Software Testing and Maintain 2016-2017Testing 2013

If you find this web page please ignore it, it is a draft.

Lecture Timetable

Please note that the lecture schedule is a very fluid at the moment. I am rewriting the lectues. If in doubt the date and times please consult the time table via TimeEdit
Lecture Date Topics and Link to Slides Reading list
1 3/11 Introduction to testing Slides Chapter 1
2 11/11 Introduction to test driven development Slides Note that instead of printing out the slides you can print out darts and toEnglish that contains all the code from the lectures in a more readable format.  
3 14/11 This is a rough draft of the slides. You might also get something out of looking at the book slides. Chapter 1 (also in PDF) Chapter 2 Chapter 2
4 24/11 New Slides. More on path coverage and prime paths. Chapter 2
5 30/11 Logic Coverage. Draft of new slides. Old Slides PDF. I am not going to cover these slides ( PDF) in a lecture, because the slides are better for self study. It is important that you go through the slides as they are useful and I might ask exam questions based on them. Chapter 3, 3.1 and 3.2
6 1/2 Guest Lecture Hans Axelsson from Elekta. Last years slides  
7 8/12 Input domain Draft of new slides. Modelling. OldSlides Chapter 4
8 8/12 Practical Considerations. Slides Chapter 6

Interesting links:

Preparation Questions for the exam (These are still valid 2012).

Justin Pearson