Software Engineering Autumn 2002

No silver bullet!

Table of contents:

0. News
1. Teaching staff
2. Course start
3. Schedule
4. Assignments, exams, grades

0. News

1. Teaching staff

Name  E-mail  Room  Phone  Mailbox (4th floor, building 1) 
Lecturer  Roland Bol 1356  018-471 7606  28 
Assistant  Annika Karlsson


2. Course start

2.1 What course?

This course actually consists of two courses taking the same lectures. These courses are
Code  Swedish name  Points  Programmes 
2AD064  Programvaruteknik DV1  DVP 
2AD517  Programvaruteknik MN1  NVP/free/exchange 

The English name of the courses is "Software Engineering". Make sure that you know to which course you are accepted upon registration. Exchange students will be registered on the 5 point (7.5 ECTS credit) course.

2.2. Registration

Students who have been accepted (antagen) to the course and exchange students will be registered at the first lecture.

2.3. Language

The course will be given in English. Perhaps a guest lecture might be in Swedish. Assignments may be handed in in English or Swedish.

2.4. Literature

The main course book is Software Engineering, 6th edition, by Ian Sommerville.

A collection of articles complements the book. It is sold at UTH-gård for about SEK 60.

Buy the book and articles now and start reading in time! You are supposed to read the relevant book chapters before the seminar covering them. Otherwise your participation in the seminar will suffer.

3. Schedule

The schedule consists of lectures (L), guest lectures (G), seminars (S) and exams (E).

3.1. Lectures

The purpose of the lectures is to summarize, clarify and complement the literature, and to highlight the important points. They follow the book and articles rather closely, though not exactly in the same order. The detailed schedule below lists the chapters in the book that are related to each lecture. Attendence is of course recommended, but not obligatory.

3.2. Guest lectures

The guests come from the university and industry. The topics are current research and industrial practices in software engineering. The purpose is to put the course material in a wider perspective, and to complement the views of the lecturer with others' views. Attendence is in principle obligatory (see also grading).

3.3. Seminars

Seminars are held in two sessions (Sa, Sb) of around 30 students.

For the seminars, the students are divided in groups of 5 or 6. Check the group list to see what group you are in. Remember to check whether your group is in the "Sa" or "Sb" half-classes.

At the first seminar each group chooses a particular system (for example an ATM (bankomat)). At each seminar, the group discusses how the theory would apply to their system (what are the requirements on an ATM, how reliable should it be, how can it be tested, etc.). This discussion takes 60-70 minutes. Then one representative of each group presents the conclusions (5-10 minutes per group). Since the groups have chosen different systems, there is not too much repetition. All systems have different aspects that are important, and it becomes clear that there is no "universal truth".

To benefit from the seminars, it is important that you have read the relevant chapters of the book, and participate actively. Below you find the precise questions for each seminar. Attendence is in principle obligatory (see also grading).

