------------------- Demos: solution of LS problems Demos: Demo_Vandermond.m % test orthogonalization methods on a Vandermond matrix Demo_CGLS.m % calls cgls and lsqr for well1033 and illc1850 --> lsqrSOLtest.m from the web, needs sone fixes --> Explanations for lsqrlsqrSOLREADME Algorithms: MGS_qr.m % QR with Modified Gram-Schmidt cgls.m % CG-Least Squares algorithm lsqrSOL.m % LS-QR algorithm Data: Matrices from Matrix Market mmread.m % read matrices from Matrix Market well1033.mtx % wellconditioned matrix well1033_rhs1.mtx % rhs for wellconditioned matrix illc1850.mtx % illconditioned matrix illc1850_rhs1.mtx % rhs for illconditioned matrix