Project involvment:

Project title: Participants: In collaboration with:
Performance study of MPI functionality to implement irregular communication patterns(ongoing) Maya Neytcheva, August Forsman, Ivo Dravins IT Department, Uppsala University, financed by VR
Mathematics and numerics in PDE-constrained optimization problems with state and control constraints (ongoing) Maya Neytcheva, Gunilla Kreiss, Ivo Dravins IT Department, Uppsala University, financed by VR
Parallel performance studies of communication-avoiding iterative solution methods (on hold) Maya Neytcheva, Ali Dorostkar, Ivo Dravins IT Department, Uppsala University
Utilizing the Generalized Locally Toeplitz theory for finding matrix eigensolutions with high accuracy; applications (ongoing) Maya Neytcheva, Stefano Serra-Capizzano, Sven-Erik Ekström IT Department, Uppsala University; Department of Physics and Mathematics, University of Insubria (Italy) University
Efficient numerical methods for Glacial Isostatic Adjustment models (on hold) Maya Neytcheva, Björn Lund, Ali Dorotskar, Stefano Serra Capizzano, Thora Árnadóttir Geophysics, Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University, Department of Physics and Mathematics, University of Insubria (Italy), Nordic Volcanological Center, Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland
STINT: Large scale scientific computations on large scale computers (Completed) Maya Neytcheva, Sverker Holmgren, Ali Dorotskar, Anastasia Kruchinina, Jonathan Bull; Vladimir Voevodin, Nina Popova, Vadim Voevodin, Alexey Teplov, Pavel Shvets IT Department, Uppsala University, Research Computing Center, Moscow State University (Russia)
Numerical solution methods for discrete optimal control problems, constrained by partial differential equations (OPT-PDE) Completed) Maya Neytcheva, Anders Ström, Ali Dorotskar IT Department, Uppsala University
Large scale numerical simulations of multiphysics and multiscale problems in Geophysics (ongoing) Björn Lund, Ali Dorotskar, Radim Blaheta, Svetozar Margenov Geophysics, Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University, Institute of Geonics, Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic), Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Bulgaria)
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Large scale Scientific Computing in the Cloud (Currently inactive) Salman Toor, Ali Dorotskar The Division of Scientific Computing, Department of Information Tehcnology and UPPMAX, Uppsala University
Graph partitioning / mesh agglomeration algorithms (Currently inactive) Master student
Efficient solution methods for trabecular bone micro-finite element models (Currently inactive) Bert van Rietbergen, Peter Arbenz, Radim Blaheta TUE, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, The Institute for Parallel Processing, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, The Institute of Computational Science, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, The Academic Hospital, Uppsala.
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Levels of parallelism and parallel performance studies for multiphase flow problems (Completed) Alexandra Redlund, Cheng Gong, Ali Dorostkar, Maya Neytcheva, Dimitar Lukarski The Division of Scientific Computing, Department of Information Tehcnology and UPPMAX, Uppsala University
Approximate Schur-complement based preconditioners for Adaptive Finite Elements (Completed) Christian Karlsson The Division of Scientific Computing, Department of Information Tehcnology, Uppsala University
Finite element preconditioners for algebraic problems as arising in modelling of multiphase microstructures (Completed) Minh Do-Quang, Owe Axelsson, Petia Boyanova, Martin Kronbichler, He Xin, Xunxun Wu Department of Mechanics, KTH, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
Enhancing Flexibility in Iterative Solution Methods (Completed) Niklas Fors Valeria Simoncini (Dept. of Mathematics, Bologna University, Italy)
Numerical solution methods for glacial rebound models (UPPMAX project p2004006, completed) Erik Bängtsson, Björn Lund Geophysics, Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University
Parallel computing in Geosciences (UPPMAX project p2004009, completed) Erik Bängtsson, Björn Lund, Radom Blaheta, Ondey Jakl, Jiri Stary Department of Information Technology, UU / Department of Earth Sciences, UU / Institute of Geonics ASCR, The Czech Republic / Institute for Parallel Processing, BAS, Bulgaria

Selected international projects (completed):

Year Project title Funding
1998 - 2001 KIT High Performance Computing in Geosciences: Safety of constructions with respect to rock deformations and movements (HIPERGEOS II) EU
1997 - 2000 NNS 4683 High performance computing of problems in structural engineering STW
1995 - 1998 COPERNICUS Project CP 94-0820 High Performance Computing in Geomechanics: Safety of constructions with respect to rock deformations and movements (HIPERGEOS) EU

Last changed on MArch 11, 2019
Mail to: Maya dot Neytcheva "at" it dot uu dot se "