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Formal Methods and Software Technology
Conferences 2011
January 2011
HiPEAC 2011
6th International Conference on High Performance Embedded Architectures & Compilers, Heaklion, Crete, January 24-2, 2011.
DAMP 2011
Workshop on
Declarative Aspects of Multicore Programming
Madrid, Spain,
Austin, Texas, January 23, 2011.
VMCAI 2011
The Twelfth International Conference on
Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation,
Austin, Texas, January 23-25, 2011.
13th International Symposium on
Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages,
Austin, Texas, January 24-25, 2011.
POPL 2010
The 38th Annual
Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages.
Austin, Texas, January 26-28, 2011.
February 2011
PDP 2011
19th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and
Network-based Processing,
Grecian Bay Hotel, Ayia Napa, Cyprus, February 9-11 2011.
PPoPP 2011
16th ACM SIGPLAN Ann. Symp. on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, Feb. 12-16, 2011. San Antonio, TX.
HPCA 2011
The 17th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture,
Feb. 12-16, 2011. San Antonio, TX.
ARCS 2011
24th International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems,
Lake Como, Italy February 22nd - 25th, 2011.
March 2011
STACS 2011
28th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science,
March 10-12, 2011, Dortmund, Germany.
ICPE 2011
2nd ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering,
Karlsruhe, Germany, March 14-16, 2011.
DATE 2011
Design, Automation, and Test in Europe,
Grenoble, France
March 14-18, 2011,
with workshop (small sample)
PPES 2011
Bringing Theory to Practice:
Predictability and Performance in Embedded Systems,
March 18.
ICST 2011
The 4th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation,
March 21-25 2011, Berlin, Germany.
ETAPS 2011
European Joint Conferences on
Theory And Practice of Software,
March 26 - April 3, 2011
Saarbruecken, Germany
CC 2011
Int. Conf. on Compiler Construction
ESOP 2011
European Symposium On Programming
FASE 2011
Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering
Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures
TACAS 2011
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems
Programming Language Approaches to Concurrency and Communication-Centric Software, April 2.
ACM Symposium on Applied Computing,
March 21-25, TaiChung, Taiwan
ISORC 2011
14th IEEE Int'l Symposium on
Object/component/service-oriented Real-time Distributed Computing, March 28-31, 2011. Newport Beach, CA, USA.
April 2011
CGO 2011
Ninth Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation
and Optimization,
April 2-6, 2011, Chamonix, France.
DEVS 2011
Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation,
April 4-9 2011. Boston Marriott Long Wharf Hotel Boston, MA. USA.
International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software,
April 10-12 2011
Austin, TX.
April 10-13, 2011, Salzburg, Austria.
Cyber Physical Systems Week,
Chicago, Illinois
April 11-14, 2011,
IPSN 2011
International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks
April 12-14,
RTAS 2011
17th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium,
April 11-14
HSCC 2010
Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control,
13th Int. Workshop,
April 12-16
CPSC 2010
Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control,
13th Int. Workshop,
San Francisco, CA.
April 13-16.
LCTES 2011
ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED Conference on Languages, Compilers
and Tools for Embedded Systems
April 12-14.
NFM 2011
Third NASA Formal Methods Symposium,
Pasadena, California, USA,
April 18 - 20, 2011.
FSEN '11
Fourth International Conference on
Fundamentals of Software Engineering,
Tehran, Iran
April 20-22 2011.
16th Annual IEEE International Conference on the
Engineering of Complex Computer Systems,
April 27th-29th, 2011,
Las Vegas, NV, USA.
May 2011
EWDC 2011
13th European Workshop on Dependable Computing,
11-12 May 2011, Pisa, Italy.
12th International Symposium
Trends in Functional Programming 2011,
Madrid, Spain,
May 16-18, 2011.
IPDPS 2011
25th IEEE International Parallel &
Distributed Processing Symposium,
May 16-20, 2011,
Anchorage (Alaska) USA
ICSE 2011
ACM/IEEE 33nd International Conf. on Software Engineering,
May 21-28, 2011
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
with workshop (small sample)
Fourth International Workshop on
Multicore Software Engineering
March 21.
