Concurrent Constraints in the Fusion Calculus
We use the fusion calculus, a generalization and simplification of the
pi-calculus, to model concurrent constraint programming. In
particular we encode three basic variants of the rho-calculus, which
is a foundational calculus for the concurrent constraint programming
language Oz. Using a new reduction-based semantics and weak barbed
congruences for the fusion calculus we formally establish an
operational correspondence between the rho-calculi and their
encodings. These barbed congruences are shown to coincide with the
hyperequivalences previously adopted for the fusion calculus.
Extended abstract: In K.G. Larsen, S. Skyum and G. Winskel, eds, Proceedings of ICALP'98, volume 1443 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 455-469. Springer-Verlag, 1998. (Postscript, compressed)
See also these related papers:
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The Fusion Calculus: Expressiveness and Symmetry in Mobile Processes,
by Joachim Parrow and Björn Victor, LICS'98.
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Concurrent Constraints in the Fusion Calculus,
by Björn Victor and Joachim Parrow, ICALP'98.
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The Tau-Laws of Fusion,
by Joachim Parrow and Björn Victor, CONCUR'98.
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The Fusion Calculus: Expressiveness and Symmetry in Mobile Processes,
PhD thesis by Björn Victor.
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Symbolic Characterizations and Algorithms for Hyperequivalence,
by Björn Victor, technical report DoCS 98/96.
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Solos in Concert,
by Cosimo Laneve and Björn Victor, ICALP'99 / MSCS 13(5) 2003.
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Solo Diagrams,
by Cosimo Laneve, Joachim Parrow and Björn Victor, TACS2001.
and Lucian Wischik's excellent overview of fusion research.
Björn Victor
Last modified: Mon, 11-Jan-1999 15:27 MET