Types of Rapier Participant

This section defines the requirements and responsibilities of rapier participants. Rapier activity is broadly divided into two types of activity, combat, and management of combat. To minimise the risks associated with Rapier fighting each combatant needs to be familiar with the equipment they are using and the rules that regulate the activity. It is also necesary to check equipment that is to be used in Rapier Combat to ensure that it conforms with the rules.  Regulation of rapier is implemented by establishing a ranking system for all participants which specifies their abillity to participate in the various activities described in the other sections of these rules. Five ranks of fencer have been established and named in the Charter of the Guild of Masters of Fence, which regulates rapier activity in the Kingdom of the West. This section of the rules defines the types of rapier activity associated with each of the ranks and explains how to qualify for each of the ranks up to Provost. Guild Masters of Fence are created by the Crown, and so the requirements are not pertinent to this document. The Charter of the Company of Masters of Defence of the Kingdom of the West is included as Appendix ?? for your information.

General Regulations

The following guidelines apply to all grading examinations (Prizes) conducted by the Guild of Masters of Fence of the West Kingdom.
  1. The applicant must provide his/her Society and Legal names, and a mailing address by which he/she may be contacted, and complete a waiver or indemnity (whichever is applicable to their region) for the Lists files.
  2. The result of the test  is not considered valid unless the Kingdom or, if applicable, Principality Rapier Marshal receives completed authorization information no later than 30 days after the date of the authorization. It is the responsibility of the Rapier Marshal administering the authorization to ensure that such information is promptly sent.
  3. A temporary card will be issued at the time of the test, which certifies the new rank of the applicant, and which is valid for 30 days from the test date.
  4. Each qualification must be renewed every two years. Renewals will be conducted by performing a repeat of the test appropriate to the qualification level in the same manner as when applying for the rank for the first time.
Infringements of the regulations by members of the Guild can result in the expulsion of person from the Guild, or demotion within the Guild depending on the severity of the infractions recorded against that person, and their previous history of infractions of the Rules. Infractions of the Rules are to be reported to a local Provost of the Guild, who will forward that information to the Principality or Kingdom Marshal where it will be recorded. Infringements that are to be reported are;
  1. failing to adhere to the standards of weapon construction, personal behaviour and conduct during combat described in these rules,
  2. failing to obey the legitimate instructions of the senior members of the Guild in regards to the safe conduct of rapier combat,
  3. people engaging in combat with weapons for which they have not received the appropriate qualification or Guild Rank.
  4. behaviour that lead to an injury requiring medical attention.
Infringements that occur due to wear and tear on protective equipment and weapons are a normal occurence and need not be reported unless the owner of the equipment refuses to accept the ruling of the Provosts, Masters and Marshals in Charge of an event with respect to their equipment. Refer to the appeals procedure in Section !!@@##..

Disciplinary Action



Anyone who participates in rapier at the most basic level.
People at this level can attend training sessions but are not authorised for unsupervised training  in any weapon type.


There are no requirements for qualification at this level.

Free Scholar


People who have receieved at least one months training in fibreglass rapier and have demonstrated their proficiency with a single rapier. A Free Scholar may augment their qualification to include fighting with a variety of offhand weapons from the following list:
  1. Defensive
  2. Offensive

Basic Qualification

To be classed as a Free Scholar a candidate must demonstrate their ability to fight in a controlled fashion with a single rapier. The test (Prize) must be conducted by a Provost, and at least one other person of the rank of Free Scholar or above.

In order to qualify, the combatant must satisfy the following conditions:

  1. The applicant shall demonstrate knowledge of the Rules of the Lists (as applicable to rapier combat) and this Code of Rules for Rapier Combat in the West Kingdom. This test can be administered as an oral or as a written examination at the discretion of the Provost conducting the test.
  2. Perform a Prize (combat test) with at least one Free Scholar in which the following skills are tested:
    1. Blow acknowledgment.
    2. Proper blow delivery.
    3. Good control in defense and when attacking.
    4. Some ability in both offense and defense
    5. Response to a hold
  3. These will be tested in the following circumstances:
    1. Both fighters standing
    2. With the candidate fighting with the off hand
    3. With the candidate fighting from the ground while the opponent stands
    4. With both fighters fighting from the ground
    5. With the candidate standing while the opponent fights from the ground.
    The examining Provost and Free Scholars must feel the combatant does not pose a safety risk to him/herself or others if allowed to participate in Rapier Combat.

Offhand Qualifications

Offhand defensive weapon use is tested by a Provost and one other person of the rank of Free Scholar or above. The use of each of the offhand defensive weapons listed in these rules must be tested in normal combat. If it is the concensus of the examining officials that an appropriate level of skill has been demonstrated the applicants card will be endorsed to indicate that they can use offhand defensive weapons.

Offhand offensive weaponry use is tested in the same manner, and results in a similar endorsement. Note that fighting with two rapiers is often called "Case of Rapier" fighting. A Free Scholar must complete these offhand weapon qualifications before applying to be graded as a Journeyman.



