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2011-10-19, View of Ångströmlaboratoriet from Regementsvägen
2010-10-07, Vilks (a well guarded seminar was held here once)
2010-07-14, Polacksbacken, ITC och Ångströmlaboratoriet
2010-07-14, Polacksbacken, Ångströmlaboratoriet behind the Populus trees
2010-07-14, Polacksbacken, Ångströmlaboratoriet
2010-07-14, Polacksbacken, Tistel (the flower) with Ångströmlaboratoriet
2010-07-14, Polacksbacken Beurling statue
2010-07-14, Polacksbacken building 2 floor 1
2010-07-14, Polacksbacken Lägerhyddsvägen
2010-07-14, Polacksbacken building 2 Möbius
2010-07-14, Polacksbacken building 2 floor 2
2010-07-14, Polacksbacken building 1 stones on the yard
2010-07-14, Polacksbacken building 1 with Trifolium (Clower)
2010-07-14, Polacksbacken building 2 Sun set
2010-02-12, Polacksbacken spår
2010-02-11, Polacksbacken, Information Technology Centre
2010-02-11, Polacksbacken monument
2010-02-11, Polacksbacken
2009-08-31, Douglas fir, Pseudotsuga
2009-08-31, Tent at the building engineering students reception.
2009-08-31, At the end of the students reception the new students get "assignments" this one was a sheep
2009-08-31, Får uppdrag
2008-11-25, A lot of snow can be slippery even for buses
2008-11-24, A memory of the past is the gun her in snow.
2008-11-24, Snow drift on the roof
2008-11-24, Snowy
2008-11-24, Snowy bicycles, there is about 3000 students at Polacksbacken most of the come by bicyle all the year.
2008-09-12, At the end of the students reception the new students get "assignments" this one was this sign Gudagott, "Pollax a place for gods"
2008-09-12, Flowers
2007-12-17, Mid winter view from building 1
2007-12-17, 08.47 Dawn
2007-12-17, 08.58 Dawn
2007-12-17, 09.02 Dawn
2007-12-17, 09.02 Sun rise
2007-12-17, Roof at sun rise
2007-12-17, Frosty trees
2007-12-17, Tupp i rondellen
2007-12-17, Tupp i rondellen
2007-10-22, Kronparken, Yellow path, a path to walk from the city center to the lake.
2007-10-22, Kronparken, Yellow path, a path to walk from the city center to the lake.
2007-10-22, Kronparken, a nature reserve with 350 year old pines at Polacksbacken.
2007-10-22, Kronparken Fallen trees in the old forest.
2007-10-22, Kronparken, a nature reserve with 350 year old pines at Polacksbacken. Viewing the campus buildings.
2007-10-22, Parking
2007-10-22, Polacksbacken
2007-08-30, Apple of knowledge
2007-08-30, At the end of the students reception the new students get "assignments" this one was Web
2007-08-30, New student "assignments" Dragon
2007-08-30, New student "assignments" Camping
2007-08-30, New student "assignments" Camping
2007-08-30, New student "assignments" Aztekerna
2007-08-30, New student "assignments" Arrow
2007-08-30, New student "assignments" Aula
2007-08-20, ITC yard at students reception
2007-08-09, Lotus corniculatus, flowers
2007-03-27, Each year is the students preparing Riwer rafts for 30:th of April
2007-03-27, ITC
2007-03-16, Crocus 2
2007-03-16, Crocus
2007-03-14, Art, the shell on the yard between buildings 4 and 6.
2007-03-14, Sun
2007-03-04, Soot on wall after a fire indoors.
2007-01-30, Sunrise building 1
2007-01-30, Sunrise building 1 floor 5
2007-01-30, 08.11 Sunrise over building 3
2007-01-10, 08.51 Sunrise over building 3
2007-01-10, 08.47 Sunrise over building 3
2007-01-10, 08.45 Sunrise over building 3
2007-01-10, 08.36 Sunrise over building 3
2007-01-02, 08.57 Sunrise over building 3
2006-12-12, ITC sunrise
2006-11-10, Autumn building 5, 6, 7
2006-11-06, 16.21 Polacksbacken by night
2006-10-23, Autumn between building 1 and 5
2006-10-23, Feather in october
2006-10-23, Feather
2006-10-23, Yard between building 6, 7, 63 and 3
2006-10-23, Autumn leaves
2006-09-01, At the end of the students reception the new students get "assignments" this one was a sign.
