[9] Erik Hagersten. "Toward Scalable Cache-Only Memory Architectures." Ph.D. dissertation, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm/Swedish Institute of Computer Science, 1992.
[10] Erik Hagersten, Anders Landin and Seif Haridi. "DDM-A Cache-Only Memory Architecture." IEEE Computer. September 1992. (The original COMA paper.)
[11] Anders Landin, Erik Hagersten and Seif Haridi. "Race-Free Interconnection Networks and Multiprocessor Consistency." Proceedings of the 18th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), 1991.
[12] Erik Hagersten, Seif Haridi and David H.D.Warren. "The Cache Coherence Protocol of the Data Diffusion Machine," in M. Dubois and S. Thakkar, eds., Cache and Interconnect Architectures in Multiprocessors. Norwell, Mass.: Kluwer Academic Publisher, 1990. (Also in the Proceedings of PARLE 1989.)
[13] Erik Hagersten. "A Simulated MIMD Running G cycles Of Real Programs" in First European Workshop on Performance Modeling and Evaluation of Parallel Computer Systems, 1991.
[14] Erik Hagersten, Mats Grindal, Anders Landin, Ashley Saulsbury, Bengt Werner and Seif Haridi. "Simulating the Data Diffusion Machine." Proceedings of Parallel Architecture and Languages Europe (PARLE=EUROPAR). Best Presentation Award. Springer-Verlag, 1993.
[15] Erik Hagersten and Seif Haridi. "A Quantitative Comparison of Efficiency for Large Shared Memory Architectures." In Third Workshop on Scalable Shared Memory Multiprocessors. San Diego, 1993.
[16] Erik Hagersten, Pär Andersson, Anders Landin and Seif Haridi. "A Performance Study of the DDM - a Cache-Only Memory Architecture." Paper presented at DSA workshop on Computer Architecture, 1992.
[17] Erik Hagersten, Anders Landin and Seif Haridi. "Multiprocessor Consistency and Synchronization through Transient Cache States." In M. Dubois and S. Thakkar, eds., Scalable Shared-Memory Multiprocessors. Norwell, Mass.: Kluwer Academic Publisher, 1991.
[18] Erik Hagersten, Seif Haridi and David H.D.Warren. "The Data Diffusion Machine and its Cache Coherence Protocol," in G. Davis, R.T. Boute and B.D. Shriver, eds., Concepts and Characteristics of Declarative Systems. Budapest (TC10/WG10.1) IFIP, North-Holland, 1990.
[19] Erik Hagersten, Pär Andersson, Anders Landin and Seif Haridi. "A Performance Study of the DDM." Paper presented at the ESPRIT conference, 1991.
[20] Erik Hagersten. "Right-on-time Prefetching for Multiprocessors." Paper presented at Second Workshop on Scalable Shared-Memory Multiprocessors. Toronto, 1991. Also appears as Chapter 8 of Erik Hagersten's PhD Dissertation.