Granulometry - MATLAB Sources
Here you will find the sources for a discrete granulometry that
approximates its continuous counterpart, as presented in:
- C.L. Luengo Hendriks, G.M.P. van Kempen and L.J. van Vliet,
Improving the accuracy of isotropic granulometries,
Pattern Recognition Letters 28(7):865-872, May 2007.
These scripts are written for MATLAB with the
DIPimage toolbox.
The ZIP file below contains an M-file that implements the granulometry, as well
as a couple of M-files to reproduce our experiments:
- The function GRANULOMETRY obtains a particle size distribution.
It can be used in various ways, and can be configured to use the various
improvements to the discrete granulometry that we have proposed. The two
typical ways of calling this function are:
g0 = granulometry(img,w,1,1e4,1,1,{});
g1 = granulometry(img,w,8,32,1,4,{'usecenter'});
after setting e.g. w = 2.^((2:16)/2). The output g0 is the
granulometry sampled at locations w using sampled Euclidean disks.
g1 is computed using the optimal shift and up to 4x interpolation
so that the minimal SE size is 8.
Type help granulometry for more information on usage.
This function is part of the DIPimage toolbox (since version 1.5.1),
but has been included here for convenience (the difference between this
version and the one in release 1.5.3 is the addition of the
polarity parameter).
- DISK_ORIGIN is a script that measures the error made by
discretizing a disk. Disks of a whole bunch of sizes are generated with
their centra at different locations. We record the relative errors
made at each location (P1, P2 and P∞
errors). Note this takes quite
some time to run.
The second part of this script then produces an EPS file showing the
error for the area of a discretized disk centered at (0,0) and at the
location where this error is minimal in the mean square sense.
The third part of the script produces an EPS file showing the error
surface as a function of the location of the disk origin. The minimum
in this surface gives the ideal origin to use when discretizing a disk
of an arbitrary diameter.
- TESTIM is a script to evaluate the granulometry method for
rotation invariance. It computes the granulometry with sampled disks,
centered at (0,0) and at the optimal location (0.19,0.31), of a
sequence of 13 images that are identical except for a rotation. The
granulometry is applied with high scale sampling density on each image
after 4 different interpolation factors (1,2,4 and 8). Note this takes
many hours to compute; consider removing the 8x interpolation for a
vastly reduced computation time.
The function TESTIM_GRAPH then will generate plots that show
how interpolation and shifting the disk origin improve isotropy, and
how the scale sampling density is limited by the discretization error.
- CIRCLEACCURACY is a script that shows how interpolating
and shifting the origin improves the resolution of the granulometry.
This script compares the proposed method with other methods in the
literature (implemented in the functions GRANUL_RECT,
GRANUL_PDE). The experiment uses these various methods to
compute the granulometry of a collection of disks with diameters of
6 and 10 pixels. Only the improved method is capable of distinguishing
the two cohorts, and presents them at the proper location. An EPS file
is generated with one size distribution computed by each of the 6
Download ZIP.
Remember that the DIPimage
toolbox is required.
© 2003-2007 Cris Luengo
Last modified May 7, 2007.