library(Rmpi) library(snow) # Initialize SNOW using MPI communication. The first line will get the # number of MPI processes the scheduler assigned to us. Everything else # is standard SNOW np <- mpi.universe.size() cluster <- makeMPIcluster(np) # Print the hostname for each cluster member sayhello <- function() { info <-[c("nodename", "machine")] paste("Hello from", info[1], "with CPU type", info[2]) } names <- clusterCall(cluster, sayhello) print(unlist(names)) # Compute row sums in parallel using all processes, # then a grand sum at the end on the master process parallelSum <- function(m, n) { A <- matrix(rnorm(m*n), nrow = m, ncol = n) row.sums <- parApply(cluster, A, 1, sum) print(sum(row.sums)) } parallelSum(10000, 10000) stopCluster(cluster) mpi.exit()