RSP 2011
22nd IEEE International Symposium on
Rapid System Prototyping,
May 24-27 May, 2011
Karlsruhe, Germany.
Twenty-seventh Conference on the
Mathematical Foundations of
Programming Semantics,
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA,
25 May - 28 May 2011.
LATA 2011
5th International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications,
Tarragona, Spain, May 30 - June 3, 2011.
June 2011
PAPP 2011
Eighth International Workshop on
Practical Aspects of High-Level Parallel Programming,
June 1-3, 2011, Tsukuba, Japan.
Scala Days 2011
Stanford University, CA, June 2-3.
Federated Computing Research Conference
June 4 - 11, 2011
San Jose, CA,
including (sample)
PLDI 2011
32nd ACM SIGPLAN conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation,
June 4-8
ISCA 2011
The 38th International Symposium on Computer Architecture,
June 4-8.
STOC 2011
43rd ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing,
June 6-8.
HPDC 2011
The 20th International ACM Symposium on
High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing,
June 8-11, 2011
DAC 2011
Design Automation Conference,
San Diego, CA, June 5-10, 2011.
DisCoTec 2011
6th International Federated Conferences on
Distributed Computing Techniques,
Reykjavik, Iceland, 6-9 June 2011,
13th Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems and 20th
Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems,
June 6-8.
DAIS 2011:
11th IFIP international conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems, June 6-8
Coordination 2011:
Languages, Models, and Architectures for
Concurrent and Distributed Software,
13th International Conference,
June 6-8.
3rd ICAPS Workshop on
Verification and Validation for
Planning and Scheduling Systems,
Freiburg, Germany, June 13, 2011.
RTiS 2011
Real-Time in Sweden,
Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden,
June 13-14, 2011
ICAC 2011
8th International Conference on Autonomic Computing,
June 14-18th, 2011 Karlsruhe, Germany.
GandALF 2011
Second International Symposium on Games, Automata, Logics, and Formal Verification,
Minori, Amalfi Coast, Italy, June 15-17, 2011.
SIES 2011
6th IEEE Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems,
Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden,
June 15-17, 2011
CSIE 2011
2011 2nd World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering,
17-19 June 2011 Changchun, China
FM 2011
17th International Symposium on Formal Methods,
June 20 - 24, 2011, Limerick.
ACSD 2011
11th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design
June 20-24, 2011, Kanazawa, Japan
Petri Nets 2011
June 20-24, 2011, Kanazawa, Japan
- CompArch 2011
June 21th - 23th, 2011
Boulder, Colorado, USA, containing
- CBSE 2011
The 14th International ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on
Component Based Software Engineering,
June 21th - 23th, 2011
- LICS 2011
26th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science,
June 21-24, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
CAI 2011
4th International Conference on Algebraic Informatics,
RISC / Johannes Kepler University,
Hagenberg / Linz, Austria,
21-24 June 2011.
14th International Workshop on Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems,
June 27-28, 2011.
Schloss Rheinfels, St. Goar, Germany.
Workshop on "Mapping of Applications to MPSoCs 2011"
Rheinfels Castle, Germany, on June 28/29, 2011
SSIRI 2011
The Fifth IEEE International Conference on
Secure Software Integration and Reliability Improvement,
Jeju Island, Korea,
27-29 June, 2011.
Ershov Informatics Conference,
27 June - 1 July, 2011, Novosibirsk, Akademgorodok, Russia.
July 2011
SLE 2011
4th International Conference on Software Language Engineering,
Braga, Portugal, 3-6 July 2011.
RC 2011
3rd Workshop on Reversible Computation,
July 4th-5th, 2011, Gent, Belgium.
- HPCS 2011
The 2011 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation,
July 4 – 8, 2011,
Istanbul, Turkey.
- ICALP 2011
38th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming,
July 4-8, Zürich, Switzerland.
- SDL 2011
15th International Conference on System Design Languages of the SDL Forum Society
"Integrating system and software modeling",
5-7 July, 2011,
University of Toulouse, France.
- ECRTS 2011
23nd Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems,
Porto, Portugal, July 5-8, 2011.
- ICLP 2011
27th International Conference on Logic Programming,
Lexington, Kentucky, USA, July 6-10, 2011.
