Whole-program Optimization for Embedded Systems

Exjobb i kompilatorteknik: Förenklad kodgenerering.

(Exjobbet är tillsatt. Men om du är intresserad av ett exjobb i ämnet, kontakta mig (Sven-Olof Nyström). Jag kan kanske ordna fler exjobb.) Compiling for embedded systems offers some unusual prospects. In an embedded system, memory is usually quite expensive, so compiler optimizations that reduce memory use are very attractive. Programs for embedded systems are often quite small, which helps when we try to find practical algorithms for whole-program optimization.

In the WPO project, we explore optimization techniques that become feasible when the entire program is available to the compiler. We focus on optimizations that reduce memory use, for example code compression and memory allocation, but we are also interested in other techniques for inter-procedural analysis and optimization.

Publications and reports


Academic staff Topics
Sven-Olof Nyström Whole-program optimization
Johan Runeson Code Compression
Jesper Bengtsson Code generation for ARM
Tobias Folkegård Byte code compilation
Industry contacts
Carl von Platen, IAR Systems.
Olle Landström, IAR Systems.

Previous members

Bo Frödeberg
Thomas Lindgren
Jan Sjödin

Our benchmarks


Literature lists

Related projects

Keith Cooper, Rice, Nikil Dutt, Mescal, SPAM
Last modified: Mon Mar 9 13:38:50 MET 2009