Lecture 6

Today’s topics: Greedy Algorithms

  • Introduction to Greedy Slides 1-15.
    • We will look a greedy algorithm for the coin-change problem. This only works with certain denomination coins. You should understand the proof of why it works, and when it works.
    • Interval scheduling. Again we met a dynamic programming solution before, here we will look at a simple greedy algorithm and understand why it is correct.
  • Shortest Paths as a greedy algorithm. Slides 1-16
  • All-Pairs Shortest path using Dynamic programming (The ‣ Bellman–Ford–Moore algorithm). Slides 33-41

Reading Guide

  • Chapter 16 except 16.4 and 16.5 of CLRS3 or Chapter 15, 15.1,15.2 and 15.3 of CLRS4.

What should I know by the end of this lecture?

  • How do I set up shortest paths as a dynamic program? How do I avoid cycles?
  • How does Dijkstra’s algorithm work? Why is it correct?
  • What is a greedy algorithm?
    • How do greedy algorithms compare with dynamic programming?
    • Are Greedy algorithms always optimal?