The test data are available at the URL Two sets of files are provided: Those with extension .mat are for Matlab users and those with extension .dat are for R users. When downloading you must write the full address to each file, e.g.
dzip.mat and azip.mat: (for R users dzip.dat and azip.dat:) the first is a vector that holds the digits (the number) and the second is an array of dimension 256 x 1707 that holds the training images. The images are vectors of dimension 256, that have been constructed from 16 x 16 images.
dtest.mat and testzip.mat (for R dtest.dat and testzip.dat) hold the test data.
R: Download the file image-R.txt for instructions on how to display digits.
The data are a subset of the US Postal Service Database, and we downloaded them from the webpage of the book The Elements of Statistical Learning, Hastie, Tibshirani and Friedman (2001). Springer-Verlag.