Data Mining Assignments – 2005

Assignment Description Handed out Deadline Additional Data
Assignment 1: Classification using KNN 2/11/2005 14/11/2005, 17:00 glassdata.mat
Assignment 2: Clustering using K-Means vs. DBSCAN 15/11/2005 28/11/2005, 12:00 assignment2.mat
Assignment 3:  Association Rule Mining 22/11/2005 Regular: 13/12/2005, 17:00 Contest: 5/12/2005, anytime transactions.txt transactions2.txt
Assignment 4:  Web Searching 29/11/2005 21/12/2005, 17:00 links_car_manufacturer.txt

Results of the assignments are available here

Example test runs for the 3rd assignment (together with target times for those entering the competition) can be found here.

MATLAB resources:

Introductory Tutorials

More complete references/tutorials/FAQs
Assistants: Per Gustafsson and Tobias Lindahl

Last modified: Mon Oct 31 10:51:10 CET 2005