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Pavlos Aimoniotis


Pavlos Aimoniotis


Division of Computer Systems
Department of Information Technology
Uppsala University

Google Scholar


Currently I am interested in Computer Architecture and Security. My research interests focus on exploring the design space of spectre attack and mitigations and model the information leakage through speculative execution, but I am also interested in cache side-channels, prefetchers, predictors, efficient address translation and any idea towards more safe, energy-efficient and powerful architectures.


  1. Aimoniotis Pavlos, Sakalis Christos, Själander Magnus, and Kaxiras Stefanos. "Reorder Buffer Contention: A Forward Speculative Interference Attack for Speculation Invariant Instructions." IEEE Computer Architecture Letters (CAL) [Best of CAL] [Spotlight on Transactions, IEEE Computer]. Volume 20, Issue 2. 2021 [pdf]
Conferences & Workshops
  1. Aimoniotis Pavlos, Kvalsvik Bergland Amund, Chen Xiaoyue, Själander Magnus, and Kaxiras Stefanos. "ReCon: Efficient Detection, Management, and Use of Non-Speculative Information Leakage" 56th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO)., 2023. [pdf]
  2. Kvalsvik Bergland Amund, Aimoniotis Pavlos, Kaxiras Stefanos, and Själander Magnus. "Doppelganger Loads: A Safe, Complexity-Effective Optimization for Secure Speculation Schemes" IEEE International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA). IEEE, 2023. [pdf]
  3. Chen Xiaoyue, Aimoniotis Pavlos, and Kaxiras Stefanos. "Clueless: A Tool Characterizing Values Leaking as Addresses." Workshop on Hardware and Architectural Support for Security and Privacy (HASP), co-located with MICRO 2022. [pdf][github]
  4. Aimoniotis Pavlos, Kvalsvik Bergland Amund, Själander Magnus, and Kaxiras Stefanos. "Data-Out Instruction-In (DOIN!): Leveraging Inclusive Caches To Attack Speculative Delay Schemes." IEEE International Symposium on Secure and Private Execution Environment Design (SEED). IEEE, 2022. [pdf]
  5. Aimoniotis Pavlos, Sakalis Christos, Själander Magnus, and Kaxiras Stefanos. WiP: ""It's a Trap!"--How Speculation Invariance Can Be Abused With Forward Speculative Interference." IEEE International Symposium on Secure and Private Execution Environment Design (SEED). IEEE, 2021. [pdf]
  6. Aimoniotis Pavlos, Nikolaos Xiromeritis, and Christos Sotiriou. "A Fast Timing Separation of Events Algorithm for Concurrent Systems." 2019 Panhellenic Conference on Electronics & Telecommunications (PACET). IEEE, 2019.[pdf]
  1. Xiaoyue C., Aimoniotis P., and Kaxiras, S. "How addresses are made." IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC), 2023.
  2. Aimoniotis P., and Kaxiras, S. "Combining Secure Speculation Mechanisms Consider Dangerous." Advanced Computer Architecture and Compilation for High-Performance and Embedded Systems (ACACES), HiPEAC 2023.
  3. Stoian G.A., Aimoniotis P., Ekemark P., Chen, X. and Kaxiras, S. "Efficient Memory Encryption for Neural Network Accelerators." 23rd Seminar of Swedish IT Security Network for PhD Students, (SWITS) 2023
  4. Aimoniotis, Pavlos, Kvalsvik Bergland Amund, Själander Magnus, and Kaxiras Stefanos. "Novel Speculative Attacks." Advanced Computer Architecture and Compilation for High-Performance and Embedded Systems (ACACES), HiPEAC 2022.


  1. "ReCon: Efficient Detection, Management, and Use of Non-Speculative Information Leakage" - MICRO'23 [slides]
  2. "Data-Out Instruction-In (DOIN!): Leveraging Inclusive Caches To Attack Speculative Delay Schemes." - SEED'22
  3. "Reorder Buffer Contention: A Forward Speculative Interference Attack for Speculation Invariant Instructions" - HPCA'22
  4. "How Speculation Invariance Can Be Abused With Forward Speculative Interference" - SEED'21 [slides]
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