Charter of the Company of Masters of Defence of the Kingdom of the West

This Charter through the Grace and Might of our most Noble Souvreign King of the West, Defender of the People, etc. does herewith create and endow the most Noble Order of the Masters of Defence in this Kingdom, and withall empower the said Order and its lawful agents to manage and control all manner of things which pertain to the management and good ordering of the teaching and practicing of the Arte of Rapier within the Kingdom aforesaid.

This document herein setting out the powers, rights and privileges of the said Guilde, and specifying all things that must be specified in regard to ranks, qualifications, and examination of candidates for all the specified ranks of the Guild, and furthermore empowering the Masters of the Guild to do all such things as are necessary to bring this Arte into good repute throught the Kingdom.

Guild Ranks

There shall be five ranks within the Guild
  1. Scholar
  2. Free Scholar
  3. Journeyman
  4. Provost
  5. Master of Defence
Each of these ranks save Master of Defence can be attained through diligent study and application of the Rules of the Guild which can be found published here and in the Rules of Rapier Combat in the Kingdom of the West. No member may make their Prize for advancement without the consent of one or other Masters, Provosts or Journeymen of the Guild who shall deem them ready as laid out in the statues of this charter..


Any person who professes an interest in the Noble Arte of Defence shall be immediately admitted to the rank of Scholar, to undertake study with whosoever Master, Journeyman or Provost who can be found to take him. With the proviso that no Master, Journeyman or Provost shall charge a fee for their instruction or prevent them from gaining instruction from any other Master, Journeyman or Provost of the Guild who may from time to time wish to impart Knowledge of their Arte and Science to the said Scholar. All this instruction being made in accordance with the statues set out in the Rules of Rapier Combat of the West Kingdom and with the intention of preparing the Scholar to play his Prize. No Scholar shall be permitted to play the prize until after one month has elapsed since commencing their instruction.

Free Scholar

Upon successfully playing the Free Scholars Prize a Scholar shall be admitted to the rank of Free Scholar within the Kingdom of the West, entitling them to all the rights and prerogatives of that rank as set out in the Rules of Rapier Conduct of the Kingdom. As a sign of this new rank each Free Scholar shall be entitled to wear the Badge of the Guild in plain silver metal upon their person. In addition Free Scholars are permitted to participate in the displays of Combat and to participate in the playing of Prizes of any other aspiring Scholar wishing to join them in this rank. Each Free Scholar may further their practice and study of rapier, and upon demonstration of sufficient competence before a Master or Provost of the Guild may be allowed to play their Journeymans Prize. No Free Scholar may play their Journeymans Prize within one month of playing their Prize to become a Free Scholar.


After successfully playing their Journeymans Prize a Free Scholar shall be admitted to the company of Journeymen of the Guild, entitling them to the privileges and prerogatives pertaining to their new rank as set out in the Rules of Rapier Combat of the West Kingdom. The Journeyman may wear the Badge of the Guild upon a sash of Red cloth as a sign of their status within the Guild. Journeymen of the Guild may be called upon to act as agents of the Guild to Assist in the management of such Prizes and other displays of Rapier Combat as may occur from time to time. In addition Journeymen may engage to teach such Scholars and Free Scholars as may wish to learn under their tutelage, and may, with the permission of other Journeymen, Provosts and Masters within their area, establish their own Schools of Defence for the benefit of the Kingdom and the enrichment of their fellow citizens. Such Journeymen as wish may further study the subtleties of the Guild with such Masters or Provosts, who will train them to prepare themselves to play their Provosts Prize. Journeymen of the guild are expected to participate in the playing of the Journeymens Prizes of other candidates wishing to be elevated to that rank within the Guild. No Journeyman may play his Provosts Prize until after a full three months have elapsed since attaining the Rank of Journeyman.


Upon successfully playing the Provosts Prize a Journeyman shall immediately be aclaimed as a Provost of the Guild, and be entitled to all the rights and responsibilities of that rank as laid down in the statutes of the Guild, and written in the Rules of Rapier Combat of the Kingdom of the West. As a sign of their rank Provosts of the Guild are permitted to wear the Badge of the Guild displayed on a sash of Green cloth so that all may know of their skill and prowess. In addition to the duties and responsibilites of a Journeyman, Provosts of the Guild may be called upon to Organise and Coordinate Rapier activities within the Kingdom, and to participate in playing the Prize with any Journeymen who might wish to advance by playing their Provosts Prize. No Provost may play their Masters Prize except upon invitation from the Masters of the Guild.

