@article{rensfelt11repeatable, author = {Rensfelt, Olof and Hermans, Frederik and Gunningberg, Per and Larzon, Lars-\AA{}ke and Bj\"ornemo, Erik}, title = {Repeatable Experiments with Mobile Nodes in a Relocatable WSN Testbed}, volume = {54}, number = {12}, pages = {1973-1986}, year = {2011}, doi = {10.1093/comjnl/bxr052}, abstract ={Many sensor network application scenarios include mobile nodes, such as a moving sink. Evaluation of such applications in a testbed is challenging as the testbed has to support mobile nodes. Here, we present Sensei-UU, a sensor network testbed that supports mobile sensor nodes. The testbed is inexpensive, relocatable and possible to reproduce by other researchers. Its primary design objectives are to support experiments with repeatable mobility and relocating the testbed deployment to different locations. Mobile sensor nodes are carried by robots that use floor markings for navigation and localization. The testbed can be used to evaluate applications in which sensor nodes move in the order of meters rather than millimeters, e.g. when a human carries a mobile phone that collects data while passing stationary sensor nodes. To investigate the repeatability of robot movements, we measure the achieved precision and the timing of the robots, and find that our robot localization is accurate to ±1 cm. Furthermore, we investigate variations in radio signal strengths between mobile and stationary nodes. We study the impact of imprecise movements, external sources of interference and environmental influences. We conclude that Sensei-UU supports experiments in which these variations are acceptably low to capture small-scale fading phenomena in IEEE 802.15.4.}, URL = {http://comjnl.oxfordjournals.org/content/54/12/1973.abstract}, eprint = {http://comjnl.oxfordjournals.org/content/54/12/1973.full.pdf+html}, journal = {The Computer Journal} }