🎉 I have joined Intel!
You can now reach me at pavlos.aimoniotis@intel.com
Pavlos Aimoniotis


Pavlos Aimoniotis


Division of Computer Systems
Department of Information Technology
Uppsala University

Google Scholar

Information may be outdated since my leave.


  • [Aug '24] I have joined Intel! Our last work has been submitted and I plan to defend my PhD thesis in 2025!
  • [Oct '23] I presented our work ReCon in the 56th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO) in Toronto, Canada!
  • [Aug '23] Our poster abstract "How address are made" has been accepted in 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC)!
  • [Aug '23] Our paper "ReCon: Efficient Detection, Management, and Use of Non-Speculative Information Leakage" has been accepted in 56th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO)!
  • [May '23] I am attending ACACES summer school again this year! See you in Italy!
  • [March '23] Our paper "Doppelganger Loads: A Safe, Complexity-Effective Optimization for Secure Speculation Schemes" has been accepted in International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA) 2023!
  • [Sep '22] Our paper "Clueless: A Tool Characterizing Values Leaking as Addresses" has been accepted in Hardware and Architectural Support for Security and Privacy (HASP), co-located with MICRO 2022!
  • [more news]
  • Research and Bio

    I am a PhD Student at Uppsala University, research group UART (Uppsala Architecture Research Team) and also a Microsoft PhD Scholar, under the supervision of Professor Stefanos Kaxiras, and under the co-supervision of Associate Professor Magnus Själander (@ NTNU), Boris Köpf (@ Microsoft Research) and Assistant Professor Yuan Yao.
    My research interests lie broadly on computer architecture and security, exploring novel ideas on hardware and software to design architectures that offer greater levels of security and performance. My research interests include exploring the design space of speculative execution threats and mitigations and secure memory.
    My research is done in collaboration with Microsoft Research at Cambridge.
    Prior joining Uppsala University, I graduated from a Master of Engineering program in Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Thessaly, Greece, where I was a member of Computer Systems Laboratory (CSL) and Circuits and Systems Laboratory (CASLab).
    You can reach me at pavlos.aimoniotis@it.uu.se
    keywords; computer architecture, security


    Ph.D., Computer Science (2021 - pres.)
    Uppsala University, Sweden
    Supervisor: Prof. Stefanos Kaxiras
    Co-Advisors: Magnus Själander, Boris Köpf, Yuan Yao

    M.Eng., Electrical and Computer Engineering (2016-2021)
    University of Thessaly, Greece
    Advisor: Prof. Nikolaos Bellas

    Thesis Title: "Precise and Approximate Optimizations for Visual SLAM on GPUs"


    PhD Scholarship
    Microsoft Research, Cambridge UK

    Plain Academic