EXPRESS'00 logo
7th International Workshop on
Expressiveness in Concurrency
August 21, 2000
Pennsylvania State University, USA


Time Author(s) Title
9.00 Luca/Björn Welcome
9.10 Neil D. Jones The Expressive Power of Higher-Order Types or, Life without CONS
10.00 Coffee
10.15 Shoham Shamir
Orna Kupferman
Eli Shamir
Branching-Depth Hierarchies in Temporal Logic
10.55 Jiri Srba Complexity of Weak Bisimilarity and Regularity for BPA and BPP
11.35 Jos C.M. Baeten Embedding Untimed into Timed Process Algebra; the Case for Explicit Termination
12.15 Lunch
13.45 Flavio Corradini
Dino Di Cola
A Study on the Interplay between Syntax and Semantics of Timed Processes
14.25 Pascal Zimmer On the Expressiveness of Pure Mobile Ambients
15.05 Coffee
15.20 Uwe Nestmann
António Ravara
What's TyCO, After All? (short abstract)
16.00 Martin Berger
Kohei Honda
The Two-Phase Commitment Protocol in an Extended pi-Calculus
16.40 Oltea Mihaela Herescu
Catuscia Palamidessi
Encoding pi in asynchronous pi via randomization (short abstract)
17.20 Closing

© Björn Victor
Last modified: Fri, 18-Aug-2000 16:01 MEST
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