Computer Architecture Distance Couse


Date and Time Location Notes
27 Okt 0900-1200 1211 Lecture
27 Okt 1315-1700 1413/1412 Lab.
28 Okt 0900-1200 1111 Lecture
28 Okt 1300-1700 1413/1412 Lab
17 Nov 0900-1700 1211 Lecture
18 Nov 0900-1200 1211 Lecture
18 Nov 1300-1700 1413/1412 Lab
1 Dec 0900-1700 1211 Lecture
2 Dec 0900-1200 1211 Lecture
2 Dec 1300-1700 1413/1412 Lab
9 Dec 1000-1500 1311 Exam
It is important you turn up to the first morning of lectures, since you will be doing lab work that afternoon which will not make so much sense without the mornings lectures.
Last modified: Fri Oct 6 11:27:47 MET DST 2000