Virus Texture Dataset v. 1.0
Figure 1. Example patches from each one of the 15 virus texture classes.
Short description
The dataset is based on transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images of 15 virus types. The texture samples have been automatically extracted from objects segmented using the method described in [1]. The virus texture dataset was first used in [2]. There is no garatee that the classes are fully discriminable. Here follows a short list of dataset properties:
- 15 texture classes, see Figure 1.
- 100 unique texture patches per class.
- Texture patch size: 41x41 pixels.
- File format: Lossless compressed 16 bit PNG.
- Files are named as follows: class-003-sample-036.tif, where class-003 is the class number and sample-036 is the sample number.
Texture Dataset
- Virus texture dataset (16bit) as .zip (~2.7 MB) or .7z (~2.3 MB). (updated 2013-01-22)
- Virus texture dataset, intensities resampeled to 8bit, as .zip (~2.2 MB) or .7z (~1.8 MB). (The version online before 2013-01-22)
- Text file with class names corresponding to the class numbers used in the image file names: classNames.csv.
Related Publications
- Kylberg G., Uppström M., Borgefors G., and Sintorn I.-M.
Segmentation of Virus Particle Candidates in Transmission Electron Microscopy Images
Journal of Microscopy, 2012, 245: 140-147.
Kylberg G., Uppström M., and Sintorn I.-M.
Virus Texture Analysis Using Local Binary Patterns and Radial Density Profiles
In Proceesings of the 16th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition (CIARP), LNCS-7042, pp. 573-580, Pucón, Chile, November 2011.
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