Link to Curriculum Vitae
Professor Ingela Nyström's research interest is interactive segmentation, visualization, digital geometry, and quantitative shape analysis of volume images with their medical applications. The career has developed from her background with a MSc degree in applied computer science and mathematics, and the PhD degree in computerised image analysis from Uppsala University, Sweden, in 1991, and in 1997, respectively.
She has held a number of leadership positions, for example, forming the Division of Visual Information and Interaction at the Dept. of Information Technology, UU, during 2012-2018. For 12 years until 2022, she was the Director of the Centre for Image Analysis. During 2006-2011, she was the Director of the Uppsala high-performance computer centre SNIC-UPPMAX and during 2011-2015 Coordinator of eSSENCE, a joint strategic effort in e-Science by Lund University, Umeå University, and Uppsala University. Since 2024, she is Deputy Director of Uppsala University's Center for Women's Mental Health (WOMHER).
In addition, she has served on a number of committees and organisations - at the University, nationally, and internationally. One example is that she was board member of the Faculty of Science of Technology, Uppsala University during 2011-2014. Early in her career in 2000, she was elected board member (President 2002-2006) of the Swedish Society for Automated Image Analysis (SSBA) and continued to serve in the board until 2012. During 2008-2018, she served as member of the Executive Committee (2nd Vice-President 2008-2010, Secretary 2010-2014, President 2014-2016, Past President 2016-2018) of the International Association of Pattern Recognition (IAPR). She was Vice-Chair of the Swedish Council for Research Infrastructure (RFI), Vetenskapsrådet, during 2014-2019. and Chair of the Board of the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC) during 2020-2022. Since 2019, she is member of the Board of Directors of the Norwegian Sigma2 AS.