Erik Nordström

About Me:

NOTE: Since March 2010, I am with the S* Network Systems Group at Princeton University. My new page is here.

Until the end of February 2010, I was a researcher with the Communication Research group (CoRe) at the Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University. I developed the Haggle architecture and reference implementation. Click the link for access to the code.

I successfully defended my PhD thesis on the topic of Challenged Networking in June 2008. My opponent was Associate Professor Brian N. Levine, from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, U.S.A.

I have a degree as a Civil Engineer in Information Technology (Information Technology Program, ITP) from Uppsala University.

Between October 2006 and April 2007, I did an internship at Thomson Research Lab, Paris, under the supervision of Christophe Diot.

Here is my complete CV.


I am researching network protocols and systems for supporting mobile users. In laymen's terms it means that I am trying to find new ways to exchange information for users on the move, without the need for supporting infrastructure or elaborate configuration. Much of the research in my area, which is done theoretically or through simulation, stops short of trying things out in reality. In contrast, I want to make things "just work" in the real world. My approach is experimental, by building prototypes and testbeds and performing real world measurements.

I am currently involved in the Haggle project, where I am responsible for designing a new data centric communication architecture for mobile users, enabling communication even when traditional communication protocols do not work. I also study interest based dissemination in, so called, opportunistic networks.

I previously worked in the SCANET project on protocols and testbeds for ad-hoc networks and in the Sami Network Connectivity (SNC) project. I am the author and creator of the AODV-UU and DSR-UU routing protocol implementations and also contributed to major parts of the APE testbed.

I have also to some extent been involved in the WINTERNET project, doing some work on P2P, Overlays, etc.


Fall 2008: Teaching/assisting Computer Networks I.
Fall 2007: Teaching Computer Networks I.
Previously, I have been a teaching assistant in various computer networking courses.

Technical Reports and Work in Progress:

E. Nordström, P. Gunningberg, C. Rohner "A Search-based Network Architecture for Mobile Devices", Technical Report 2009-003, January 2009. [PDF]

E. Nordström, P. Gunningberg, C. Rohner, O. Wibling"A Cross-Environment Study of Routing Protocols for Wireless Multi-hop Networks", Technical Report, April 2007. [PDF]

E. Nordström, R. Gold, P. Gunningberg "Mythbusters: Whatever You Thought About MANET Routing, Think Again...", Technical Report, November 2005. [PDF]

E. Nordström, P. Gunningberg, C. Tschudin, "Comparison of Gateway Forwarding Strategies in Ad hoc Networks", Technical Report, IT-series.

E. Nordström, "A Large Scale Ad hoc Network Testbed for Reproducible Performance Tests", Masters's Thesis 2002. [PDF]

Selected Publications:

E. Nordström, P. Gunningberg, C. Tschudin, "Robust and Flexible Internet Connectivity For Mobile Ad hoc Networks", In Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks Journal, (to be published).

E. Nordström, C. Diot, R. Gass, P. Gunningberg "Experiences from Measuring Human Mobility using Bluetooth Inquiring Devices", MobiEval 2007, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

E. Nordström, P. Gunningberg, C. Rohner, O. Wibling "Evaluating Wireless Multi-hop Networks Using a Combination of Simulation, Emulation, and Real World Experiments", MobiEval 2007, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Christian Rohner, Erik Nordström, Per Gunningberg, Christian Tschudin, "Interactions between TCP, UDP and Routing Protocols in Wireless Multi-hop Ad hoc Networks" Realman 2005. IEEE ICPS Workshop on Multi-hop Ad hoc Networks: from theory to reality. [PDF]

E. Nordström, P. Gunningberg, C. Tschudin, "Comparison of Forwarding Strategies in Internet Connected MANETs", In volume 1, issue 2 of ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review, 2004.

E. Nordström, P. Gunningberg, C. Tschudin, "POSTER: Comparison of Forwarding Strategies in Internet Connected MANETs", Mobihoc 2004, Tokyo, Japan. Abstract: [PDF], Poster: [PDF]

C. Tschudin, P. Gunningberg, H. Lundgren, E. Nordström, "Lessons from Experimental MANET Research", In Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks Journal, Volume 3, Issue 2, March 2005, Pages 221-233

C. Tschudin, H. Lundgren, E. Nordström, "Embedding MANETs in the Real World", PWC 2003, Venice ITALY. [GZIPPED PS][PDF]

H. Lundgren, E. Nordström, C. Tschudin, "Coping with Communication Gray Zones in IEEE 802.11b based Ad hoc Networks", WoWMoM 2002. [PDF]

H. Lundgren, E. Nordström, C. Tschudin, "The Gray Zone Problem in IEEE 802.11b based Ad hoc Networks", ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review 2002. [PDF]

H. Lundgren, D. Lundberg, J. Nielsen, E. Nordström, C. Tschudin, "A Large-scale Testbed for Reproducible Ad hoc Protocol Evaluations", WCNC 2002. [PDF]

Also see the CoRe group web page.


Preparing for a short flight over Portland,
Oregon U.S.A., during SIGCOMM 2004.
Looking out over the Annapurnas at the High base camp above Thorung Phedi,
Nepal in 2009.
Email: erik dot nordstrom at it dot uu dot se
Phone (work): +46-18-471 76 85
Visit: MIC building 1, floor 4, room 1422, Polacksbacken.
Address: Erik Nordström

Department of Information Technology

Computer Systems

Uppsala University

Box 337

SE-751 05 Uppsala


The page was last modified Tuesday, 19-Jul-2011 03:41:28 MEST, Erik Nordström, Uppsala University. Erik Nordstrom 2009
This page has been visited 25817 times since 2002-11-25.