uppsala University, Department of Mathematics, 1972. 12
- 83-A. Konvexa funktioner [Convex Functions]. Notes, Uppsala
University, Department of Mathematics, 1983. 17 pp.
- 85-A. Matematika terminaro Esperanto-angla-franca-sveda. Report
No. 1985:14. Uppsala University, Department of Mathematics,
1985. iv + 30 pp.
86-A. Konvekseco en kompleksa analitiko
unu-dimensia. Lecture Notes 1986:LN2. Uppsala University,
Department of Mathematics, 1986. iii + 66 pp.
- 91-A. Konvexa mängder och funktioner [Convex sets and
functions]. Lecture Notes 1991:LN1. Uppsala University, Department
of Mathematics, 1991. 34 pp. DVI - PS - PDF. (The print version
contains an index of terms in four languages, which is not
included in these files.)
- 91-B. Konveksaj aroj kaj funkcioj. Lecture Notes 1991:LN2. Uppsala
University, Department of Mathematics, 1991. 35 pp.
- 99-A. Approximation by polynomials. Lecture Notes
1999:LN1. Uppsala University, Department of Mathematics, 1999. 40
pp. DVI - PS - PDF. (The print version contains some diagrams,
which are not included in these files.)
- 01-A. Lectures on geometry. Lecture Notes 2001:LN1. Uppsala
University, Department of Mathematics, 2001. 42 pp. DVI - PS -
- 02-A. Digital Geometry and Mathematical Morphology. Lecture
Notes. Uppsala University, Department of Mathematics, 2002. 78 pp.
- 04-A. Digital Geometry and Mathematical Morphology. Lecture
Notes. Uppsala University, Department of Mathematics, 2004. 95 pp.
- 05-A. Matematikens två språk. [The two languages of
mathematics.] Uppsala University, Department of Mathematics,
Report 2005:25. 16 pp. Also in: Medlemsblad, Nr. 11, June 2005,
pp. 21–42, published by Svensk förening för
matematikdidaktisk forskning.
- 07-A. Trois problèmes en convexité digitale :
minima locaux, fonctions marginales et hyperplans
séparants. Lecture at GeoNet VI, Porto-Novo, 2007-06-12, 10
- 10-A. Persisk tideräkning styrs av
precisa astronomiska kunskaper. I väntan på Noruz 1389 [The
Persian calendar is governed by precise astronomical
knowledge. Looking forward to Noruz 1389]. (Presented at Uppsala
University, Department of Linguistics and Philology on 2010 March
- 18-A. Konveksaj aroj kaj funkcioj. Revised version of
91-B. Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology,
2018. 46 pp.
6. Editorial Work
- Editor, Arkiv för matematik, 1970–1977.
- Managing Editor, Acta Mathematica, 1988–1994.
- Editor with Paul Neergaard of Aktoj de Internacia Scienca
Akademio Comenius, vol. 1 (Beijing), 1987–1992.
- Editor, Matematiko Translimen, No. 7, 1992.
- Expert and writer for Nationalencyclopedin, the Swedish
National Encyclopedia, 1987–1996.
- Expert for the mathematical terms in a French-Swedish
dictionary: Fransk-svensk ordbok, XIV + 1007 pp., Stockholm:
Natur och Kultur (1995), 1995.
- Editor, Complex Analysis and Differential
Equations. Proceedings of the Marcus Wallenberg Symposium in Honor
of Matts Essén, Held in Uppsala, Sweden, June 15–18,
1997. Uppsala: Uppsala University (1999), 1997–1999.
- Editor, Esperantologio / Esperanto Studies, Issue No. 1
(1999), 1998–1999.
- Editor with Geraldo Mattos of Language Planning and
Lexicology, Proceedings of an international symposium held in
Zagreb, July 28–30, 2001. Chapecó, SC (Brazil):
Fonto, 2001.
- Editor, Esperantologio / Esperanto Studies, Issue No. 2
(2001), 1999–2001.
