Copernicus HIPERGEOS: some foto's

Dolní Rozínka mine

The group is 1000 m below the surface, in the uranium ore deposit Dolní Rozínka in the Czech Republic. Modelling and computation of the stress field in the mine is one of the benchmarks of the project, which helps in predicting the risk of rock bursts in the deposit and in comparing different mining technologies.

Asparukhov most

One of the project model problems consists of a multiple pile foundation system, which is a part of the foundation system of the "Asparukhov Most" in Varna, one of the biggest bridges in Bulgaria.

During workshop no.2, near Nijmegen

During the project, results were reported on six workshops. The second one took place in Nijmegen, The Netherlands, and was combined with the Conference Algebraic Multilevel Iteration Methods with Applications (AMLI'96), June 13-15, 1996.


Last changed on Mar 26 2001, mn