9th ACM-IEEE International Conference on Formal Methods and
Models for Codesign,
July 11-13, 2011
in Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK.
SPIN 2011
18th Int. SPIN Workshop on Model Checking of Software,
July 14-15, Snowbird, Utah, USA,
CAV 2011
23rd International Conference on Computer Aided Verification,
July 14-20, 2011,
Cliff Lodge, Snowbird, Utah, USA.
- ISSTA 2011
International Conference on Software Testing and Analysis,
Toronto, CN - July 17-21, 2011.
21th International Symposium on
Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation,
Odense, Denmark, July 18-20, 2011
6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies,
July 18 - 21, 2011,
Seville, Spain
35th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference,
Munich, Germany, July 18-22, 2011.
PPDP 2011
13th International ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on
Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming,
July 20-22, 2011, Odense, Denmark
The 23rd International Conference on Automated Deduction,
Wroclaw, Poland, July 31 - August 5, 2011.
August 2011
FCT 2011
18th Int. Symp. on Fundamentals of Computer Theory,
August 22-25, 2011, Oslo, Norway.
MFCS 2011
36th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science,
Warsaw, August 22-26, 2011.
PPPJ 2011
9th International Conference on the Principles and Practice of Programming in Java
August 24-26, 2011, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
SSV 2011
6th International Workshop on Systems Software Verification,
Real Software, Real Problems, Real Solutions,
August 26-27 2011, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
FMICS 2011
16th International Workshop on
Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems,
August 29/30, 2011, Trento, Italy
RE 2011
19th IEEE International Requiremetns Engineering Conference,
August 29-Sept 2, 2011, Trento, Italy
RTCSA 2011
The 17th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and
Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications,
August 29 to 31, 2011,
Toyama, Japan.
CALCO 2011
4th International Conference on Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science, August 29 - September 2, 2011,
Winchester, UK.
14th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design,
Architectures, Methods and Tools
Oulu, Finland, August 31 – September 2, 2011.
ParCo 2011
Parallel Computing 2011,
30 August - 2 September 2011,
Ghent, Belgium
ICTAC 2011
International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing,
31 August - 2 September 2011, Johannesburg, South Africa.
September 2011
QEST 2011
8th International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems,
September 5-8, 2011, Aachen, Germany.
- ESEC/FSE 2011
8th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and
the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering,
September 5-9, 2011,
Szeged, Hungary.
- CONCUR 2011
22nd International Conference on Concurrency Theory,
September 6-9, 2011, Aachen, Germany.
ASAP 2011
22nd IEEE International Conference on
Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors,
September 11-14, 2011,
Santa Monica, California, USA
TIME 2011
Eighteenth International Symposium on
Temporal Representation and Reasoning,
Luebeck, Germany, September 12-14, 2011
CSL 2011CSL 2011
20th Annual Conference of the
European Association for Computer Science Logic,
Bergen, Norway,
September 12-15, 2011.
CP 2011
Seventeenth International Conference on
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming,
September 12-16, 2011
Perugia, Italy.
FACS 2011
8th International Symposium on Formal Aspects of Component Software,
Oslo, Norway, September 14-16, 2011
Multicore Day 2011
Kista, Stockholm, September 15.
The 30th International Conference on Computer
Safety, Reliability and Security,
19-21 September 2011,
Naples, Italy
- ICFP 2011
The 16th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming,
Tokyo, Japan, September 19-21, 2011
with workshops (sample)
9th International Conference on
Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems,
Aalborg University, Denmark
21-23 September 2011,
6th IEEE International Symposium on Embedded Multicore SoCs
The University of Aizu, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan
September 21-23, 2011
Fifth Workshop on Formal Languages and Analysis of
Contract-Oriented Software,
Malaga, Spain, 22-23 September, 2011.
ICFP 2011
16th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming
Tokyo, Japan,
September 19-21, 2011, with workshop
KPS 2011
Kolloquium Programmiersprachen und Grundlagen der Programmierung,
Schloss Raesfeld, Münsterland
25.-28. September 2011.
JTRES 2011
9th International Workshop on Java Technologies for Real-time and Embedded Systems,
York, _UK, September 26-28, 2011.
