Details of requirements listed in letter from HRM Jade.

Here are the changes I'll want included, in "plain english" so that you don't have to sit on pins and needles until I respond again:

The structure of the Guild:

  1. Guild structure to be implemented, as we have discussed
  2. Guild "Masters" to have specific roles which include;
  3. Only the Crown can grant the status of Guild Master
  4. Qualification for the status of Guild Master will require;

On Combat:

  1. Your rules for fiberglass weapons are almost certain to be ok as far as I am concerned. I'll double check, but don't expect any news.
  2. Primary weapons and training will be with fiberglass weapons, until a person qualified and authorized for training with schlagers is ready to issue a temporary training authorization for schlager.
  3. Temporary authorizations for schlager will be for a period of no less than six months, but may be longer at the discretion of the GM.
  4. A person fencing with schlagers must be authorized for that weapon, or they will be specifically disallowed from using schlager again for no less than one year
  5. A person fencing with schlagers under a temporary authorization shall receive one warning for incorrect conduct/usage (to be officially recorded) during their training period, before their training period is terminated. If their training period is terminated for cause, they may not attempt to use schalgers again for a period of no less than one year.
  6. A trainee's authorizing Guild "Master" will be notified when one of their trainees receives a warning. They will have the option of revoking the trainee's temporary authorization at that time. If they do not do so, and the trainee becomes disqualified for a second violation, the GM's ability to authorize is suspended for not less than six months.
  7. A trainee whose temporary schlager authorization is revoked by their GM may not receive another temporary authorization for a minimum of three months (this should allow sufficient training time for another run at authorization).
  8. A trainee whose authorization for schlager use is revoked as a result of a second offense during their training period will be disallowed from the usage of schlagers for not less than one year.
  9. Only documented period fencing forms will be used.
  10. Melee' fencing will not be allowed under any circumstances.
  11. There will be an additional armor requirement for those who will be using schlagers and/or flexi-daggers. This requirement is for an additional layer of penetration resistant material (one of the layers of penetration resistant material MUST be 4 ounce (or heavier leather). Under no circumstances may schlagers be used without some form of approved leather torso protection. (yes, this means twice the "armor" required for fencing with fiberglass is to be used when fencing with schlagers.

On Administration and Marshalling:

  1. Fencers will be required to present their paperwork showing their specific levels of qualification before participating in any fencing activities. Taking part in activities for which they are not qualified will result in their suspension from fencing for not less than one year.
  2. Only those who are qualified to participate in a specific level of activity may marshall that activity.
  3. Any combatant who argues with a marshall on the field of combat shall be immediately removed from the field of combat and will be disqualified from further fencing activities for the day. That person shall also receive an official warning/infraction notice.
  4. Any marshall who observes a fencer violating the rules, or behaving in an unsafe manner will issue that fencer an official warning/ infraction notice.
  5. Fencers who are participating in activities for which they are fully qualified (not on a temporary authorization) may receive up to two warnings within an annual period. On receipt of a third infraction notice, they are disqualified from fencing activities for a period of no less than six months. After their suspension, they must be re-authorized by a qualified Guild "Master", and will have the standard temporary authorization process applied to them.

On Titles, Awards and Recognitions for Fencing:

  1. The West Kingdom will not recognize emigrant awards for fencing.
  2. The West Kingdom will not recognize, particpate in, or acknowledge the "white scarf treaty".
  3. The Guild may propose Guild-specific recognitions to be allowed in it's charter, as long as those recognitions are related to the level of skill that a guild member has attained with respect to the the pursuits of the guild. These shall be approved by Crown, and shall be non-armigerous and not recorded in the OP.
  4. I will be reviewing the current awards for fencing activities, and will likely make some changes, but I'll discuss those with you before I make the changes law.
  5. The titles for different levels of fencing skill within the guild are a good idea. I have, however, received some very negative feedback about "Masters of Defence", and it seems unlikely that we will end up using that title. We can work on this in the next two weeks, and come up with something that will work. It is critical that the final version be ready for October Crown, as that is where I will announce the new version and the attendant law changes. In some ways I think the best title will be simply "Guild Master of Fencing", with the principle of the guild being the "High Guild Master of Fencing", or "Lord GMF" or some other honorific.