Guild Master of Fence

This Charter, doth for the good of the Kingdom and the proper management of the Noble Arte of Rapier, also known as the Noble Science of Defence establish within this Kingdom these Ancient Masters of Defence, namely ??????? and entrust to them the management of Rapier within this our Kingdom. To these noble and Ancient Masters of Fence we also entrust the proper training of all citizens who wish to study these several noble Artes, following the Regulations laid out in the Rules of Rapier Combat in the Kingdom of the West.

We charge these Ancient Guild Masters of Fence and all other Guild Masters of Fence who may join them to properly bring to our notice all other persons worthy of the title Guild Master of Fence that We may consider them for elevation to the rank of Guild Master of Fence within the Kingdom of the West. Upon which decision such Provosts as have been so invited may play their Prize before the Crown or its duly authorised representative and be elevated to the Rank of Master of Defence within the Guild. This position being confirmed by our letters and a Grant of Arms within the Kingdom of the West. So too do we confirm the rights and titles of these Ancient Masters of Defence and confirm unto them a Grant of Arms within the Kingdom of the West.

Each Master of the Guild shall have all the rights and prerogatives laid out in the Rules of Rapier Combat in the Kingdom of the West. A Master of the Guild may wear a sash of Black cloth bearing the Badge of the Guild in Gold as a symbol of this rank. A Master may also choose to wear a black Glove bearing the Badge of the Guild in Gold as a symbol of this Rank within the Guild. It is the solemn duty of all Masters of the Guild to teach any who come to them for instruction, and to support the endeavours of all members of the Guild whatever their Rank, and to provide to all citizens with the means for advancement within the Guild, that being the provision of Knowledge through teaching.

It is the duty of the Guild Masters of Fence to bring to the attention of the Body of Guild Masters any Journeyman who by his exceptional efforts within the Guild, grace of character, skill at arms and contribution to the Noble Arte of Rapier may be worthy of Playing his Masters Prize.
After due deliberation such candidates as are deemed worthy shall be brought to the attention of the Crown by the elected delegate of the Body of Guild Masters.  If the Crown concurs that the person has the necessary attributes the Body of Guild Masters shall ask the Crown to nominate a date within a six month upon which the applicant may play his Prize. This prize shall be duly publicised, and it is the duty of as many Guild Masters of Fence as are able to endeavour to be present to play with the candidate. The examination shall take the form of bouts to the first touch with as many Guild Masters of Fence as wish to try the skills of the applicant. However, no Prize may take more than one hour to play in its entirety. Each applicant must be tested in each of the categories of combat specified in the Rules of Rapier Combat in the Kingdom of the West. Upon the conclusion of the Prize the candidate will be created a Master of Defence using the Ceremony specified in this Charter.

Ceremony for Creation of a Master of Defence

His Noble Majesty King Jade, Rex Occidentalis, and Her Majesty Queen Siobhan, Regina  did in the year Anno Societatis 887 for the benefit of this Noble Kingdom recognise by Royal Charter the Most Illustrious Guild of Masters of Fence and granted to the Ancient Guild Masters YYY QQQ GGG Etc the responsibility for the proper direction of Rapier within this Kingdom.

We <King> and <Queen> By Right King and Queen of the West do call upon such of the Aforesaid Ancient Masters as are yet living, and the Body of the Guild of Masters of Fence to bring themselves before Our Presence.

<Leave time for Guild Masters to Assemble>

Within this court it is the intention of their most Noble and Illustrious Majesties to hear a petition from the aforesaid Body of Masters.

<High Guild Master presents Scroll to Crown>

It is the petition of the Body of Guild Masters of Fence of the Kingdom of the West that <candidate> be named Guild Master of Fence by the Crown, and granted by Royal Letters the right to teach the said Arte within this Kingdom. In recognition of which,

Thus do we <King> and <Queen> being by the Undisputed Sovereigns of the Kingdom of the West, grant to <candidate> the title Guild Master of Fence within the Kingdom. Herewith confirmed unto them by our Royal Grant of Arms and Royal Letters within the Kingdom of the West, and charge them with the duties and responsibilities of a Guild Master of Fence as set out in the Charter of that Guild.

Three Cheers for the newest Guild Master of Fence....
