Assignment 2

Software Engineering Autumn 2002

Summaries of the articles

The assignment is to make summaries of the articles on the index sheet (except those marked "no").
This assignment is made individually.

What is a summary?

The summary should contain the following points:

  1. The main statement(s) of the article (what?)
  2. The main arguments (why?)
  3. Your opinion, including possible counterarguments (from the article but also from other sources: the book, seminars, other articles, common sense, hindsight).

The main statements and arguments should cover what is said in the article in one or two pages (assuming typed text). The aim of a summary is that you can read it later, instead of re-reading the whole article. This is useful before the exam!

When to write them?

Make it a habit to write the summary immediately when you read the article. Do not wait until the deadline approaches before starting.



20 points according to the index sheet.

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