- Editor, Symposium on Communication Across Cultural
Boundaries; Simpozio pri interkultura komunikado, Göteborg
2003. 157 pp. Dobřichovice: Kava-Pech (2005), 2005.
- Editor, Esperantologio / Esperanto Studies, Issue No. 3
(2005), 2002–2005.
- Editor, The Graduate School in Mathematics and Computing:
Report 2001–2006. 84 pp. Uppsala: Uppsala University, April 2006.
- Editor, Esperantologio / Esperanto Studies, Issue
No. 4 (2009), 2006–2009.
- Editor, Religiaj kaj filozofiaj ideoj de Zamenhof: kultura
kaj socia fono. Aktoj de la 32-a Esperantologia Konferenco en la
94-a Universala Kongreso de Esperanto, Bjalistoko 2009. Rotterdam:
Universala Esperanto-Asocio 2010.
- Editor, Regional and Interregional Cooperation to Strengthen
Basic Sciences in Developing Countries, Proceedings of a
conference organized by the International Science Programme in
September, 2009, in Addis Ababa. Uppsala University 2011.
- Editor, Esperantologio / Esperanto Studies, Issue No. 5
(2011), 2009–2011.
- Editor, Esperanto, komenco, aktualo kaj estonteco. Aktoj
de la 33-a Esperantologia Konferenco en la 95-a Universala
Kongreso de Esperanto, Havano 2010. Rotterdam: Universala
Esperanto-Asocio 2011.
- Editor with Mélanie Maradan of Leksikologio,
frazeologio, historio, semantiko kaj terminologio: du kontinentoj
renkontiÄas en Hanojo. Aktoj de la 35-a Esperantologia Konferenco
en la 97-a Universala Kongreso de Esperanto, Hanojo
2012. Rotterdam: Universala Esperanto-Asocio 2013.
- Editor, Esperantologio / Esperanto Studies, Issue
No. 6 (2013), 2011–2013.
- Editor, Esperantologio / Esperanto Studies, Issue No. 7 (2015), 2013–2015.
- Editor with José Antonio Vergara of De esperanta
korpuso ĝis islanda lingvopolitiko. Aktoj de la 36-a
Esperantologia Konferenco en la 98-a Universala Kongreso de
Esperanto, Rejkjaviko 2013. Rotterdam: Universala
Esperanto-Asocio 2015.
- Editor with Mats Andersson, Jan Boman, Pavel Kurasov, and
Ragnar Sigurdsson of the book Analysis Meets Geometry. The
Mikael Passare Memorial Volume, viii + 466 pp. Cham:
Birkhäuser. Period 2011–2017. Published in September
2017. ISBN 978-3-319-52469-6.
- Editor with Renato Corsetti and Probal Dasgupta of the book
Aliroj al esperanto, 229 pp. Published in 2018. Period
2015–2017. Dobřichovice: KAVA-PECH. ISBN
- Editor, Esperantologio / Esperanto Studies, Issue No. 8
(2018). Period 2015–2018.
- Editor, Matematiko translimen, Issue No. 8. An
issue of a mathematical journal in Esperanto. Published in
January 2021. Dobřichovice: KAVA-PECH. ISBN
- Editor, Aktoj de Internacia Scienca Akademio Comenius,
vol. 2 (2021). Published on 2021 January 20. Period
2020–2021. Dobřichovice: KAVA-PECH. ISBN
7. An unpublished short story
- 1948-02-08. Mästerdetektiven Sebastian Alexander
Efraim Päronkärna (10 pages). [The Master Private
Investigator Sebastian Alexander Efraim Päronkärna. In
Swedish.] Typewritten manuscript, Stockholm.
Christer Oscar Kiselman
Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology
P. O. Box 337
SE-751 05 Uppsala, Sweden
Cell telephone: +46 708 870 708. Home telephone: +46 8 393001.
Last modified 2022 May 29. To Christer's
home page.