Official Version of this Document (available only in Swedish)
This Course in studentportalen

Degree Project C (= bachelor thesis course) in Computer Science
(15c, G2E-level, partially translated)

This is how it works


  • Ta reda på alla regler och krav kring exjobb. Find out who does what (the student, the supervisor, the subject reviewer, the examiner and the thesis coordinator).
  • Studenter på kandidatprogrammet i datavetenskap (DVk) behöver inte söka kursen (genom Andra studenter som är intresserade av att ta kandidatexamen i datavetenskap ombedes kontakta studievägledare.
  • Gå på andras slutpresentationer, inte nödvändigtvis bara kandidatexjobb. (Det är viktigare att presentationen du går på intresserar dig och kan ge idéer/inspiration, än att det är rätt sorts exjobb.) Du kan även läsa tidigare exjobbsrapporter, eller bara deras sammanfattningar, för att få idéer.
  • Hitta ett jobb som intresserar dig, företag eller internt (Här finns några tips och råd och hur man bör tänka ).
  • Skriv en preliminär projektplan, tillsammans med the supervisor.
  • Fyll i blanketten så långt det går (du och the supervisor ska ha skrivit på).
  • Skicka blankett och projektplan till the thesis coordinator (blankett i postfack 48, projektplan som PDF till Skicka gärna detta minst en månad före början på den period du vill göra exjobb i. (Nästa steg kan ta tid, nämligen)
  • The thesis coordinator appoints a subject reviewer, who discusses a final project plan with you (you may want to suggest a subject reviewer yourself, but this is not necessary).
  • Examinator granskar projektplanen. Är den godkänd så registreras du på kursen och exjobbet börjar vid närmsta periodstart.


  • Jobbet kan börja!
  • Alla studenter som skriver exjobb samtidigt kallas till ett gemensamt uppstartsmöte. Mötet för period 4 är den 26 mars kl 10:15 i rum 1245.
  • Börja skriva på rapporten från dag ett! Några tips och råd om hur man skriver.
  • Within the first few days: Submit an outline (intended list of contents) to the subject reviewer.
  • Make sure to have regular contact with the subject reviewer (for example, through regular informal status reports by email).
  • Don't be afraid to use the subject reviewer as a backup supervisor on issues that the supervisor at the company does not have know about. Above all the writing.
  • The subject reviewer should call you for a mid-course meeting after about half the time when you mainly discuss the report, what you have written at that time, the structure, the content and the presentation. Please feel free to be proactive and discuss this with him / her.


  • Read through the evaluation criteria that the subject reviewer is expected to follow when reading your report. There is a lot of room for your own interpretations in these, so they can be perceived as quite fuzzy, but if you yourself do not think you meet any of the points, then this is probably the case.
  • Utnyttja dina förmåner! Språkverkstaden har bra service för feedback på skrivna rapporter.
  • Talk to supervisors and subject reviewers about an oral presentation Your subject reviewer decides when you're done. A good rule of thumb is that the bachelor thesis should be presented if the work itself is finished and at least 80% of the report has been written. This is for the subject reviewer to judge.
  • När presentationen och den preliminära rapporten är godkända, kommer detta rapporteras i Ladok (studentregistret).
  • Discuss questions that arose during the presentation and their possible the impact on your ex-job report with the subject reviewer, and take action any identified deficiencies.
  • The subject reviewer notifies the coordinator when he / she is satisfied and attaches the approved version.
  • Samordnaren hjälper dig att anpassa rapporten till den mall som finns (framsida + abstract).
  • Lämna in rapporten igen (via Studium, nu med färdig framsida) till examinator, som granskar den. Du kan få två typer av kommentarer (båda är vanliga): krav på att du reviderar rapporten, och förbättringsförslag som du får behandla efter eget huvud.
  • När även the examiner är nöjd är exjobbet godkänt.
  • Ditt godkända slutbetyg på exjobbet rapporteras till Ladok. Den rapporttitel som anges i registret tas från den godkända rapportens framsida, inte från blanketten du fyllde i från början.

What if I don't finish on time?

There are many reasons why a thesis can take too long. Very few graduate jobs are done within the 10 weeks they really should take.

  • A bachelor thesis course that lasts a few months, up to a year, is normally not a problem. The only thing that really affects you is yourself, who gets your degree delayed. If there is a new semester, you can request re-registration on the course, through the thesis coordinator (who wants to check first with the subject reviewer that you are really active).
  • If the bachelor thesis course has dragged on for more than a year, it may happen that the subject reviewer no longer takes on the assignment. A new subject reviewer must then be appointed (by the thesis coordinator), which may result changes in the direction of work as it is now the new one the subject reviewers' assessments that apply.
  • In the worst case, it may also turn out that the task you would solve, after a year or more is considered technically overplayed, or for other reasons is no longer interesting, or even possible to complete (for example, if the company no longer gives you access to equipment or data). In such a situation, the thesis coordinator or examiner can require you to start a new job. In that case, this is probably best as well for yourself - you probably want your final report to be meritorious and not passé already at the time you wrote it. (This the situation is very unusual. As long as your subject reviewer wants to continue it is usually possible to reformulate the task to suit the new circumstances.)
Uppdated 2020-03-02 13:38:23 by  Johannes Borgström.
Partially translated 2020-03-16 by Henrik Schulze.