A journeyman has at least two months training experience (eight one hour sessions) with fibreglass weapons, and must have at least one months training experience (four one hour sessions) with schlager bladed rapiers. A journeyman is somone who has been certified to fight in tournaments with a schlager bladed rapier. Journeymen may have optional offhand combat qualifications for Flexi-dagger and Offhand Schlager Rapier (sometimes called case of rapiers) in the same way as Free Scholars.


The qualification proceedure is identical to that for a Free Scholar, except that schlager bladed rapiers are to be used. All the same criteria must be met. Offhand weapons endorsements are also handled in exactly the same way as for Free Scholars. Journeymen must have a full set of primary and offhand weapons qualifications before they can apply to be ranked as a Provost.



Provosts are rapier combatants who have significant experience with the rules and all the types of equipment used for rapier combat. They are responsible for teaching Fibreglass combat and testing guild members and certifying them as Free Scholars. Provosts are also responsible for performing a thorough inspection of a rapier combatant's armor, weapons and defensive items and confirming that they comply with the West Kingdom Rapier Combat rules and standards in this document. Provosts are to inspect equipment for compliance before use on the field at any Official West Kingdom Rapier Combat Practice or Rapier Combat Event.


The candidate must be examined in the requirements specified below, and recommended to the appropriate Kingdom/Principality/Marches Marshal by a current Provost. Renewals are granted by acceptance of a renewal request by the proper authority (usually a Principality of Kingdom Rapier Marshal).
  1. The following steps are required to become a Provost:
  3. The following endorsements allow Provosts to oversee events, and admit Free Scholars to the rank of Provost. Such augmentations are granted to Provosts at the discretion of the Kingdom or Principality Rapier Marshal on the recommendation of a Provost who already holds the appropriate endorsement.

Guild Masters of Fence


Guild Masters of Fence are selected for elevation by the Crown and the Body of Guild Masters of Fence. Guild Masters of Fence are people who have made a very significant contribution to rapier in the West Kingdom. They have a wide range of experience in all forms of rapier play with all weapons forms. They are the only people authorised to teach schlager rapier combat in the Kingdom of the West.


To qualify a candidate must be a Provost, and be judged worthy by the Body of Masters of Defence and the Crown. The candidate will then play their prize and be elevated in accordance with the charter of the Guild.

Masters of Defence must qualify as fit for combat and for overseeing and coordinating rapier combat in the same way as Provosts of the Guild. If a Master of Defence chooses not to maintain these certifications they retain the title and rank of Master of Defence, but may not actively participate in any area of rapier activity. If they wish to requalify at a later date they must perform the same certification procedures as are requred of Provosts.

Rapier Administration

1. Rapier Marshalate Organization

Rapier marshals are Provosts or Masters of the Guild who perform the special administrative duties outlined below. For simplicity Provosts and appropriately certified Masters of Defence are referred to as Provosts in the following section. All these special officers must make quarterly reports to their superiors. They will be informed of the due dates of these reports by their superior when their office is confirmed.

