PhD in Image Analysis (2008 - 2014). Link to PhD thesis.
Current affiliation: Vironova AB, Stockholm, Sweden.
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A word cloud of my thesis illustrating my area of research.
Kylberg G., and Sintorn I.-M.
Evaluation of Noise Robustness for Local Binary Pattern
Descriptors in Texture Classification
EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, 2013, 17.
Kylberg G., Uppström M., Borgefors G., and Sintorn I.-M.
Segmentation of Virus Particle Candidates in Transmission Electron Microscopy Images
Journal of Microscopy, 2012, 245: 140-147.
Sintorn I.-M. and Kylberg G. Virus Recognition Based on Local Texture Accepted to the 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2014), Stockholm, Sweden, August 2014.
Sintorn I.-M. and Kylberg G.
Regional Zernike Moments for Texture Recognition
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2012), pp. 1635-1638, IEEE, Tsukuba, Japan, November 2012.
Kylberg G., Uppström M., and Sintorn I.-M.
Virus Texture Analysis Using Local Binary Patterns and Radial Density Profiles
In Proceesings of the 16th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition (CIARP 2011), LNCS-7042, pp. 573-580, Pucón, Chile, November 2011.
Kylberg G., Sintorn I.-M., Uppström M., and Ryner M.
Local Intensity and PCA Based Detection of Virus Particle Candidates in Transmission Electron Microscopy Images
In Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2009), pp. 426-431, IEEE, Salzburg, Austria, September 2009.
Kylberg G., Sintorn I.-M., and Borgefors G.
Towards Automated TEM for Virus Diagnostics: Segmentation of Grid Squares and Detection of Regions of Interest
In Proceedings of the 16th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (SCIA 2009), LNCS-5575, pp. 169-178, Oslo, Norway, June 2009.
Kylberg G. and Sintorn I.-M. Refinement of Segmented Virus Particel Candidates in TEM Images In proceedings SSBA 2011, Symposium on Image Analysis, Linköping, Sweden, March 17-18, 2011.
Kylberg G., Uppström M., Hedlund K.-O., and Sintorn I.-M. Towards Identification of Highly Pathogenic Viruses Based on Image Analysis and TEM In proceedings TAMSEC 2010, National Symposium on Technology and Methodology for Security and Crisis Management, Linköping, Sweden, October 26-28, 2010.
Kylberg G., and Sintorn I.-M. Detecting Virus-like Particles Using Transmission Electron Microscopy In proceedings SSBA 2009, Symposium on Image Analysis, Halmstad, Sweden, March 19-20, 2009.
Kylberg G. The Kylberg Texture Dataset v. 1.0
External report (Blue series) No. 35, Centre for Image Analysis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Uppsala University, September 2011.