Revision Notes
Based on Tanenbaum's "Structured Computer Organization" 4th Edition
- Chapter 1. This is just words, by now you should understand
everything in the chapter. You won't be asked any
histrorical question. You should have some understanding of the
difference between the computer families mentioned in the book.
- Chapter 2. 2.1,2.2 ,2.3.1 2.4.1. You should understand the
difference between Interrupts and Polling. (You have to have
understood this to do the I/O assignment).
- Chapter 3. 3.1,3.2.3 , 3.3.1,3.3.2. You be able to understand of
- Chapter 4. Microarhitecture.
In some ways the machine Mic-1 is similar to the microcoded machine
you have used in your laboration. You should understand the idea of a
data path 4.1.1., Microinstructions 4.1.2 and Microinstruction Control
and 4.1.3. You don't have to memorise the details of the
implementation. You must understand what a pipeline is and how
pipelining is possible 4.4.4 and 4.4.5 also the tradeoffs in 4.4.1.
Caches 4.5.1.
- You should be able to read and understand section 4.6, but you
won't be expected to memorise these details.
- Chapter 5 5.1.
- Chapter 6 6.1 ,(not 6.1.6,6.1.7,6.1.8 ) You should understand
what a TLB is sec. 6.1.9 and look at 6.1.10.
- Assembly Language. If you can do your laborations then you should
know all you need to know about MIPS assembly language. You might be
given small fragments of code to comment on, or be asked to write
small fragments of code.
Last modified: Fri Oct 6 11:04:52 MET DST 2000