function area=SurfArea(V,A1) %function area=SurfArea(V,A1=0.6380) % % Surface area estimation for 3D binary objects % Unbiased with minimum variance for planar surfaces of random orientation % % Input: Binary 3D volume V and % optional Surface area of m-cube case 1 (default A1=0.6380) % % All non-zero voxels are concidered to be object % Surface toward voxels outside the volume is not included % % Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Joakim Lindblad % Not for distribution! Newer, public files will % be available at % % % References % ---------- % J. Lindblad. % Surface Area Estimation of Digitized 3D Objects using Weighted Local Configurations. % Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 111-122, 2005. % doi:10.1016/j.imavis.2004.06.012 % % J. Lindblad. % Surface Area Estimation of Digitized Planes Using Weighted Local Configurations. % In Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery (DGCI) % LNCS-2886, pp. 348-357, Naples, Italy, Nov. 2003. % doi:10.1007/b94107 if exist('m_cube_histogram')~=3, error('Missing mex-file. Please run: mex m_cube_histogram.c'); end % A1=0.2118 is the suggestion of the DGCI-2003 paper % A1=0.6380 is the suggestion of the IVC-2004 paper if nargin<2, A1=0.6380; end % Binary only V=logical(V); % Unbiased combination for planes, for any A1 A2=0.6690; A5=1.1897-A1; A8=0.9270; A9=1.6942-2*A1; % A11 is non-planar A11=1.573132; %from Marching Cubes triangulation % Table of elementary surface areas areatab=[0; A1; A2; 2*A1; 2*A1; A5; A1+A2; 3*A1; A8; A9; 2*A2; A11; A1+A5; 4*A1]; % m-cube lookup table, 128 cases (remaining part is mirror symmetric) m_case = uint8([ ... 0,1,1,2, 1,2,3,5, 1,3,2,5, 2,5,5,8, ... %0-15 1,2,3,5, 3,5,7,9, 4,6,6,11, 6,11,12,5, ... %16 1,3,2,5, 4,6,6,11, 3,7,5,9, 6,12,11,5, ... %32 2,5,5,8, 6,11,12,5, 6,12,11,5, 10,6,6,2, ... %48 1,3,4,6, 2,5,6,11, 3,7,6,12, 5,9,11,5, ... %64 2,5,6,11, 5,8,12,5, 6,12,10,6, 11,5,6,2, ... %80 3,7,6,12, 6,12,10,6, 7,13,12,7, 12,7,6,3, ... %96 5,9,11,5, 11,5,6,2, 12,7,6,3, 6,3,4,1 ]); %112-127 m_case = [m_case,fliplr(m_case)]; %Symmetric % 256 cases area table areatab2=areatab([m_case+1]); % m-cube histogram h=m_cube_histogram(V); % Surface area area=sum(h.*areatab2); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Function to calculate a histogram of m-cubes %% Input : binary image volume %% Output: number of occurences of each m-cube type in the volume %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Slow matlab-version, in case mexing is not an option %{ function h=m_cube_histogram(V) code=zeros(size(V)-1,'uint8'); % m-code volume code=bitset(code,1,V(1:end-1,1:end-1,1:end-1)); %1 code=bitset(code,2,V(1:end-1,2:end ,1:end-1)); %2 x code=bitset(code,3,V(2:end ,1:end-1,1:end-1)); %3 y code=bitset(code,4,V(2:end ,2:end ,1:end-1)); %4 xy code=bitset(code,5,V(1:end-1,1:end-1,2:end )); %5 z code=bitset(code,6,V(1:end-1,2:end ,2:end )); %6 xz code=bitset(code,7,V(2:end ,1:end-1,2:end )); %7 yz code=bitset(code,8,V(2:end ,2:end ,2:end )); %8 xyz h=histc(code(:),0:255); %} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% END OF FILE %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%