FMB-IT Numerical Linear Algebra

Numerical Linear Algebra: FMB page/ IT page
Module Dates Material to read/Downloads
I: Basic Numerical Linear Algebra Oct 30 - Nov 2 Demmel, Chapters 1, 2.2-2.6
"Hands-on" no. 1 Task description Disabled
Additional computer lab, Nov 2 Task description Disabled
Some slides here
Assignments on Module I Deadline Nov 13, 2007 here
Comments on the assignment here

II: Matrix factorizations Nov 13 - 16 Demmel, Chapters 2.7, 3.4, 5.4
Slides here
"Hands-on" no. 2 Task description Disabled
Matlab files Disabled
Assignments on Module II Deadline Nov 26, 2007 here
Matlab files Disabled

III: Iterative solution methods Nov 26 - 30 Demmel, Chapter 6
Additional lecture notes/slides here
"Hands-on" no. 3a Task description here
Matlab files here
"Hands-on" no. 3b Task description here
Assignments on Module III Deadline Dec 10, 2007 here

pixels IV: Solution methods for eigenvalue problems Dec 10 - 13 Demmel, Chapters 5.1-5.3, 4, 7
Additional lecture notes/slides here
"Hands-on" no. 4 Task description Via Jan Brandts web-page
Assignments on Module IV Deadline Dec 24, 2007 here
Jan Brandts web-page: Follow 'Teaching and studio courses' ->> Incidental teaching ->> Uppsala 2007

How to write the assignments pdf/ ps

The NLA course evaluation form here

Supplement Short Matlab reference guide here

Last changed on Nov 20, 2007.
Mail to: Maya dot Neytcheva "at" it dot uu dot se "