Syllabus for Computer Architecture Course
Preliminary results
Go to here for preliminary results these
will be finalised in the next week.
Course Text Book: Computer Organization and Design,
David L. Patterson and John L.Hennessy. Morgan Kaufman
The book as a web page here
where you find some of the slides I used as well as other interesting
supplementary material.
Some sample questions
- All of Chapter 1.
- All of Chapter 2. (Except the section on geometric means). M
- Chapter 3. Sec. 3.1-3.11
- Chapter 4, Sec. 4.1-4.6 and 4.8 pages 275-280.
- Chapter 5. Sec 5.1-5.4 and 5.5 is required for the laboration. In
this chapter you should understand the design principles behind the
implementation, you do not need to memorise all the details.
- Chapter 6. 6.1
- Chapter 7 7.1,7.2,7.3 and bit of 7.4.
- Chapter 8 8.1-8.5. (Except 8.2). If you understand the
laboration you're along way along.
- Appendix B, B.1,B.2.
Justin Pearson