Rapier Events
  1. Equipment Inspection
    1. At least one Provost must be present to perform equipment inspections.
    2. No combatant shall participate in a bout, melee or other combat without having had all equipment and armor pass inspection. If any equipment is found to be unsafe or not in compliance with the rules then the combatant may not participate further in the combat until the equipment in question has been replaced, repaired or discarded to the satisfaction of the Rapier Marshal in Charge.
    3. The Provosts conducting equipment inspection shall not damage a combatant's equipment unduly, such as by bending the combatant's weapon blade to test flexibility or curvature, performing the SCA Standard Fencing Armor Test (SFAT) (see Appendix II for test procedure) on the combatant's protective equipment. A list of materials which are known to satisfy the SFAT requirements are listed in an Appendix.
      1. If such testing is deemed to be necessary, then it is preferable that the SFAT be performed on a sample of the combatant's protective equipment, if the combatant desires to use the equipment in question.
      2. When checking for groin protection the Provost shall ask the combatant to self-test.
    4. If any equipment is found to be unsafe or not in compliance with the rules it shall be clearly marked in a manner to easily identify it as having failed an inspection.
      1. A weapon is to be have three X's etched into it close to the hilt (or be painted with a bright color if the combatant intends to appeal the decision on the blade) only after two Provosts have inspected the weapon and agreed upon it failing inspection.
      2. This does not apply to Fiberglass weapons that are designed to be repaired.
    5. Masks shall be inspected annually with a 12 kg punch and, annotated on the bib of the mask. Masks shall also be visually inspected prior to being used in any Rapier combat.
      1. A mask that fails shall be marked noticeably with an indelible marker as having failed after two Provosts have inspected the mask using a 12 kg punch test and agree with the results. (It is recommended that the mask be crushed at the discretion of the combatant.)
      2. If the 12 kg punch is not available then a field test may be performed in an attempt to determine the safety level of the mask. A normal field test is look for any dents in the mask surface. If there are observable coin sized of larger depressions in the surface of the mesh then the mask should be failed. Second one should press firmly on the surface of the mask mesh in the section that covers the face, and observe the movement of the mesh. If the wires move against one another and the mask mesh is easily depressed then the mask should not be used until it has been checked with a punch tester and the punch resistance determined in a controlled manner.
    6. Armor that fails any test described in this document fails to meet the required standards for participation in rapier combat in the West Kingdom and may not be used.
    7. An appeal can be made on any armor, mask or weapon that fails the field inspection. Such appears are addressed to the Kingdom/Principality Rapier Marshal who will make a final decision prior to marking the equipment as failed.
    8. Armor may be re-presented to the Marshal or Kingdom Rapier Marshal or Principality Rapier Marshal after it has been modified or repaired to meet the armor standards.
  2. Conduct of Combat
    1. Because of the nature of the weapons being used, Provosts, and combatants should pay special attention to tips missing or broken, and for badly bent or fatigued blades.
    2. The Provost  supervising a bout or melee shall enforce the rules and conventions governing rapier combat. If infractions occur during a bout or melee, the Provost in supervision shall warn the combatants involved and take steps to prevent their recurrence. If no other solutions are workable, the combatant responsible will be deemed defeated. If this is a two-person duel then the bout is over. If this occurs during a melee then the battle will continue without the offender.
    3. All infractions of this type shall be reported to the Rapier Marshal in Charge, as they must be included in the event report.
    4. The Rapier Marshal in Charge may suspend a combatant and remove him/her from the competition field for the duration of the event for any of the following reasons. (If the Rapier Marshal in Charge is not available during the bout or melee, the supervising Provost may take this action, thereafter reporting to the Rapier Marshal in Charge.)
      1. The combatant has made his/her third violation of the rules during a bout or melee.
      2. The combatant, through demonstration of behavior on the field, poses a risk to the safety of him/herself or others and the supervising Provost believes that the combatant shall continue to pose a risk regardless of verbal warning.
      3. The combatant refuses to obey the legal commands of the Provosts supervising the combat.
    5. Any Rapier Combatant who has been suspended may not participate further in any Rapier Combat until the suspension has been resolved. For such resolution the appropriate West Kingdom procedures shall be used.
    6. Unsafe or excessive force blows shall be discussed on the field, and failing a mutually satisfactory resolution, the agrieved combatant shall write an official letter of complaint to the Kingdom/Principality Rapier Marshal. Three letters of complaint of separate instances shall automatically suspend the individual from combat, until the factual basis of the complaints can be established by the Kingdom/Principality Rapier Marshal.
    7. At the end of a combat the Rapier Marshal/s shall ask whether the combatants are satisfied. Any combatant who leaves the field without stating a problem is declaring their satisfaction with the outcome of the combat. Disagreements with the Marshalate shall be resolved off the field through the appropriate West Kingdom grievance and appeal procedures.
    8. Rapier Marshals are responsible for reporting any injury requiring the attention of a health professional (e.g. Doctor, Nurse, Chiropractor, or Paramedic) to the Kingdom Rapier Marshal within 24 hours. The Kingdom Rapier Marshal will investigate the incident and provide a report to the Kingdom Earl Marshal within 10 days of the incident.
    9. If for any reason it becomes impossible to conduct Rapier Combat safely, and in accordance with the rules, or if any officer acting with their due authority removes sanction from an event, the Rapier Marshal In Charge shall cooperate to halt all Rapier Combat at the event. If the Rapier Marshal in Charge makes this determination but is unable to stop Rapier Combat then he/she must withdraw sanction for Rapier Combat from the event. This action and why it was taken must be included in the event report, and all efforts made to immediately contact the Kingdom (and/or, if applicable, Principality) Rapier Marshal and sponsoring Branch Seneschal
    10. All Rapier Combat at an event must be attended by a Provost in supervision of that bout or melee. The Rapier Marshal in Charge shall delegate additional Provosts to supervise the Marshaling of each bout or melee if more than one is being run at any given time:
      1. For bouts with only 2 combatants there shall be at least 1 Provost. If the bout is part of a tournament it is recommended that there be an additional Provost.
      2. In a melee (more than 2 combatants) there shall be at least 1 Provost for every 6 combatants. For example, a field of 7 to 12 combatants requires two Provosts, a field of 13 to 18 requires three Provosts and so forth. The Rapier Marshal in Charge shall provide procedures for the identification and removal of "dead" combatants, removal of abandoned equipment, rules of engagement and rules for engaging from behind.
      3. If there are not enough Provosts available then the number of bouts or melees being run at any given time must be reduced to match the number of Provosts. In no case is a bout or melee to be run without a Provost to supervise the combat
    11. As a courtesy, visitors to the West Kingdom may participate in Rapier Combat without being a member of the Guild of Masters of Defence of the West, but shall first be instructed in this Code of Rules and meet the following requirements:
      1. The visitor must present proof that he/she is currently authorized Rapier Combatants in his/her home Kingdom.
      2. The visitor must agree to use and be responsible for knowing the West Kingdom rules and conventions.
      3. The visitor must meet West Kingdom equipment standards, with the exception that he/she may be allowed to use the armor standards of his/her home Kingdom, at the assumption of his/her own risk.
      4. If a visitor resides in the West Kingdom for more than three months then he/she is expected to apply for standing in the Guild at an appropriate level in the standard West Kingdom manner.