I served as external evaluator (opponent) for Lars Ramfeldt's dissertation defense at KTH in 1996. I was invited to give the opening lecture to ERCIM's symposium on "Affordable Parallel Processing for Industry and Commerce 1994" at the Rutherford Laboratory, UK. I have also been invited to give seminars at prominent universities, such as Stanford, MIT, and the University of Wisconsin. I was on a panel at ISCA93-WS titled "Is COMA the Way of the Future?" (after which I was contacted by Sun). I have been on the EUROPAR program committee and on its advisory board. I have been invited several times to serve on IEEE task forces[23]. This spring the Lawrence Livermore and the Los Almos National Laboratories invited me to give the lecture "How to Build a 100TFlop Machine" at the Conference on High Speed Computing. I have also been invited by the National Engineering Academy to participate in the symposium on Frontier of Engineering. Recently, I was invited to write the "Scanning the Technology" overview paper in the Proceedings of the IEEE special issue about Distributed Shared Memory systems.
I have served as reviewer for many architecture conferences and journals, such as ISCA, ASPLOS, PARLE, Europar, HPCA, IEEE Computer, IEEE Transactions on Computing, and IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems and have reviewed several books for IEEE and Kaufman.