AD1 -- SML Assignment 4
Problem generalisation is a powerful technique for:
- improving the time and/or space complexity of an algorithm, and
- dealing with problems for which a recursively defined algorithm
cannot readily be found.
In this exercise, you will apply two different generalisation
techniques to the same problem, and compare the results.
The file binTrees.sml has
the beginning of a realisation of a polymorphic abstract datatype
(ADT) 'a bTree for binary trees, specified on slides 6.19 to 6.24. The file trees.sml has sample binary trees for your tests
and the examples below. Add the following functions to that ADT, but
declare it as a non-abstract datatype, just to ease the
- The function preorder returns the preorder walk, as a
list, of a binary tree.
preorder smallIntTree = [1,2,5,7,3,6,10,13]
Requirements: Do not use any help
functions. Is your function tail-recursive? Why / Why not?
- The function preorder' has the same specification as
Requirements: Use exactly one help
function, to be called preorderAcc, which must be obtained by introducing an accumulator.
(This technique is also known as performing a descending
generalisation.) You are not to use any help functions even
@. Is your help function tail-recursive? Why
/ Why not?
- The function preorders takes a list of binary
trees as an argument and returns the concatenation of the preorder
walks of the trees in that list. (This specification was obtained
by performing a tupling generalisation.)
preorders [smallIntTree,anotherSmallIntTree] = [1,2,5,7,3,6,10,13,2,1,7,5,13,3,6,10]
Requirements: Do not use any help
functions. Each clause must have at most one recursive
call. Is your function tail-recursive? Why / Why not?
- The function preorder'' has the same specification as
Requirement: Use preorders as help
- Give recurrences, T, T', and T'' for the
average-case running times, of your
preorder, preorder', and preorder''
functions. To calculate the average case running
times assume that the relevant functions are given balanced binary
trees. Make explicit the costs of every part of
their dividing, conquering (recurring), and
combining parts, and relate these costs to the relevant
parts of these functions. State any assumptions you make.
- Derive tight asymptotic bounds Θ(...) for T,
T', and T'', using the Master Theorem where
applicable; otherwise, first state why it is not applicable and
then use any other relevant method or theorem. In any case,
always show all the details of your reasoning. Discuss
the results.
Your report complying with
ethics rules
of the course should be handed in latest on Friday the 23rd of February
before 08:14 (morning) via the online
course manager system, and should contain:
- SML functions for questions 1-4 from above, in a *.sml text file, running
under Moscow ML version 2.01 and commented, in English, complying with
- Answers, in English, for questions 5-6 from above, in a *.txt, or *.pdf,
or *.html fil.