Curriculum vitae

Arne Andersson

Computing Science Department
Information Technology
Uppsala University
Box 311
SE - 751 05 Uppsala

Office location: Polacksbacken, Building 1, room 306
Phone at work: (+46) 18 - 471 10 22
Mobile phone: (+46) 704 - 25 03 82
Fax: (+46) 18 - 51 19 25

Home address: Rödhakevägen 3B, Uppsala
Phone at home: (+46) 18 - 32 44 45

Personal data

Education and exams

Senior Academic Positions

Leave of absence etc

Academic Awards

1991: Awarded the ``Best Teacher at Lund University''-prize by the students.

Visiting post docs

Erisk Schenk 1996-1997.

Teaching and advising

Main advisor for Ph.D. Students

Active co-advisor for Ph.D. Students


Visiting Positions

Invited Speaker



Industrial Experience

Co-founder of Trade Extensions, a company dealing with advanced electronic negotiations. The company was founded in 2000.


Ph.D. thesis Journals Refereed conferences Workshops Invited Talks (in printed proceedings) Book Chapters Software Others