Performance study of MPI functionality to implement irregular communication patterns

Maya Neytcheva (Scientific Computing, Uppsala University)
August Forsman (BSc student, Scientific Computing, Uppsala University, 2022)
Ivo Dravins (PhD student, Scientific Computing, Uppsala University, 2018)


Since MPI-2 the MPI standard includes the so-called one-sided communication model, where a process can access another process’s memory address space directly. The performance of the implementation of the one-sided MPI communication has been greatly improved and is currently used in large scale computer simulations.

In this project we investigate and compare the performance of MPI two-sided communications and one-sided communications for problems with irregular communication patterns. To exemplify the focus on the project, such communication patterns arise, for instance, when the sender has the information regarding receiver processes however the receivers do not have the information who are the senders and how many are those, and the communication pattern may change with the code execution.

Project extentions: parallel computations, nonmatching time steps per subdomain.

Last changed on April 11, 2022
Mail to: Maya dot Neytcheva "at" it dot uu dot se "