Revising the Management of Rapier in the West

Greetings to you all reading this page.

Since the last review of the documents related to the Guild structure and the integration of Guild Ranks into the structure of the Rules I have had some questions, that I think deserve answers. I thought about this and I think that the appropriate way to deal with questions is to establish an FAQ for the West Fencing Page and to also broadcast the FAQ on the West Email List in the first week of every month.

I have also received a communication from HRM Jade which outlines his requirements for the Rules and Guild. The pertinent sections of that message can be viewed by those interested in the ideas of HRM on the topic by following the link to Jade's letter

In response to the communications I have received from the members of the Rapier Community and HRM I have produced a second revision of the Guild Charter and of the marshalate section of the Rules.

For those who have read the previous version the areas that you should look at for changes are:

OK, here are the latest versions of the Guild Charter and the revised set of the Rules. I look forward to your comments and e-mail. Please let me know of any inconsistencies you find, as I want to get a well structured set of the rules prepared in time for October Crown. YIS Arenwald.