Solo Diagrams

Cosimo Laneve, Joachim Parrow, and Björn Victor


We address the problems of implementing the replication operator efficiently in the solos calculus---a calculus of mobile processes without prefix. This calculus is expressive enough to admit an encoding of the whole fusion calculus and thus the pi-calculus.

We show that nested occurrences of replication can be avoided, that the size of replicated terms can be limited to three particles, and that the usual unfolding semantics of replication can be replaced by three simple reduction rules. To illustrate the results and show how the calculus can be efficiently implemented we present a graphic representation of agents in the solos calculus, adapting ideas from interaction diagrams and pi-nets.

In N. Kobayashi and B.C. Pierce, eds, Proceedings of TACS 2001, Sendai, Japan, volume 2215 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 127-144. Springer-Verlag, 2001. (Postscript, compressed, PDF) [Copyright © Springer-Verlag.]

If you have a Flash plugin, you can see my presentation at TACS 2001.

See also these related papers:

and Lucian Wischik's excellent overview of fusion research.
Björn Victor
Last modified: Sun, 06-Jul-2003 20:21 MEST