3.4. Time and place

All lectures, seminars etc. start at 15 minutes past the hour. The exams start on the hour. All lectures are in room 1311. All seminars are in room 1145.
Type  Day  Time  Subject  Chapters  Important sections 
week 44 
28/10  10-12  Introduction; products; software lifecycle  1 - 3  1.1, 2.1, 2.4, 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.2.2 
29/10  15-17  Requirements, Requirements Engineering  2.5, 3.3,
5, 6.1, 6.2 
2.5, 3.3, 5-in, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3-in 6-in, 6.2 
week 45 
4/11  10-12  Roland Bol: Requirements management in Telecommunication, the ARENA project.  6.4 
Models and Prototypes  6.3, 7, 8  7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8-in, 8.1 
Sa  5/11  13-15  Requirements engineering
Sb  15-17 
7/11  8-10  Design, Reuse  3.4,
10, 11, 14 
3.4-in, 10-in, 10.1, 10.2, 11-in, 11.2, 14-in, 14.1 
8/11  13-15  Safety Critical Systems  16 - 18  16-in, 16.3, 17-in, 17.1, 17.2, 18.1 
week 46 
Sa  11/11  10-12  Design
Sb  8-10 
12/11  Deadline
Lars-Henrik Eriksson: Industrial Applications of Formal Methods 
Formal specification  9-in, 9-1 
Sa  15/11  8-10  Safety and Reliability
Sb  10-12 
week 47 
18/11  10-12  Validation and Verification  3.5,
19 - 21 
3.5, 19-in, 19.2, 19.4, 20.2, 20.4, 21.1, 21.3 
19/11  15-17  Krister Ström, Enea Data: Testing. Pay now - or pay later. Slides from 2000
Sa  20/11  15-17  Validation and Verification
Sb  13-15 
week 48 
25/11  Deadline
Bengt Jonsson (ASTEC): Defect Testing  20.1, handouts  handouts 
26/11  15-17 
Meeting for assignment 3 
27/11  8-10  Maintenance, Evolution  26 - 29  26-in, 26.1, 26.3-in, 27-in, 27.2, 28-in, 28.2, 28.5, 29-in, 29.2, 29.5 
29/11  13-15  Ola Jirlow (Prevas): Planning, Management, Quality 
week 49 
2/12  Deadline
Planning, Management  4, 22 - 23  4 (all), 22.2.4, 22.3.1, 23-in, 23.1, 23.2 
3/12  15-17  Quality  24, 25  24-in, 24.1-in, 24.1.2, 24.4-in, 25-in, 25.4, 25.5 
Sa  4/12  13-15  Maintenance; Change, Reuse; Re-engineering; Planning, Quality
Sb  15-17 
week 50 
Sa  9/12  10-12  Planning, Management (A War Story) The story will be handed out in episodes.
After each one, the question is: what would you do? (No relation to the chosen systems) 
Sb  8-10 
10/12  13-15  Questions, old exams 
11/12  9-14 Exam Postscriptum hall 2 
  20/12  Deadline Assignment 3 (NVP/free/exchange students only) 


The August exam is cancelled, since no-one signed up for it.

"x-in." means the introduction to Chapter/Section x, before Section x.1 starts.

Chapters 12, 13, 15 are not covered at all in this course.

Other material that is included:

3.5. Seminar contents.

S1 Requirements Engineering

S2 Design and Reuse

S3 Safety and Reliability

S4 Validation and Verification

S5 Maintenance, Change, Reuse, Management, Planning, Quality

Not all of these questions are relevant to all systems. And there are too many questions anyway. So select some and concentrate on those.

S6 A War Story

Part one of the story will have been distributed. Make sure that you have read it, and bring it!

Apart from the questions at the end of part one, consider:

  1. What additional information would you want to have?
  2. What are the risks? Separate high risks from lesser risks.
  3. What would you do next?
Clarification: your whole group is joining this project: 20 programmers, 2 first-level managers, a secretary and a typist.

4. Assignments, exams, grades

4.1 Overview of estimated time spent, and grading

The grade will be determined by the total points score from the exam, assignments and seminar/guest lecture attendance. That is, the exam will not be given a grade by itself.
Item hours  grade points 
Exam and reading time  60  50 
Seminars/guest lectures  40  10 
Assignment 1  30  20 
Assignment 2  30  20 
Assignment 3
only NVP/free/exchange students
40  20 
Required for G DVP  58 of 100 
Required for VG DVP  75 of 100 
Required for G NVP/free/exchange  70 of 120 
Required for VG NVP/free/exchange  90 of 120 

The limits for G/VG are estimates and can be adjusted slightly.

4.2 Assignments

Completed assignments should be put into Annika's mailbox (floor 4, number 46) before the deadline, or handed in at the beginning of the lecture. Graded assignments will be returned on the shelf outside room 1346. If you have questions, you can send e-mail or see if Roland is in his office (1356).

4.3 Grading

4.4 Some sample exams

Roland Bol