To: Subject: perfctr-2.3.7 released perfctr-2.3.7 is now available at the usual place: Version 2.3.7, 2002-04-14 - Added Pentium 4 support to examples/perfex/. The full syntax of an event specifier is now "evntsel/aux@pmc". All three components are 32-bit processor-specific numbers, written in decimal or hexadecimal notation. "evntsel" is the primary processor-specific event selection code to use for this event. This field is mandatory. "/aux" is used when additional event selection data is needed. For the Pentium 4, "evntsel" is put in the counter's CCCR register, and "aux" is put in the associated ESCR register. No other processor currently needs this field. "@pmc" describes which CPU counter number to assign this event to. When omitted, the events are assigned in the order listed, starting from 0. Either all or none of the event specifiers should use the "@pmc" notation. Explicit counter assignment via "@pmc" is required on Pentium 4 and VIA C3 processors. As an example, the following command could be used to count the number of retired instructions on a Pentium 4: perfex -e 0x00039000/0x04000204@0x8000000C some_program Explanation: Program IQ_CCCR0 with required flags, ESCR select 4 (== CRU_ESCR0), and Enable. Program CRU_ESCR0 with event 2 (instr_retired), NBOGUSNTAG, CPL>0. Map this event to IQ_COUNTER0 (0xC) with fast RDPMC enabled. - The driver now permits cascading counters on the Pentium 4. - Preliminary driver infrastructure to support ptrace(ATTACH) for a future remote-control interface to per-process counters. - Driver and patch kit updated for the APIC interrupt entries changes in kernel 2.5.8-pre3. / Mikael Pettersson