MATH 311-200,Topics in Applied Mathematics I, Summer 2014



In this class you will get skills to solve linear equations, work with matrices and vectors, linear transformations, calculate eigenvectors and eigenvalues, line and surface integrals, vector analysis.


Syllabus in pdf


Murtazo Nazarov
Office: Blocker 608p
Email: murtazo"AT"math"DOT"tamu"DOT"edu
Office hours: Mondays-Wednesdays 1:00pm-2:00pm, or by appointments

Class hours

Lectures: MTWRF, BLOC 161, 10:00 am-11:35 am

Help sessions


A customized version of Linear Algebra and Vector Calculus, 1st ed., based on
1. Leon, S., Linear Algebra with Applications, 8th edt. (2010)
2. Colley, S., Vector Calculus, 4th edt. (2012).


MATH 221, MATH 251, or MATH 253; MATH 308.


Solving the homework problems in time helps you to understand the subject, get more learning experience and get prepared to quizzes, midterm and final exams. The homework assignments are not graded but it is highly recommended to solve them in time.


Quizzes will usually be given every second day.


There will be two midterm and one final examinations.
Midterm: Wednesday July 23, BLOC 161, 10:00 am-11:35 am.
Final: August 12, Tuesday, BLOC 161, 10:30 am-12:30 pm


Quizzes: 30%
Midterms: 30%
Final: 40%

Weekly plan:

Day 1: sec. 1.1, 1.2
 page 10: 6a,c,f,h; 7; 9
 page 23: 1; 3a,c; 5a,g
Day 2: sec. 1.3, 1.4
 page 42: 1b,g,h; 2; 4b; 6c; 13a
 page 56: 1b; 3; 4; 5, 10a,b,c; 12, 21
Day 3: sec. 1.4, 1.5
 page 66: 1; 3c; 4a,c; 8a,c; 10a,c,h; 19a,b; 21a,b;
Day 4: sec. 1.5, solving exercises from Chapter 1
 repeat previous homework.
Day 5: sec. 2.1
 page 94: 1; 2c; 3b,d,g; 4b,d; 6; 8; 11a
Day 6: sec. 2.2
 page 101: 1; 2a,b; 3a,e,f; 5; 9a,c,e
Day 7: sec. 3.1
 page 122: 1; 3; 4; 5; 6; 9; 13
Day 8: sec. 3.2
 page 131: 1a,c,d; 2a; 4c,d; 6a,d
Day 9: sec. 3.2
 page 132: 11a,c,e; 12c; 13; 14; 19
Day 10: sec. 3.3, 3.4
 page 143: 1a,c; 2a,c,e; 4b; 5a; 6; 8a.d; 9b,d
 page 149: 3a,b,c; 4; 5a; 10;
Day 11: Exam 1
Day 12: sec. 3.5, 3.6
 page 159: 1b; 5a,b(i); 6a
Day 13: sec. 3.6
 page 165: 1; 2c; 3a; 4b,d; 8; 9
Day 14: sec. 4.1
 page 165: 1; 3; 5a,d; 6d; 7b,d; 11c
Day 15: sec. 4.2
 page 195: 2; 3; 4c; 6
Day 16: sec. 4.2
 page 195: 7; 13; 14b
Day 17: sec. 5.1
 page 224: 1a,c; 2a,c; 4; 6; 7; 8b; 9; 12
Day 18: sec. 5.2
 page 233: 1; 2; 3b; 4; 8
Day 19: sec. 5.3
 page 243: 1; 2; 3a; 5; 9; 11a,b;
Day 20: sec. 5.4
 page 251: 1; 3; 4a,c; 5; 7; 15; 21; 28
Day 21: sec. 6.1, 6.2
 page 308: 1a,e,k,l; 2; 7a,b; 10; 14, 16
 page 320: 3; 5; 6
Day 22: sec. 10.1
 page 674: 1; 3; 5; 6; 7
Day 23: sec. 10.2
 page 684: 1-6

Make-Up Policy:

Make-ups for exams will only be given with documented University-approved excuses (see University Regulations). Consistent with University Student Rules, students are required to notify an instructor by the end of the next working day after missing an exam. Otherwise, they forfeit their rights to a make-up.

Scholastic Dishonesty:

Students may work together and discuss the homework problems with each other. Copying work done by others is an act of scholastic dishonesty and will be prosecuted to the full extent allowed by University policy. For more information on university policies regarding scholastic dishonesty, see University Student Rules.

Copyright Policy:

All printed hand-outs and web materials are protected by US Copyright Laws. No multiple copies can be made without written permission by the instructor.

Students with Disabilities:

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact Services for Students with Disabilities, Koldus 126, 845-1637.

©2014 Murtazo Nazarov