2006-09-01, At the end of the students reception the new students get "assignments" this one was "Pollax, here is Gods place to study"
2006-08-08, Birch in wall at building 73
2006-08-08, Buildings 2-4-1
2006-08-08, Flagg on building 4
2006-08-08, Roundabout flowers
2006-08-08, Poppy in roundabout
2006-06-15, Lotus and Clover
2006-06-15, Lotus and Buenias orientalis
2006-06-15, ITC "mountain"
2006-06-15, ITC + clover
2006-06-15, Buenias orientalis and building 1
2006-06-07, Lilac at building 4
2006-06-07, Lilac
2006-06-07, Syrener
2006-06-02, Uppsala castle and Sten Sture monument
2006-05-31, Polacksbackens chestnut flowers
2006-05-30, Blackbird on grass under Polacksbackens chestnuts
2006-05-30, Polacksbackens chestnut flowers
2006-05-11, Polacksbacken from Kronparken
2006-05-11, Spring at ITC
2006-05-11, Sandvita
2006-05-11, Dandelions
2006-05-01, Hepatica nobilis downtream the river
2006-04-26, Beach volley boll
2006-01-05, Feathe in snow
2006-01-05, Yellow path
2006-01-05, ITC frosty
2006-01-05, Old road
2006-01-05, Frosty Pollax
2006-01-05, Regementsvägen
2006-01-04, ITC at winter
2005-12-15, ITC in Ångström entre
2005-12-15, What do see when you enter Ångström?
2005-11-22, Entre between building 1 and 4 in november.
2005-11-22, ITC in November
2005-11-22, Clock on Rullan
2005-11-22, Yard between building 1 and 4
2005-11-22, Entre between building 2 and 4
2005-10-07, Autumn trees
2005-09-30, Fog 2
2005-09-30, Fog
2005-09-30, ITC in fog
2005-09-30, Akademiska hus sign
2005-09-30, Monument at building 4
2005-09-30, ITC buildings 2-4-1
2005-09-02, At the end of the students reception the new students get "assignments" this one was a statue.
2005-09-02, Motor bikes
2005-09-02, Bicyclists 4
2005-09-02, Bicyclists 3
2005-09-02, Bicyclists 2
2005-09-02, Bicyclists 1
2005-09-02, Bicyclists
2005-08-24, Sign (it is not there any more)
2005-03-18, Whyteboard
2005-03-01, Room Pol 6140
2005-03-01, Yard between building 1 and 5
2005-02-14, Students come with bicycles in snow.
2005-02-14, Students come with bicycles in snow to ITC.
2005-01-28, ITC from Ångström in January
2004-12-09, December at 10 from south (Angstrom lab)
2004-12-09, December at 10 from south other side of the road Kungsängsleden.
2004-12-02, December night 2
2004-12-02, December night 1
2004-11-18, Snowy weather, composed of 11 bilder.
2004-11-18, Snowy weather, composed of 10 bilder.
2004-10-27, Autumn day, composed of 9 bilder.
2004-08-10, Northern gate.
2004-06-02, Tivoli.
2004-06-02, Ångströmlaboratoriet.
2004-04-20, Examination hall building 5, Matrikeln.
2003-09-26, Monument at building 4.
2003-09-26, September day.
2003-09-26, Sheep at Polacksbacken.
2003-09-24, Sheep at Polacksbacken.
2003-09-24, Regementsvägen.
2003-02-19, Windows.
2003-02-19, Roof.
2003-02-19, Bird the roof .
2002-09-12, Yard from South.
2002-09-12, Rooster.
2002-09-11, Art Feather
2002-09-11, Art between building 4 and building 6.
2002-02-25, Spring day
Copyright information
The pictures is free to use by departments at Uppsala university.
For questions contact the photographer Roland Grönroos.
Always add the photographers name "Photo: Roland Grönroos" in connection to the picture.