Computer labs

Week Date Topic(s) Instructions
39 Sep 22 The statistical language R: Basic commands, data types, arrays and matrices, functions, probability distributions, statistical models, graphics, importing and exporting data Tasks / Files
  Sep 23 Regression analysis: Orthogonal transformations. Least squares: normal equations vs QR decomposition. Polynomial regression and the correlation matrix. Illustration using scatter plots. Single and multiple outputs Tasks / Files
  Sep 24 Regression analysis, cont.: Numerical rank deficiency, collinearity. SVD. Subset selection. Ridge regression. Principal components regression. Application in pattern recognition: classification of handwritten digits (regression) Tasks / Files
  Sep 25 Sparse matrices in statistics: Regression with sparse matrices. Text mining Tasks / Files
  Sep 26 Classification using an SVD basis method Tasks(a) / Tasks(b) / Files
41 Oct 6 Structured matrices, Simulating data with certain invariance properties. Tasks / Files
  Oct 7 Total Least Squares: Test problems, numerical algorithms, computational complexity, comparison with classical LS Tasks / Files
  Oct 8 Partial Least Squares Tasks / Files
  Oct 9 The time is intended to be used for discussions and completing tasks from the first three labs from Week 41. Tasks / Files