Culture Hack Day 2011 Photo

I am a Post-Doc researcher with the CoRe research group at the IT department in Uppsala Universitet. I mostly work in the areas of computer communication, social networks (e.g. personality presentation), complex network theory and variations of opportunistic and mobile computing. I am particularly interested in applying these topics in the domains of music consumption, personal health and disaster situations.

I am teaching Computer Networks II, please contact me if you have questions.

I am also acting as Tutor for the Distributed Information Systems course.


Email: liam.mcnamara [@]
Office: Angstrom Laboratory, Plan 2, Hus 7, 72407
Post: Uppsala Universitet, Inst. for informationsteknologi , Box 337, 751 05, Uppsala, Sweden



I finished my PhD in 2008 with Dr. Cecilia Mascolo as supervisor, and worked as a research associate for the Utiforo project, under Dr. Stephen Hailes and Dr. Licia Capra, until September 2009. I submitted my thesis in late 2009. The previous two years were spent with the Networks and Operating Systems group at the University of Cambridge.

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