
Gnuplot, simple plotting

An example of the use of gnuplot.

harpo$ gnuplot
Terminal type set to 'x11'
gnuplot> set output ""
gnuplot> set terminal postscript color
Terminal type set to 'postscript'
Options are 'landscape noenhanced color colortext \
   dashed dashlength 1.0 linewidth 1.0 defaultplex \
   palfuncparam 2000,0.003 \
   butt "Helvetica" 14'
gnuplot> plot "msort.dat" with lines, "radix.dat" with lines, "radix-8.dat" with lines, "radix-1024.dat" with lines
gnuplot> exit


The data in a file should be of this form:

100 0.008
200 0.016
300 0.026
400 0.035
500 0.046
600 0.059
700 0.07
800 0.072
900 0.081
1000 0.089

You can also plot functions. Try plot x*x.