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1999-Present: Professor, Uppsala University

As the first professor on the newly instantiated chair in computer architecture, I am currently building up new activities in this area. I currently have openings for PhD students and a post-docs.

The theme of my research is: "Increasing data-processing speed through coherent data replication" , i.e.:

Some research is performed in collaboration with Sun Microsystems (article in Computer Sweden).

Other research is in collaboration with Ericsson in the PAMP project which belongs to the ARTES national research program financed by SSF

We also collaborate with many of the other groups in the IT department at Uppsala: scientific computing and computer communication .

Our work is often based on large simulation runs using the SimICS simulation technology developed by Peter Magnusson. Peter started this work on SimICS while he worked in my research group at SICS. 1998 he spun off the start-up Virtutech.

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Erik Hagersten