SBMF 2011
14th Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods,
Sao Paulo, Brazil,
September 26-30, 2011
RT 2011
International Conference on Runtime Verification,
September 27 - 30, 2011
Berkeley, California, USA
5th Workshop on Reachability Problems, September 28-30, 2011, Genova, Italy.
3rd International Workshop on Software Engineering for Resilient Systems,
September 29-30, 2011,
Geneva, Switzerland.
19th International Conference on Real-Time and Network Systems,
IRCCyN, Nantes, France, September 29-30, 2011.
October 2011
International Symposium on
Applications of Graph Transformation
with Industrial Relevance,
October 4-7, 2011,
Budapest, Hungary
12th Symposium on Programming Languages and Software Tools,
October 5-7, 2011, Tallinn, Estonia
SWELL Industry Day
Västerås, Oct. 7
ICCD 2011
XXIX IEEE International Conference on Computer Design,
October 9-12, 2011,
University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Embedded Systems Week 2011
Taipei, Taiwan, October 9-14, 2011,
including (old links)
Sixth International Conference on
Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis
8th International Conference on Embedded Software
CASES 2011
International Conference on Compilers, Architecture
and Synthesis for Embedded Systems
ESTIMedia 2011
8th IEEE Workshop on Embedded Systems for Real-Time Multimedia
October 13-14.
The 13th International Workshop on Verification of
Infinite-State Systems,
October 10th, 2011 - Taipei, Taiwan.
ATVA 2011
9th International Symposium on
Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis
Taipei, Taiwan, October 11-14, 2011.
PACT 2011
International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques,
Galveston Island, Texas, USA, October 10-14, 2011
ACM/IEEE 14th International Conference on
Model Driven Engineering
Languages and Systems,
Wellington, NZ, October 16-21, 2011.
13th Real-Time Linux Workshop
October 20-22, 2011,
Prague, Czech Republic.
Portland, Oregon, October 22-27, 2011.
ICESS 2011
9th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing,
October 24-26, 2011
Melbourne, Australia
ICA3PP 2011
11th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing,
October 24-26, 2011, Melbourne, Australia
ICFEM 2011
13th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods,
25 - 28 October 2011, Durham, United Kingdom.
23rd Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory,
Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden
26 - 28 October 2011.
NordSec 2011
16th Nordic Conference in Secure IT-Systems,
26.-28. October 2011, Tallinn, Estonia
FMCAD 2011
International Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design,
University of Texas at Austin, Texas, USA,
October 30 - November 2, 2011
November 2011
ASE 2011
The 26th IEEE/ACM International Conference on
Automated Software Engineering,
November 6-10, 2011, Lawrence, Kansas, USA,
- ICTSS 2011
23rd IFIP International Conference on Testing Software and Systems,
November 7-10, 2011, Paris, France.
NeRES 2011
2nd ArtistDesign Workshop on
Networks for Real-Time Embedded Systems,
November 10-11, 2011
Porto, Portugal.
HASE 2011
13th IEEE International High Assurance Systems Engineering Symposium
Boca Raton, Florida, U.S.A. November 10-12
ISSRE 2011
22nd IEEE Int. Symp. on Software Reliability Engineering,
November 14-17, 2011
Tokyo, Japan
SEFM 2011
The 9th International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods,
14-18 November 2011,
Montevideo, Uruguay.
The 8th IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems,
Changsha, China, November 16-18, 2011.
MCC 2011
4th Swedish Workshop on Multi-Core Computing,
Linköping, Sweden, November 23-25, 2011
International Open Workshop on Synchronous Programming,
28th November to 2nd December, 2011.
Le Bois-du-Lys
RTSS 2011
32nd IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium,
November 29 - December 2, 2011,
Vienna, Austria.
December 2011
APLAS 2011
The 9th Asian Symposium on
Programming Languages and Systems,
Kenting, Taiwan
December 5-7, 2011
CPP 2011
Certified Programs and Proofs,
Kenting, Taiwan
December 7--9, 2011
Foundations of Software Technology and
Theoretical Computer Science,
December 12 to 14, 2011, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India.
15th International Conference On Principles Of Distributed Systems
December 13-16 2011 -- Toulouse, France