Download link: - redirected from SHA-256 9ce95883c5821c3fa7b9319f4952d67ae077cdd79d5327dd7bed63542703cb82 - I prefer to toggle row-comment with Ctrl+D rather than Ctrl+Q You may also be looking to turn off plugin update checking, in which case go to: Plugins -> Plugin Manager -> Show Plugin Manager -> Settings (bottom left), and deselect "Notify of plugin updates at startup". -- ( Simply go to: Settings -> Preferences -> Misc -> and deselect "Enable Notepad++ auto-updater" This option does not appear to exist in the newest versions of Notepad++. | JamesGecko Aug 19 '10 at 13:38 This is an incorrect answer because this feature was removed from Notepad++ and it has not returned for at least 5 years. I can confirm that what @JamesGecko wrote is still the case. | Apelsin May 11 '15 at 22:51 ) --