Realtime Systems

Extra Notes

These notes are essential reading.

Labs P2 2008

Old Exams

You should do all the questions on these exams. Remember Timed automata is part of the course for TF students now (it wasn't in the past). All the questions on this one. This one might also help.
Lecture Topics and Link to Slides(if avalible)
27/10 Introduction and Registration Slides 2 to a apge
28/10 Types of Schedules Slides
29/10 Rate monotonic schedules Slides This paper is worth reading.
30/10 Priority Inversion Slides Read this
31/10 Dynamic Schedules Slides
5/11 Jitter and Realtime networks
7/11 Timed Automata Slides

Extra Reading.

These links should work from withing Uppsala University.

Material for Paper presentation.

Liu and Layland's paper according to Google Scholar has been cited about 4121 times. The google scholar link should give you links to all the citations. In the first instance you should pick a paper from there. More details about what should be done in the presentation will come closer to the time.

Last modified: Mon Nov 3 13:25:18 CET 2008